my goal is to be kindhearted, have soft hair, and always smell like flowers. 

Really in the mood for a long drive with no real destination.

being close to someone for so long and then not is something that will never not hurt

one thing I’ve started doing recently is: taking pictures of very ordinary things. I’ve spent years taking pictures of amazing moments, incredible adventures with friends, skies that looks like painting and stuff I feel grateful I’ve had the chance to experience with my own eyes. but do you have a pictures of the street you live in? the front of the house you’ve been living most of your life? I don’t have a single picture of my mom’s old red car, the one she used to bring me to school every day (and that our cat sneaked in to gave birth to three kitties on the backseat of it) I don’t have pictures of my old bedroom with the lovely lilac walls. I don’t have even a single picture of the jumper I’ve worn so many times I had to throw it away because it was ruined. not a picture of our pink front door that once my dad painted “just because why not”, and my sister’s lovely dollhouse. I am sorry for that - I’ve spent so many time looking for the “extraordinary things” forgetting all the rest

im always sleepy but i never sleep

Północ to magiczny czas. O północy chcesz jeść, masz dość jedzenia, chcesz spać i pójść na imprezę. O północy ludziom odpierdala - wyznają sobie miłość, zrywają kontakty, pieprzą się lub pieprzą o czymś

"Rzeczy których chcesz, przychodzą zawsze, tylko z lekkim opóźnieniem, zawsze trochę później, zawsze lekko niekompletne. Tak samo dzieje się z rzeczami, których bardzo nie chcesz. A czasami, czasami rzeczy, których bardzo chciałaś, przychodzą za późno, wtedy, gdy już ich kompletnie nie chcesz.

I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time. What I find interesting is the way people look when they are lost in thought, when their face becomes angry or serious, when they bite their lip, the way they glance, the way they look down when they walk, when they are alone and smoking a cigarette, when they smirk, the way they half smile, the way they try and hold back tears, the way when their face says they want to say something but can’t, the way they look at someone they want or love… I love the way people look when they do these things. It’s… beautiful

"Spojrzenie nieraz jest długą rozmową”

To, że ktoś chce zerwać z kimś kontakt na jakiś czas nie znaczy, że ten ktoś jest dla niego nikim. Czasami jest tak, że znaczy dla niego za dużo, a on nie może sobie z tym poradzić.

"Wszyscy jesteśmy piękni i wyjątkowi

Czasami tylko zagubieni i nieświadomi”

sometimes when you look at me a certain way, I know you’re saying “I love you.” And since I know calling this love makes you a little skittish, I have to try so hard to not say “I know you do” out loud. But, I know you do.

date a girl who is excited to meet your dog.

do I miss someone? Sure I do. I miss times and good moments with certain ppl but I try not to miss a human. It can break your heart.

I fell in love with their soul before I got to touch their skin. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.

dating someone shouldn’t exhaust you

dating someone shouldn’t be painful or upsetting

if you’re dating someone and you feel this way then something probably isn’t quite right ok. please take care of yourself

I właśnie tego się bałam, że pod ciepłą kołdrą będę drżeć z zimna.

I want to go on a roadtrip. I want to sleep in crappy motels. I want to sing along to happy songs while driving. I want to watch the sun rise in a different city every morning. I want to take pictures of new places. I just want to go.

Wszedłem właśnie do łóżka. 
I doszedłem do wniosku, że czegoś mi brakuje. Brakuje mi Ciebie.
self-destruction doesn’t always look like taking too many pills or cutting your skin open. sometimes it’s drinking coffee when you know caffeine gives you panic attacks. sometimes it’s crossing the street without looking both ways. sometimes it’s showering with the water a little too hot. sometimes it’s avoiding eye contact with your reflection in the mirror or ridiculing your problems rather than addressing them. sometimes it’s walking out without sunscreen in scorching heat and not wearing enough when it’s freezing out. self destruction isn’t always physical mutilation, mostly it’s masked as little things so never assume what someone may be going through just bc they don’t show you visible signs of suffering.

Wszyscy wracają kiedyś do miejsc, z których chcieli uciec

Concept: you leave me your tshirts to sleep in after staying the weekend and write me affectionate notes that you leave around the house. Life is good, we are happy and I am yours