"Some people are just born human, the rest of us, we take a lifetime to get there

"I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you."

"Love, the deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don’t."

"Her heart was made of liquid sunsets."

Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs.

You will fall in love with someone who’s cold and always seemingly pushing you away. When all is said and done, they will be forever known as the one person you couldn’t get to love you. Unfortunately, it will hurt and sting worse than the good ones, the ones that chopped up your meat for you and picked out an eyelash from your eye and were nice to your mother, because love often feels like a game we need to win. And when we lose, when we realize we couldn’t get what we ultimately desired from a person, it makes us feel like a failure and erases all the memories of those who loved us in the past.

Millions of people have decided not to be sensitive. They have grown thick skins around themselves just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it is at great cost. Nobody can hurt them, but nobody can make them happy either.

I send out rain
to follow you,

"The last time I wanted time to end
I fell in love with you instead”

I have forgiven mistakes that were indeed almost unforgivable. I’ve tried to replace people who were irreplaceable and tried to forget those who were unforgettable.

“What you’re scared of has always been what moved you.”

"There are still days you can catch me
tape recording eternal silence
and playing it backwards for an empty room”

"By no longer being

you’ve made it easier for me to leave the world.”

"Something in each of us is waiting
to see if we can survive,

"a silence that almost had a scent”

"i don’t remember who
i was before we met
and now that you’re
gone where am i?
somewhere else
where there’s no
one like you and
the me i used to
be is equally

We didn’t have it when we needed it, but got it once we didn’t.

-It’s what I’d like to undo that keeps me up at night. 

-If you are not part of the problem, you will be. 

"There are silences harder to take back than words."

"Truth is
we all lie to find out who loves us”

I know
I didn’t have to learn to love you”

Look until you can look
at anything.
Look at anything
long enough to love it.”

"If only making love did not
also make loss.”

"Yet I lost my life without death”

Please don’t let me love you
that horrible way.

What is your favorite word?”
“And. It is so hopeful.”

"But I didn’t understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly he would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair."

"I don’t want to fall in love with you. It would be too big  memory."

"Whatever we say
we know there is another
language under this one”

"How can you hide from what never goes away?"

There is only one heart in my body, have mercy
on me

‘If I were the moon, I know where I would fall down.’

"I want to belong to you, like a name. I want to be a thing people have to know to know you.

I saw a building with a thousand floors,
A thousand windows and a thousand doors:
Not one of them was ours, my dear

"Let the people who never find true love
keep saying that there’s no such thing.
Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.”

"like a million flowers on fire”

I’m too small in the world, yet not small enough
to be simply in your presence, like a thing—
just as it is.

If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.

"how is it now between us?
love? love is far too
tattered a word”

And even sadness was the privilege of the rich, of those who could afford it, of those who had nothing better to do. Sadness was a luxury."

I’ll just bleed so the stars can have something dark

where breath ends, air starts.

"I couldn’t touch you without ruining you, so I didn’t touch you at all.

"Don’t worry,  I won’t commit suicide and I won’t burn a thing.
Because from now on, for you, I’ll be searching for those moments of always within a never.
Beauty, in this world."

"Tell me what’s the difference
between hope and waiting
because my heart doesn’t know
It constantly cuts itself on the glass of waiting
It constantly gets lost in the fog of hope

It was the kind where you keep
telling yourself, This won’t kill me
and if it does, then I won’t know it, I’ll be dead.

That made it go away for a while,
though you can’t ever forget it: it’s the voice
under the voice of every casual word.”

"I want to erase your footprints
from my walls.

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