“Keep reminding yourself. If it is supposed to happen, it will.” //The purest form of love, I think, is having someone who wants to learn about you, from you and with you. // You have to be willing to lose in order to win. In love. In life. In everything you’ll ever do.

“And one day the girl with the books became the woman writing them.”
— Kristen Costello

i wish i met some people a little earlier, some a little later & some never at all.

It might take a year,
it might take a day.
But what’s meant to be
will always find its way.

You ever stopped and thought, “Wow, I prayed for this. It’s here. It’s happening.”

if you remember that life is fluid you’ll never feel stuck. nothing is the end all or your only option. when something ends it’s your time to start something new. it doesn’t matter how often doors close if you’re always moving forward. don’t dwell or try to open those old doors. the more you keep moving, the more you’ll see life is working in your favor.

“You need people in your life that are further along than you, people that are more experienced, people that are out of your league. You need to be exposed to new levels so that you can go to new levels

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.”

life gets a whooooole lot more beautiful once you start living for yourself and accept the fact that you can’t please everyone 

 Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. 

“Jasmin Le Bon in “Chic in Città” by Vanni Burkhart for Marie Claire Italia, October 1987
Weekly Reminders:
You get what you think about, and what you work towards.
Distracts should be avoided through self-discipline.
What works for you doesn’t work for everyone else.
Forgive yourself and keep it moving.
Always take time to self-reflect. If you don’t like where you are, start planning where you want to be.

emotional intellect is easily the most downright attractive thing in a human

don’t ever beg for a friendship or relationship with anyone. if you don’t receive the same effort you give… lose that contact 

miniony rok nauczył mnie jednej rzeczy - o przyjaźniach i relacjach z ludźmi:
once someone shows you who they are, believe them…. THE FIRST TIME.

“If you inherently long for something, become it first. If you want gardens, become the gardener. If you want love, embody love. If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. If you want peace, exude calmness. If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. If you want to be valued, respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch.”

“I don’t need to get revenge on anybody. What happened, happened. It’s over. It’s time for me to get back to my life and continue to improve as a person.”

You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess.

self care is creating a life you don’t routinely have to escape from

Small, intimate shit really does a lot

At a certain age, you gotta start thinking long term.

Stop begging somebody to act right, if they truly valued you..they would do it automatically..

it’s hard, I know, but imagine the feeling of finally reaching that goal

Don’t let someone’s opinion deter you from anything. Most people are temporary and so are their words

“When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.”

‪Honest, raw, real communication changes everything. Get it out. Unburden yourself. Say what you feel.‬

Talking to you, laughing with you, being with you, changes my whole mood.

When you trust in yourself and your journey everything feels calm, it’s the doubt that creates chaos. ‬

If I connect with you, anything I do for you isn’t a favor, It’s out of love. Just look out for me when it’s time.

‪So many of the previously hidden and blocked puzzle pieces are shifting today. We are grounding into new timelines. Get ready for a big acceleration forward

it takes just as much time to gossip as it does to say something nice. it takes just as much time to complain as it does to be grateful. it takes just as much time to judge others as it does to be kind and helpful. what you put out will come back to you in return. do not think that it will skip over you. spend your time wisely and you will be repaid greatly. spend your time being judgmental and cruel and you will find yourself always in drama and negative situations. it is all up to you.

How to be Yourself

1. First, and most important, see yourself as a valuable, likeable and worthwhile person – someone who is worth knowing and loving. If you find that hard, then you are likely believing lies about yourself. (And that may be something you want to explore, and work through with, a counsellor.)
2. Recognise that your thoughts, ideas, views and beliefs are as important as anybody else’s. You are your own person. You are not just a clone of somebody else. What you think is worth hearing – and you don’t have to apologise or change your views in order to please, or be acceptable to, others.
3. Stay away from people who are trying to change you, or who want you to think and act as they do. Don’t allow yourself and your personality to be swamped or dominated by others.
4. Surround with people who encourage you to be yourself, accept you as you are, and bring out the best in you.
5. Resist the urge to emulate or copy people you admire. At the end of the day “they are them and you are you”. That’s the way it should be. Each of us is unique. The world is a richer place by you expressing who you are in your own way.
6. Don’t compare yourself with others. We each have different experiences, and are evolving in our own way, at our own pace. There’s no one formula or recipe for becoming or being. Trust your intuition, and follow your own path.

 You’re always gonna be unfolding! You’re never gonna get to the place where it’s all manifested. Looking for life the way most people are looking for it can never bring you satisfaction. Because you’re expanding so much more rapidly than you even know. So if we can convince you that what you’re looking for is the satisfaction factor, and it’s moment by moment by moment by moment by moment… 

Do not contradict yourself. If you believe anything is possible, then you should also believe that you can become massively successful. If you know that you create your own reality, then you should also know that you can create a spectacular one for yourself with ease. The question is, what can you do to begin?

i need my space unless youre the right person then dont go anywhere

“It’s not exactly love at first sight. It is more like soul recognition.”

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.”

If he wanted to talk to you he would find a way. If he wanted to see you he would see you. If he loved you then he’d showit. Stop making excuses or falling for his. You’re just wasting your time and deep down you know it. 

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

You don’t realise how bad some people’s vibes are until they’re not around and you feel free

‪Honest, raw, real communication changes everything. Get it out. Unburden yourself. Say what you feel.‬

If I connect with you, anything I do for you isn’t a favor, It’s out of love. Just look out for me when it’s time.

Try not to worry about how you are perceived. If you are authentically you, the right energy at the right time comes.

“She knew the power of her mind so she programmed it for success.”

It has to be passionate or I don’t want it.

“Don’t wait for approval. Not everyone will understand your vision. You just need to believe in yourself, remain positive and go get it done.”
it is actually really sweet when someone stays up late to talk to you

i love the part of growth that allows you to look back on a previous period of your life and recognize that parts of it were unhealthy. something that felt so normal wasn’t in hindsight. you’re not supposed to feel that tired all the time. you’re not supposed to be treated like that.

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
— Swami Sivanada

“Had I told the sea what I felt for you, it would have left its shores, its shells, its fish, and followed me.”


Don’t try to be something for everyone. Just be everything for someone 

“A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.”

“What I want is for the two of us to meet somewhere by chance one day, like, passing on the street, or getting on the same bus.”

good things are on the way. Just hold on a little bit longer. Keep putting in the work

The only person you need to succeed for is yourself. You have nothing to prove to anyone. You make the rules. You set the goals.

 You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. 

I could write about this for days! It’s so important to remember that it’s all a learning process. Nothing works overnight but with practice, you’ll get there. As someone with bd and a few other mental illnesses I know it’s easier said than done. However, it’s important for you mental health that you improve your thoughts you know? As I always say, seek professional help if you can. 
  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Don’t use social media first thing in the morning, or right before bed.
  • Talking shit about others just shows how insecure you are. Try saying nice things instead.
  • Always speak kindly to yourself, about yourself. Never say mean things about yourself.
  • Create the life you want! Instead of only wishing for it go after it. What do you have to lose? 
  • Don’t validate who you are with the opinions or thoughts of others. 
  • Treat your body and mind well. 
  • Daily affirmations. It only takes 2 mins to say, “I love you, I love you, (your name). Life loves me. I am capable. I am worth it. Today is the very best day. Money flows to me. I am intelligent. I am worth loving. I love you, I love, (your name here).” x3-5 times

no two people have the same starting place. some of us have a tougher start and that’s okay. always remember that certain hardships will make you stronger. yes it’s nice to not have problems, but having issues doesn’t make you less human. you’re one of a kind. you’ll get to where you want to be in life. stop comparing your life and start living for yourself.

It’s hard to change your life for the better, when you hang around people who weigh you down.

Wow it’s true what they say that life works in your favor more when you keep shit to yourself. This includes family and friends as well. You never know who’s putting that negative energy on you. And for the love of everything do not share your manifestations publicly on the internet.

“Do not lose hope. Please believe that there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you.”

believe people when they show you their true colors. if they treat you like trash, it’s because they think you deserve that or because they know you’ll put up with it. you don’t and you don’t have to. stop making excuses for them. stop excusing their shitty behavior. they aren’t worth hours of mental gymnastics. a good person would treat you decently. it really is that simple. i promise.

“I learn a good deal by merely observing you, And letting you talk as long as you please, And taking note of what you do not say.”
 hearing genuine laughter from the people you love is the most healing sound

The most powerful thing you can do right now is to be patient while things are unfolding for you.

please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period. don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. if/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. but there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better. while it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are now and it’s your now that determines your future.

Steps to Letting go of Painful Memories

Experiences can leave us with some painful memories. They tie us to the past and prevent us moving on. And the only way to freedom is to work on letting go – so these memories don’t haunt us or keep us trapped in pain. Below are some guidelines to help you work on this.
1. Before you can let go, you must face whatever happened and accept that it is part of your past experiences. Suppression doesn’t work as a long-term solution. It can only be a band aid that brings temporary relief. Talk to someone you trust, or write about it in your journal. You need to share what has happened, in order to move on.
2. Identify the lessons you have learned from what has happened. There’s always a lesson – so look for what you’ve learned. It doesn’t make it better – but it does lessen its power.
3. Write the lesson down on a piece of paper and repeat it to yourself when you’re hit by painful memories. For example, if you’ve been scarred by abuse, then you might write something like: “My experience of abuse does not determine who I am. I’m a stronger person now, and that is not my destiny. I’m choosing my own future, and the person I will be.”
4. Repeat this mantra often so it takes root in your mind. Allow it to be stronger than the bad experience. Say it often – till you mean it– then you’ll start to feel you’re freer. Persevere and keep on fighting when the old memories return.
5. Seek to be a person who’s a peace with themselves. When peace is your focus, old thoughts and memories have much less power over how you think and feel. However, seeking after peace must be a conscious, constant choice.
6. When the past tries to intrude focus firmly on the present. Ground yourself in what’s happening around you in the room, and try to breathe deeply - and deliberately relax. You are here in this moment; you’re not living in the past.
7. Forgive – for your own sake. Try to heal from what happened – then let resentments go. You don’t want them in your life for they’ll just tie you to the past. You may need some help with this – but it is worth the daily struggle. It is a powerful tool for moving forward, and being free.

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

Happy people value and choose:
1. Love over Fear: People, who are really happy, fear less and love a lot more. They see each moment, each challenge, each person as an opportunity to discover more about themselves and the world around them.
2. Acceptance over Resistance: Happy people understand that you can’t really change a situation by resisting it. When something unpleasant happens to them, they don’t try to fight it. Instead, they ask themselves questions like: What can I learn from this? How can I make this better?
3. Forgiveness over Unforgiveness: Really happy people know that it’s not healthy to hold on to anger. They choose to forgive and forget, understanding that forgiveness is a gift they give themselves.
4. Trust over Mistrust: They trust themselves and they can figure out who is trustworthy – and who they should avoid.
5. Meaning over Ambition: They do the things they do because of the meaning it brings into their lives and because they get a sense of purpose by doing so. They’re not driven by the need to gain approval from others.
6. Challenges over Obstacles: Happy people see problems as challenges, and as opportunities to explore new ways of doing things.
7. Selflessness over Selfishness: Happy people look for ways to give and to share the best of themselves, and to make other people happy if they can.
8. Kindness over Harshness: They are kind to themselves and others and they understand the power of self-love, self-forgiveness and self-acceptance.
9. Gratitude over Ingratitude: No matter where they look, no matter where they are or with who, happy people have the capacity to see beauty where many would only see ugliness – and they’re quick to express their gratitude, as well.
10. Being Present over Being Disengaged: Happy people know how to live in the present moment, appreciating what they have and where they are. 11. Positivity over Negativity: No matter what happens to them, happy people always seem to adopt and maintain a positive, and upbeat, perspective.
12. Taking Responsibility over Blaming: Happy people take full ownership of their lives. They choose to keep their power and take responsibility for everything that happens to them.

 Every thought we think is creating our future. 

 Success isn’t something that occurs. Success is something that you create. 

I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. 

 If you take any step, no matter how small it is, towards achieving your dreams then you will surely find the right path and reach the abundance that lies in store for you. 
Steven Richards

you know how the ocean always finds the shore? that’s how i know i’ll always find you

fall in love with someone who looks at you the same way your dog does when you get home

Stop thinking that others are better than you. Nobody is better than you.
Sure, people have different strengths, but overall we are all equally amazing.

Don’t just imagine or dream of the person you want to become. Make it happen. Even if you do a little bit at a time you’re still moving forward. Going slow beats not doing anything at all.

Waking up and working towards my goals has completely shifted my energy. I cannot believe when I started this blog I was thinking I should end my life. Or that I should just give up because I can’t get it right. I have finally come to terms with my BPD and I’ve accepted that it will always be harder for me, but it will be worth it in the end. I think some of the worst parts of my disorder (like not keeping a job for long) are also some of the reasons I’m going to succeed. My disorder always leaves my brain wanting more and having to do more. I can’t fight who I am. I am so blessed to have love in my life. I’m so blessed to be working towards a dream with my best friend! I am so full of love right now. I needed to make this post for memories on days my disorder gets the best of me.

once you attract something, you want keep it all up by doing acts of kindness and being grateful. every night i say to myself what i am grateful for from that day. i usually end up smiling and feeling warm inside, because positive emotion raises your vibration. always try to give just as much as you receive if not more. by the way this isn’t always material giving. say something nice or do a chore for a loved one. do it with love, not just because you want to attract more. before you know it gifts will continue to flow into your life from source energy. this also helps with keeping a positive attitude no matter how the day goes. you’ll always find something to be grateful for, and you will always have the wonderful feeling of helping/giving to someone else. ✨

i am the creator of my own universe. i can have anything i manifest if i believe i deserve it.

waking up and having a clear goal to work towards every single day feels so good. i love waking up and planning and creating.

stop judging women on how they handle their husband cheating. stop calling them courageous and a good wife for forgiving their husband, or demonising them for being hurt. stop excusing a husband’s cheating as a small misstep. stop romanticising infidelity as a common struggle all couples must face in order to grow stronger

a fresh cup of mint tea, the sound of a xylophone, labrador puppies, the warmth of the sun at 5pm, two women holding hands, laying in uncut grass, watching the sky turn pink, the smell of the person you love, clear sea water, journalling about happy memories, forehead kisses, the first day of summer, dimples, small palm trees, comfortable silence.

soulmates are real and yours is dying to meet you

love unites, allows, creates, shows, ensures, saves, flows, enables, breathes, sings, safeguards, embraces, heals & elevates

one day you’ll have fresh flowers in your hair, skin soft as silk and walk the beach hand in hand with the love of your life. you’ll then remember how all the sadness was worth it

Darling, I have written so much about you that I can’t tell where you begin and my dreams end anymore.
