I barely know you,
but yet I feel deeply connected to you.
I never had you,
but yet I feel so lonely without you. "

I swore I will stay, but I am scared that you will leave,
and I will end up even sadder than I was before
you wait for him to call you
and he never does
and you jump off the skyscrapers
you didn’t realize you had in your heart.
you wait for him to call you
and he never does
and you jump off the skyscrapers
you didn’t realize you had in your heart.
and it’s tragic the way my
heart just aches,
for someone that will
probably soon walk away.
and maybe i’m not enough
because lately i just,
never know what to say.
I notice everything. And by everything, I literally mean everything.

I am tired of missing you.
I am tired of
telling you I miss you.
I am tired of
telling you I miss you.
I hate telling you, I miss you.
No words have
rung more true — but what
I need is
No words have
rung more true — but what
I need is
The horrible moment when you can feel someone losing interest in you
how can people suddenly stop needing each other?
remind me why
i love you
you can’t forgive what you can’t forget
Sometimes I read the messages you send me over and over. I love you.
Do I have to spell it out for you or scream it in your face?
If the sun were to explode,
you wouldn’t even know about it
for eight minutes
you wouldn’t even know about it
for eight minutes
And nothing in the world
gives me a heavier heart
than knowing I wouldn’t be able to reach you
before the world went dark.gives me a heavier heart
than knowing I wouldn’t be able to reach you
I wrote about people
who weren’t so far away

I sincerely miss you
every hour of my life.
and I say it, not to remind you,
but to remind myself
that without you,
I can still feel anything at all.
And you will still keep loving
everyone else,
even if you don’t love me
at all
if you were mine
- I could let myself
picture a life that
I would never want to
leave behind
i wonder if you are
looking at the stars
tonight — and know
i am counting them
— waiting for you
to come back
Some people spend their whole lives trying to figure out what makes them happy. I always wonder, will I live long enough to find out exactly what that is for me?
All the life leaves my
body — when I am
left waiting for you
body — when I am
left waiting for you
to find me.
In France, carnations are funeral flowers. That’s why I always thought it was funny that the Student Government sold them and delivered them to lucky boys and girls on Valentine’s Day. Mostly it was funny because I rarely ever got one.
I always wished there was something like that on Valentine’s Day for here, on tumblr—a group of nerdy teenagers handing out flowers to all the cool kids.
So, we made Your Carnation Valentine.You have four ways to get involved:We will start posting Valentine’s starting TOMORROW and post them until Valentine’s Day1. We track the tag #carnationvalentine (as well as some others) and reblog posts. You can even participate if you run a reblog blog, you can nominate a post—just tag your reblogged posts #carnationvalentine.2. You can submit your Valentines to be posted on the page via Submit or as an Ask. We will try and post all of them. They don’t have to be perfect, or well written, just kind and loving. A simple “Dear X You’re the best, Happy Valentines day!” is enough to get posted. Anonymous messages are open for now. IF in the future there are too many we will address that when it comes to it.3. Special: For the first 500 people who ask, we will send your Valentine a private message from you to them. Yup, you can have us “hand” deliver your Carnation in private. Just make sure to mark your ask/submit as a private delivery. We can send all messages anonymously (never mention your name when we send it) but will NOT send a message FOR anyone who is anonymous—meaning if you submit an anonymous ask to us for delivery, we will not send it. Sorry! We will keep your identity private and will never reveal to your Valentine who you are.(We can only send messages if your Valentine has their ask/submit box open and we might have to limit these to the ask limit, we’ll let you know!)4. Want to hand out or pick Valentine’s? Let me know and I’ll let you know if we need anymore hands!Please remember: You don’t have to be the Next Great American Writer to tell someone how you feel. All you have to have is a heart.This is about love.Share some of it with someone on tumblr you care about.P.S. We will not post mean asks/submissions, so don’t even try it. I will also consider publicly shaming anyone who submits one.
Do it guys!!!!!!!!!!! I’m part of this fabulous team. <3
my head aches
so does my
even my
breasts ache
and my back
i want you to
touch me
until i feel
until i fall
asleep in
your arms
so does my
even my
breasts ache
and my back
i want you to
touch me
until i feel
until i fall
asleep in
your arms
- Jazzy's friend: what are you going to eat for lunch?
- Jazzy: A bottle of Naproxen.
Never wear ankle socks with uggs. They slip off inside of your shoes, every 20 minutes.
Fuck you, socks.
I don’t want to
be human anymore —
be human anymore —
is it okay if I turn
into dust?
into dust?
Some people spend their whole lives trying to figure out what makes them happy. I always wonder, will I live long enough to find out exactly what that is for me?
• new brai
• new heart • new feelings
• new wants and desires
new ankles because mine are fat
we both know,
you know
I wish I was.
I’ve realized that all battles are worth fighting
there are just so many
that aren’t worth
losing the limb
there are just so many
that aren’t worth
losing the limb
I think about distance so much it’s almost caught up with how much I think about you.
You’re never around. And I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m blaming you. I’ve got no one else to blame but the ground we all walk on.
I’ve figured out that it’s okay to hate someone for no reason at all. And it’s alright to love someone who gives you every reason not to.
I wish you could be taught how to stop missing someone. Because I’d gladly take notes. Listening to every word of how to walk away from someone you can’t stop loving.
We’ve done awful things. We tore each other apart limb by limb. We stitched our scars together and made something too terrible to fix. And I thought I was done being upset about it. I told myself that I had crossed that bridge and burnt it behind me. But every now and then the wind blows the ashes right back home. And every time I wish you’d show up too.
Its so quiet without you around.
I represent the definition of false hope and its curled into my skin and falls off my split ends and washes down my skin when it rains as I sit alone and wish you were here.
You’d think that living at the same time would be enough.
To think that both of us breathe the same air, and wait on the same clock, and occasionally sleep away the world and our dreams overlap. I read somewhere that if you can’t sleep it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.
Maybe that’s why you’re always awake.
How can you sleep while you’re waiting on me?It would be so easy to let the wind take you, subject your lost love to the trash can, the delete button, an unforgiving flame. It could be so simple. Throw you away, sever the heartstrings, tie them up onto different things. Maybe I could tie myself to something that wouldn’t make me so heavy.
You’re so far away and you keep getting farther. You haven’t even moved but I can’t even reach you anymore.
All I want to do is know you’re close.
I worry about you so much it’s irrational.
And for the rest of my life I’ll be picking up your pieces and bringing them home.
I worry about you so much, I’ve ran out of ways to be scared.
I promised myself that I had forgiven you.
but I can’t forgive someone
who made me believe
I was the one who needed forgiveness.
If you’re reading this, I want you to know that for a long time you were my stars. You were the sky and the sea and the city streets. But now I’m alone, looking up at the sky, looking for you. But you’re long gone.
I can blame you, and I can blame myself.
But I mostly just blame suburban light pollution.
If it’s loud enough I won’t hear you calling.
You don’t call anyway.
If you did I’d be too scared to pick up.
sure your scars may be scars
if you let them hurt
if you let them burn
if you let them burn
your scars are only scars if you let them control your skin
if they glow in the dark, if they live by the moon
unless you let them be anything less than trophies won from past wars
unless you let them be anything less than trophies won from past wars
you see your scars are only scars if you let them back in
I promise you I never wrote one false word
not one single letter was foul play
and I find it incredibly hard to believe the same about you
I often wonder when I’ll stop missing you
I always had a
thing for boys
with green eyes
thing for boys
with green eyes
my mother
forgot to tell me
they can’t
be trusted
forgot to tell me
they can’t
be trusted
Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.
I don’t understand how I’ve survived this long.
you know that feeling
when you’re lonely
but not alone?
you aren’t exactly sad
but you’re not happy
you miss someone but you’re
kind of glad they aren’t
around because you need some
your body hurts but at the
same time the aching feels
your heart is torn wide
open and you’d rather let it
bleed than allow anyone
to sow it shut?
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