Teach me how to gracefully let go of things not meant for me.

a beekeeper but he only keeps one bee

 But why, why, why can’t people just say what they mean?   " 
Graeme Simsion, The Rosie Project

My last brain cell is heart shaped

"   And you became like the coffee,
In the deliciousness, and the bitterness and the addiction.   " 
Mahmoud Darwish

I wept because I had no shoes, 
until I met a man who had no feet.   " 

 I am not fragile like a flower; 
I am fragile like a bomb. 

read interesting books. listen to beautiful lyrics and melodies. write your own stories. go to concerts, parks and museums. study hard. take care of yourself. stay hydrated. learn to appreciate the little things. travel. learn a language. remind your friends that you’re there for them. be kind, and feel.

I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.   " 
Helena Bonham Carter 

I imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, that they will be forced to deal with pain.
James Baldwin, from “Notes of a Native Son

“The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.”
—Walter Benjamin


“To keep & be kept. The way a field turns its secrets into peonies. The way light keeps its shadow by swallowing it.”

“op. i — hello, june

It is not that the meaning cannot be explained. But there are certain meanings that are lost forever the moment they are explained in words.”
— Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

American literature:  Does success have meaning?
French literature:  Does love have meaning?
Russian literature:  Does suffering have meaning?
German literature:  No.

I suck at keeping in contact with people even if I like them.

“The world is full of abandoned meanings.”

*refuses to look at texts* I love conversation and communication

“There are too many ways to drown even if you don’t want to drown.”
— Charles Bukowski

All I want is a clear mind and a happy heart.

- Octavio Paz, from ‘Letter of Testimony’,

im not being funny but artistry will save your life. music, painting, pottery, writing, carving, weaving, the act of creating will save you.

Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky.

Kahlil Gibran

Time always exposes what you mean to someone.


ask for simplicity and tranquility and effortless communication and this universe is giving me paranoia and confusion and annoying messiness and I simply do not approve of this total idiotic chaos at all

I came home. I enjoyed my bath. I enjoyed perfuming myself. I knew I was born for this, to do it over and over again, the ritual of the dressing, the perfuming for love, for sensuality. I enjoyed everything sensually,”

— Anaïs Nin, from a diary entry featured in Mirages: The Unexpurgated

“May something comfort you— a mockingbird, a breeze, rain on the roof, Chopin’s Nocturnes, a kiss.”

— Ellen Bass, from Insomnia

Your voice sounds completely different in different languages. It alters your personality somehow. I don’t think people get the same feeling from you. The rhythm changes. Because the rhythm of the language is different, it changes your inner rhythm and that changes how you process everything.When I hear myself speak French, I look at myself differently. Certain aspects will feel closer to the way I feel or the way I am and others won’t. I like that—to tour different sides of yourself. I often find when looking at people who are comfortable in many languages, they’re more comfortable talking about emotional stuff in a certain language or political stuff in another and that’s really interesting, how people relate to those languages.”

– François Arnaud, for Interview Magazin

i hope you find someone

who always chooses you

and if you don’t

i hope you always choose yourself

deep conversations and wine

“Katie Davis

“IG: iliridakrasniqi

talking about love and being about love are two vastly different levels of understanding and embodiment, for the simple fact that love can never be adequately contained in or expressed by language – love is contained in action, in loving-action, and to attempt to capture love in language only is to immobilize it, to freeze it, to stunt it; to talk and talk and talk about love without practicing it is to not know anything about love at all – to not love at all
a week or two ago, one of my favourite professors briefly told us about a Zen Buddhist kōan* about “a finger pointing at the moon” – i.e., when I point toward the moon, U aren’t meant to look at my finger! U are meant to look toward the moon! n matter how long U stare at the finger, U will never see the moon, n U will never understand anything about it
and this is what talk about love should be – it should direct us toward love; it is not love in and of itself, and we should never mistake it as such, we should never stop at it, and we should never be satisfied by our ability to talk about it – we must turn toward the moon; toward love itself

Don’t look away. Look straight at everything. Look it all in the eye, good and bad.


that first sip of coffee though

“PORTER Magazine.

“Quentin Simon

I do not even need to look at you to see you.
But I do look.
Mary Szybist, from “To You Again

“In order to be free you simply have to be so, without asking permission of anybody. You have to have your own hypothesis about what you are called to do, and follow it, not giving in to circumstances or complying with them. But that sort of freedom demands powerful inner resources, a high degree of self-awareness, a consciousness of your responsibility to yourself and therefore to other people.”

i love when women realize they not asking for too much

My idea of success, he said, is personal freedom.
Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth

Don’t wanna get “putting myself first” confused w running away from people or opportunities that challenge me to grow in unexpected ways and I also don’t wanna confuse learning to be more patient/kind with compromising my needs/desires to satisfy others lol u know how it goes
and as always my answer was to just trust trust trust myself, lean towards what’s genuine, have some faith that i know how to find my own peace

   Sans savoir où, nous nous laissions porter.
Devant nous s'écartaient des mirages,
Construites par miracle, des cités;
A nos pieds se couchait la marjolaine,
L'oiseau suivait nos randonnées lointaines
Et les poissons remontaient le courant,
S'ouvraient pour nous les célestes espaces…   " 
Arseni Tarkovski, Poèmes, “Premiers rendez-vous” 

“ inside/outside piazza Grazioli
Rome, 2018

It’s like drinking fine wine. Once you taste it you just can’t go back to regular wine.



“Beautiful wedding dress

“Ethan Gulley

“Saturday morning, and I am at the old game of catching time between my fingers as it is running, forever running, away.”
— Sylvia Plath, from a journal entry featured in “The Unabridged Journals,”

Deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.”
— Julia Quinn

“The great artist Michelangelo claimed that his sculptures were already present in the stone, and all he had to do was carve away everything else. Our understanding of identity is often similar: Beneath the many layers of shoulds and shouldn’ts that cover us, there lies a constant, single, true self that is just waiting to be discovered.”
— Sheena Iyengar, The Art of Choosing


Très vite vous vous abandonnez, vous ne la cherchez plus, ni dans la ville, ni dans la nuit, ni dans le jour.
Ainsi cependant vous avez pu vivre de cet amour de la seule façon qui puisse se faire pour vous, en le perdant avant qu'il ne soit advenu.   " 
Marguerite Duras,

You only know me as you see me, not as I actually am   " 

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.   " 

anyone who thinks that i won’t fill my house with books, houseplants and busts of ancient poets is gravely mistaken

"   It’s about who you miss at 2 in the afternoon when you’re busy, not 2 in the morning when you’re lonely.   " 

   … when you’re buying books, you’re optimistically thinking you’re buying the time to read them.   " 
Arthur Schopenhauer

I hope you wake up early enough in the morning to put on your favorite outfit and make your favorite breakfast. I hope you find your skin clear and hair healthy. I hope you’re content with the way your body looks. I hope you find happiness in small things today. I hope that, even with your ups and downs, you are content with yourself.

   Why do we own so many things when we don’t need them? What is their purpose? I think the answer is quite clear: We’re desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. We use objects to tell people just how valuable we are.   " 
Fumio Sasaki, Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

we get so caught up thinking, “why can’t i have what she has?” or “i deserve that too!” — when life has something better or different in store for us. our beautiful and unique journey isn’t supposed to be like anyone else’s. so instead of saying, “why her?”, say “good for her!”.

root yourself in being happy for others. root yourself in knowing that life has different and beautiful plans for you. root yourself in not comparing your journey to anyone else’s. root yourself in knowing that her success does not delay or discount your success.

you will make it too.

  • i am manifesting my best life. the universe hears my heart’s desires. beautiful things are coming my way.

  • just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. flowers are pretty but so are christmas lights and they look nothing alike

  • eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. patience is the key tho


    - going 2 bed on time
    - healthy romantic relationships
    - eating without worrying about calories
    - living alone
    - non-traditional career paths
    - loving yourself
    - being old and happy

    Don’t fall in love with everything: Fall in love with sunsets, with the pure and unpolluted eyes of an animal, with the flower petals in spring, with the rain beating against your window while you’re reading a book, and with people who respect your views, even if they don’t share all of them. But don’t fall in love with materialism, with the technological progress that makes machines the masters of our souls, and with people who only want to take advantage of you.”
    — Sereno Sky, author of the “Lonely Traveller” novels

    “finding your passion isn’t just about careers and money. it’s about finding your authentic self. the one you’ve buried beneath other people’s needs.”

    “Most of the time the universe speaks to us very quietly: In pockets of silence; In coincidences; In nature; In forgotten memories; In the shape of clouds; In moments of solitude; In small tugs at our hearts”

    “…..somewhere there is a work created by a human hand that touches you and pulls something from you and is a touchstone for your own spiritual understanding. It is an affirmation of your experience of life. To affirm, to articulate, to console, to inspire – these are the great gifts of the arts. They let the light shine through the confusion of life and remind us that there is something more – a mystery that can only be touched but never understood. But above all, they provide the greatest gift that any experience can offer. They tell us that we are part of the human family.”
    — Kent Nerburn, Dancing with the Gods

    “Today is a day, like every other day. Brimming with possibility. A day to treat people with kindness and respect. A day to move closer to fulfilling your dreams. A day to forgive yourself for absolutely everything. A day to smile with gratitude. Today is a day, like every other day, to create the kind of life you want to live, the kind that makes you feel good and right, the kind of life you were born to realize.”
    — Scott Stabile

    Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed.”
    — Misty Copeland

    probably one of the happiest sounds is when your pet comes running for you and you can hear the little pat pats of their feet on the floor

    Z namiętnością godną maniaczki, myślałam o tym jednym mężczyźnie, który nawet niewidomemu wydawałby się dla mnie nieodpowiedni. Równocześnie zdałam sobie sprawę z tego, jak łatwo zacząć zatracać przy niewłaściwej osobie własną tożsamość: ja, miłośniczka mody i kobiecych sukienek, jak i długich, samotnych wieczorów z książką i litrem zielonej herbaty, zaczęłam nagle ubierać się na czarno-biało, nosić adidasy i wyciągnęłam energicznie z szuflady rzeczy, które kiedyś zakwalifikowałam jako "na pewno już ich nigdy nie założę" czarny t-shirt z olbrzymim napisem BAD. I starałam się udawać, że prowadzę intensywne i szalone życie towarzyskie (na szczęście nie lubię kłamać, więc udawałam dosyć nieporadnie). Starałam się być wyluzowaną artystką, którą wcale nie jestem - przez większość czasu jestem przecież rozkminiającą coś specjalistką od marketingu - półartystką, która czyta wprawdzie sporo poradników o tym, jak wrzucić na pełen luz, ale na co dzień nie żyje wśród kreatywnej bohemy.

    Czy jeśli będę dumnie nosiła na piersi deklarację o tym, jaką to jestem rebelką, faktycznie będę odpowiednią partnerką faceta, który prowadzi dzikie życie?
    Przez chwilę łudziłam się, że tak. Utożsamiałam się z Britney Spears, która za czasów mojej młodości (tej pierwszej) śpiewała: He's a bad boy with a tainted heart. A później nuciłam sobie inny popowy kawałek "there's something about bad boys that make the good girls fall in love"
    Oh, there is.

    Tak naprawdę niewiele się między nami fizycznie wydarzyło, ale w końcu trafiłam na kogoś, kto mógłby złamać mi serce. Wszyscy pozostali wydawali mi się tacy sami: za grzeczni, wychuchani i zbyt wierni tradycji albo przeciwnie: narcystyczni i przeładowani testosteronem i ogłupieni przez klimatyzację na siłowni, którą odwiedzają 5 razy dziennie.

    Ten facet był gdzieś pomiędzy nimi: pozornie grzeczny, ale szalony. Zepsuty, ale kulturalny. Bardzo kulturalny. To mnie w nim już na początku urzekło: jego kultura wydawała się na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Dopóki mu zależało, była. Był bardzo opiekuńczy, o wszystko dopytywał. Czasami takie zachowanie, niewłaściwie zaaplikowane, potrafi denerwować - ale jego urok osobisty z każdego zdania czynił dokładnie to, co chciałam usłyszeć.
    To trochę zmydliło mi oczy: to nic, że pije więcej niż emerytowany muzyk, nałogowo pali, ubiera się tylko i wyłącznie na czarno, kocha kluby i włóczy się wieczorami więcej niż ja na 1 roku studiów. To nic. To na pewno dobry obiekt westchnień.

    To trochę smutne, że człowiek z olbrzymim talentem artystycznym, spędza większość wieczorów pijąc ze znajomymi, zamiast tworząc. Z drugiej strony - wiadomo, nie można kreować bez inspiracji i weny. No i człowiek nie może pracować przez całą dobę.

    Musiałam postawić grubą kreskę, żeby już o nim nie myśleć. Myślałam, że to będzie proste i bezbolesne, bo znaliśmy się zaledwie moment (w skali całego życia, nie dosłownie), ale przez te parę tygodni, mój umysł przyzwyczaił się do kompulsywnych refleksji na jego temat. Był Panem Tajemniczym i pachniał artyzmem, a takie inhalacje uzależniają.

    Mam słabość do mężczyzn, którzy na jakimś etapie znajomości, wyznają mi "wiesz, czasami wydaje mi się, że nie jestem normalny" - pewnie, że to może brzmieć jak ich zaleta. Atut. Ale nim nie jest. Zawsze niedługo później przyznaję im w myślach rację.

    Okazało się, że lubił sukowate, zepsute, dominujące dziewczyny. A ja, z natury dosyć subtelna i zrównoważona, widząc jego delikatność, nie chciałam go spłoszyć tym, że w niektórych sytuacjach mam więcej jaj, więc je skrzętnie ukrywałam. Myślałam, że tak będzie lepiej.
    Nie chciałam podejmować decyzji, przytakiwałam, utożsamiałam się z jego gustem - choć to akurat nie było celowym zabiegiem, naprawdę lubimy to samo wino i kilka innych rzeczy. 

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