I hope you will find a job that fulfills you, friends that understand you, and love that completes you. // I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands // Relax, don’t check up on them. They’re not your problem anymore. // Don’t be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself trying not to lose someone else // If you let others define your happiness, you will never be truly happy // 'Just because you forgive someone doesn’t mean what they did was right.'.

My mother told me that sometimes they have to lose you to realize your worth. Then she said that sometimes you can’t let them back in, sometimes you have to teach them a lesson by letting go and moving on. On the days that I want you back, I think of this. Then I think of how you moved on.'

'In the end. we all just want someone that chooses us. Over everyone else. Under any circumstances

And I understand. I understand why people hold hands: I’d always thought it was about possessiveness, saying ‘This is mine’. But it’s about maintaining contact. It is about speaking without words. It is about I want you with me and don’t g

'I’ve always loved the idea that home isn’t a place it’s a person.

Jeśli pozwolisz, żeby inni mówili Ci co gwarantuje szczęście, a co nie, nigdy nie odkryjesz swojego własnego szczęścia i nie będziesz stuprocentowo szczęśliwy.

'I’m not a casual kind of lover, I am an all or nothing kinda of soul.'

The mouth is made for communication, and nothing is more articulate than a kiss.'

No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.

if your absence doesn’t affect them, your presence never mattered

'I want to stop running away from everything.
I want to find something to run toward

That's when I decided - why should I care?Open your eyes, open up wide: why should I care? If you don't care then I don't care. you weren't there when I was scared

“who are you?

everyone is literally acting like the whole point of dating is to avoid catching feelings when in reality it’s the exact fucking opposite

attachment is an illusion. you don’t need anyone or anything. you think you do but you don’t

'I’ll never finish falling in love with you

'Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits right into this empty space in your heart.'

I’m such a nostalgic person I remember so many details about important events and I miss them all

I want someone who will go on adventures with me and who will appreciate the sky as much as I do

'You meet thousands of people, and none of them really touch you. Then you meet one, and your life is changed forever

'Not everyone who comes into our life is meant to stay. So stop holding onto people who clearly don’t want to be with you.'
She’s the kind
of woman you lose
while chasing others–
and spend a lifetime
finding a replacement.

“ Eva Green — Gratuitous Attractive People

I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.

I forgive people but that doesn’t mean I accept their behavior or trust them. I forgive them for me, so I can let go and move on with my life.

Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta

I want to see what happens if I don’t give up this time.

Use your potential and use every opportunity. Nothing but you can limit who you might develop to be

may your skin be clear and the items you ordered arrive soon

Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta

go M.I.A, remove yourself from everyone/everything, focus only on yourself, change your daily routines and make boss moves .

You’ll block your blessings by telling everyone your business.

I’m no longer on bad terms w/ anyone. I’m declaring it. Dislike me by yourself. I wish you the best.

concept: we wake up naturally together on a Sunday morning we are wrapped in clean sheets you pull me closer and kiss my forehead and I smile against your neck the window is open there’s a small breeze we’re listening to slow music and we have no plans today we are not hurried or rushed and we are in love

"   And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, ‘Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.   " 

Someone wanna go with me on a long train ride through France and Italy and stop at little cafés and eat at corner restaurants and spend our nights drinking on the balcony of our hotel room?

be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves too

there are ways to be beautiful that don’t involve your appearance

Love yourself. Love yourself more than anyone can hate you. Make them angry. Let them boil in anger while you find joy.

physically? im here, but mentally im in a renaissance painting wearing a silk dress and looking wistfully into the distance

what turns me on? making pasta with the boy i love.

"   Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.   " 

I will never stop finding things to love about you

We don’t have to talk everyday to be friends. We grown and got shit to do but if we cool you know you can always hit my line

love is hard to find
and hard to forget.

Best thing you can do for yourself is learning how to not force shit. Not relationships, friendships. conversations, no nada. Once you learn how to let shit not phase you, life will be so relaxing and easy.

“daph backstage at mugler ss 2015.

my life has too much panic and not enough disco 

A healthy relationship keeps the doors and windows open. Plenty of air is circulating and no one feels trapped. Relationships thrive in this environment. Keep your doors and windows open. If this person is meant to be in your life, all the open doors and windows in the world won’t make them leave. 


Never let it be me versus you. It should always be us versus the problem



true beauty isnt about how clear your skin is. true beauty isnt about how thin your legs are or how tiny your waist is. true beauty is about how kind you are and how you treat people

If you’re with a group of friends in school, who are toxic and you just aren’t happy, then you need to step away from that group of friends and I know it can feel so hard, but if you’re with friends who aren’t making you happy, if they’re bullying you’d making you feel uncomfortable, they’re pressurizing you, they’re not that sort of people, you are ever gonna grow up and be thankful that you are friends with. They are not that sort of people, that you are gonna invite to your wedding in 10 years. There is no point. It’s such a waste of you, as a human being, because there are people out there, who will appreciate you, who will treat youth nothing but kindness and love. You may feel like there is no-one else, but there is. If you flip that and if you think you’ve seen someone, who is being bullied, or who is part of a very toxic friendship, then you should extend an arm. Like ask them, how they are, check they are okay, even if they’re not part of your friendshipgroup, because there is nothing worse, than feeling like you’re alone i something and whether that’s you feeling that way, or you know someone, who feels that way, you’ve seen someone, who looks unhappy in that group of friends, or is getting picked on, or who has no friends. I think it’s just as important for you to reach out for them, just ask how they are, ask how their day has been, ask them what they are going to do later, message them, anything! Because that can make someone feel so much happier. As much as I can say “oh you’ll find new friends”, I think it’s just as important for other people to open their eyes and realize that there might be people that feel like they have no-one. “Some friends are for a reason, some friends are for a season and some are for lifetime”. And that’s okay! Have your select friends whether that’s one, whether that’s two, whether that’s three, whether that’s ten. If you have those cool people, who make you happy, who brings something to your life, who influence you in a positive way, that’s all you need. And anyone, who doesn’t do that.. don’t waste your time! Zolla (via rmnblfld)

I wonder how many strangers hate me bc of how someone else described me to them

Anouk Aimee and Jean-Louis Trintignant, A Man and a Woman (Claude Lelouch, 1966)

One of the biggest keys to surviving your 20’s is Learning how to move on. Move on from old friends, lovers & bad situations.


a cool date would be laying in bed while u show me your favorite songs 

Pardon me, but you really hurt my feelings.

Not everyone deserves your love, trust, support and friendship

I am a different person to different people. Annoying to one. Talented to another. Quiet to a few. Unknown to a lot. But who am I, to me

  1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it
  2. Say exactly what you mean
  3. Don’t be a people pleaser
  4. Trust your instincts 
  5. Never speak bad about yourself
  6. Never give up on your dreams
  7. Don’t be afraid to say “no”
  8. Don’t be afraid to say “yes”
  9. Be KIND to yourself
  10. Let go of what you can’t control
  11. Stay away from drama & negativity
  12. LOVE

I’m yours — you know it. 

I am my lover. I am the one that tends my garden. I am the one I will always say goodnight to last.

So I fell in love 
with everything everyone 
forgot to notice

I was once so scared to admit that at one point it meant nothing at all

What a beautiful thing it is, to reminisce on the love we had, while holding you in my arms, fantasizing about the love that has yet to come

There is always some sort of beauty in tomorrow

Suddenly it stopped 
the hugs, and then the kisses
then came the distance


Accept the fact that you will grow apart from people you’ve had significant relationships with. Understand when someone no longer positively affects your life. Let them go. Don’t hinder your growth.Lyjeeria (via doll)

“Daisy May


i wanna sit in old cafes and listen to the rain just chatting about nothing with you

“ What the Braavosi courtesan the Nightingale would wear, Paolo Sebastian

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Paolo Sebastian

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Paolo Sebastian

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Paolo Sebastian

Paolo Sebastian

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, ocean, sky, twilight, outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table, living room, indoor and food

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table, child, bedroom and indoor

Image may contain: one or more people and shoes

Image may contain: one or more people and shoesImage may contain: one or more people

there is honestly no reason to lie to me. I’m too understanding. I get shit. I get life. I know that shit happens. just be straight up w me


One Month Of Bliss

who's the most beautiful person on the planet?
Thats a bold question. Beauty is subjective, its like asking whats the best song in the world.

you should find someone that makes you feel like that moment in concerts when the artist enters the stage

I wanna start eating healthier, wear loose sweaters, do more art, care less talk less and listen to music most of the time

*eats cherry tomatoes like grapes*

Chcę faceta, który powie mi 'mam tyle do opowiedzenia, tyle sekretów do wyjawienia, tyle myśli do wykrzyczenia, ale dopiero teraz, kiedy mam Ciebie, mam je komu powierzyć; 

Nie wierzę słowom wyrwanym z kontekstu. Czasami nawet to, w którym miejscu postawisz kropkę zmienia znaczenie całej wypowiedzi.

Don’t need a lover, just want a friend. Funny how life slips into place when there’s someone looking to you for what to do. This heavy, human sadness buried against my neck. Caught myself looking for familiar laughter in a room full of silence. Do you ever let someone’s voice move over every part of your body, feel the way they look at you deep in your heart, let that sensation carry you through the week

Eventually the person you’re pushing away will stop reaching out

Not sure how to say I love you more intensely and more resolutely than my current lack of communication conveys but I wish we could lie in silence together

If we do not assume that happiness is what we must defend, if we start questioning the happiness we are defending, then we can ask other questions about life, about what we want from life, or what we want life to become. Possibilities have to be recognized as possibilities to become possible. This is why embracing possibility involves going back or even “feeling backward,” as Heather Love describes very well. Embracing possibility involves returning to the past, recognizing what one has, as well as what one has lost, what one has given,as well as what one has given up. To learn about possibility is to do genealogy, to wonder about the present by wondering about the how of its arrival. To learn about possibility thus involves a certain estrangement from the present. Other things can happen when the familiar recedes. This is why affect aliens can be creative:not only do we want the wrong things, not only do we embrace possibilities that we have been asked to give up, but we create life worlds around these wants. When we are estranged from happiness, things happen.

Can’t walk into Williams Sonoma without leaving w the sense of wanting to be married and buying my wife a copper mixing bowl set and a Le Creuset piece

Pewnego dnia będziesz chciał się pogodzić i przybliżyć się do mnie - ale będę już za daleko.

If you ever find yourself thinking "I wish I had a friend like me"
Stop it. You literally do. You’re her and you’re together all the time

will this choice propel me towards an inspiring future, or will it keep me stuck in the past?

will this choice bring me long-term fulfilment or short term gratification?
am i standing in my power or am i trying to please another?
am i looking for what’s right or am i looking for what’s wrong?
will this choice add to my life force or will it rob me of energy?
will i use this situation as a catalyst to grow and evolve, or will i use it to beat myself up?
does this choice empower or disempower me?
is this an act of self-love or self-sabotage?
is this is an act of faith (love) or fear?
am i choosing from my divinity or am i choosing from my humanity?

wiele razy przepraszałam - tym razem nie przeproszę. nie chcę, aby echo mojego 'przepraszam', było jedynymi przeprosinami, jakie otrzymam.

I love waking up and realizing what previously upset me doesn’t matter, it never did, it never will, it’s just another bridge of emotion that I crossed and came back from w better understanding of myself and everyone else


Can’t stop thinking about one of the women saying to think less of someone’s absence and more of what they left you with in their absence

You drowned my heart
with so many goodbyes,
I’m not sure I remember
the last time
you said

Secretly a mum from the 90’s 🖖🏽🖖🏽

Stop taking advantage of people with good hearts & who are emotionally vulnerable

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.

Phil Chester



portland engagement session 01
























































znajomosci są tylko powierzchowne. W 99% pozostają powierzchowne - zmienia się tylko nasze wyobrażenie o tej relacji.

moje usta nie lubią już smaku kłamstw.
prawda smakuje im o wiele bardziej,
nie wypala dziury w przełyku,
nie podrażnia dziąseł,
i zawsze
 zaspokaja mój wilczy apetyt.

“ If you’d let me I’d hold you, not just your hand or your body, but also your heart.
I’d let you rest on me. You can come to me and relax knowing I will love you, never judge you.
I will be your home, if you choose me. I will show you...

If you’d let me I’d hold you, not just your hand or your body, but also your heart.
I’d let you rest on me. You can come to me and relax knowing I will love you, never judge you.
I will be your home, if you choose me. I will show you the love I am capable of and more. Arms always open to welcome you in; to welcome you home.
I will walk with you, 

They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world.

You have to look back at all those bad words, bad metaphors, everything started wrong, and then see how it came into being, the slow progress of it, because you’re always fighting to find out what it was you want to say. You’ve got to go deeper and deeper each time. You wonder why you didn’t drown at the time–deeper and deeper.

She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cosy bed, and to love and be loved in return.

What I mean, always, is that I miss you, / how I know the only way to get close / is to unbecome, to be both exit and exit-wound.

a cold glass of water after showering is relaxing
sometimes you need to just get in your car, turn on the radio, and drive in a straight line until the station that was npr when you started out turns into contemporary christian worship

I like what I know about me and I like that I’m one of my best friends

  • Frieze: What could you imagine doing if you didn’t do what you do?

  • Agnes Varda: Finding ways other than photography and cinema to capture fragile instants – as substitutes for memory.



“ sans-titre-2 (by melanie rodriguez)

    nie miałam żadnego przyjaciela / przyjaciółki / faceta, którego wspominałabym myśląc 'nikt cię nigdy nie zastąpi'. Przy każdej pozornie bliskiej osobie miałam zawsze nadzieję, że w przyszłości trafię na kogoś bardziej szczerego, empatycznego, czułego. Nie twierdzę, że nigdy nie kochałam - bo kochałam, ale to nigdy nie było 'to'.

I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it

I forgive people but that doesn’t mean I accept their behavior or trust them. I forgive them for me, so I can let go and move on with my life

““cr: frantastic_beauty
” ”

Relax, don’t check up on them. They’re not your problem anymore

było mi smutno nie z tego powodu
płakałam nie tymi łzami
byłam zraniona nie tą obelgą
cierpiałam, choć powinnam się śmiać.
widziałam po Twoim zniknięciu tylko głuchą pustkę,
choć powinnam nową, czystą przestrzeń.
Myślałam, że się duszę,
a tak naprawdę moje płuca w końcu zaczęły oddychać. 
Myślałam, że straciłam wzrok i widzę tylko ciemność
a to tylko świat oślepił mnie blaskiem tysięcy swoich prawdziwych kolorów
Myślałam, że zaczynam spadać
a tymczasem wiatr porwał mnie, bym mogła zacząć się wznosić
Myślałam, że poczęstowałeś mnie trucizną,
a to był smak drogocennej wolności. 
Myślałam, że się topię
a tak naprawdę wypłynęłam na głębokie wody
by w końcu nauczyć się prawidłowo pływać.

kochałam Cię, 
a Ty zmieszałeś mnie z błotem
i obrzuciłeś mnie mięsem.
Błoto oczyściło moją skórę, a mięso dało siłę.
Myślałeś, że mnie zabijasz; a tylko mnie wzmocniłeś. 

Kiedy obrzucasz mnie mięsem,
Nie proś, abym Cię nim nakarmiła, kiedy zrobię z niego szaszłyki. 

Not everyone deserves your love, trust, support and friendship


If it feels wrong, don’t do it

Say exactly what you mean

Don’t be a people pleaser

Trust your instincts

Never speak bad about yourself

Never give up on your dreams

Don’t be afraid to say “no”

Don’t be afraid to say “yes”

Be KIND to yourself

Let go of what you can’t control

Stay away from drama & negativity


I cherish small intimacies. A head resting against a shoulder, lips brushing against a nose, a kiss on the neck, a hand reachin

g out for my own

people who take life seriously are dangerous
no offense but purposefully negative people are boring and draining as hell and not nearly as interesting as they think they are

https://christydawn.com/blogs/friends-of-dawn/torrey wywiad!




https://www.instagram.com/franmart_/ -> napisać G!


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