these tears are for me, not for you // i’ve killed so much time with you, it started killing me // texting someone isn’t the same as talking to someone

loving someone takes more than just love


don’t forget to create a new self before abandoning the old one

the ocean looks better with waves

don’t be with people who use kindness as a tool

you can’t make someone stay who wants to go. but know this - gracefully letting go of something not meant for you means you will be introduced to something that is

goodbyes are not always goodbyes, but the painful ones usually are

goodbyes aren't good. They are painful as hell. How something good can hurt so much?

i’ve been through worse but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt

love on the inside is more important than love on the outside

you almost made me stop believing in love

there are so many reasons to smile and love is only one of them

no fire keeps burning without good support
even good things will hurt if you’re surrounded by only bad things

you can find more love in yourself than in others

burn bridges to the past and build bridges to the future

a broken heart shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals
love, but don’t get too attached to the feeling of being in love, because love does come and go

can i stay in your heart a little longer? it’s so cold outside.

i don’t cry because of you anymore, i cry because this beautiful person that i am spend so long wondering why i wasn’t good enough

you aren’t the first to think you won’t miss me

i’m still there for you even though i’m no longer waiting on you

my heart is still weak where you touched it

there’s still a lot i need to teach myself

i thought you leaving would be the end of me, but now i see it was only the beginning

i only remember you when i think about what i forgot

fire isn’t something someone else lights in you, it’s yours to create and keep burning

there’s nothing she has that i don’t

i could miss you every day but i have stuff to do
stop crying, save your tears for someone who deserves them

In what universe
is it surprising
that someone who began a relationship by cheating
would cheat again

betty wright - i am woman
beyonce - dont hurt yourself
beyonce - sorry
gloria gaynor - i will survive
pussycat dolls - i dont need a man

you tell me you’d like to stay friends, but we were never friends

one day you’ll stop writing about them. you’ll go back through all your old poetry and have forgotten who they were all about. this heartbreak will fade away into nothingness

you may miss them sometimes, but you’re so much better off without them and you know that

this valentine’s day, treat the person you should love most, yourself

your fire doesn’t have to be big, all you have to do is keep it burning

you always made love to me with the lights on and i’ve never felt more desirable

leaving someone doesn’t mean saying goodbye, it means there are more important things to do right now

you can’t replace him but you can find someone better

don’t wait around for them to come back, find someone who’ll stay

the right people will always see fire in you

the idea of you was nicer than reality
you look like art and i can’t help but stare

Zanim Cię poznałam byłam żółtym winogronem
Przy Tobie moje wnętrze stało się słodkie
I przemieniłeś mnie w wino.

Leżę teraz w butelce w ciemnej piwnicy i marzę, byś znowu rwał mnie w sadzie
 choć wiem
że już na to za późno. 

Chciałam nauczyć Cię pływać w powodzi mojej miłości,
 złapałeś pod pachę koło ratunkowe i pobiegłeś w drugą stronę
Zatopiła mnie pierwsza fala
Nawet podczas spokojnej powodzi zdarzają się sztormy.

Nie każda miłość polega na kochaniu drugiej osoby
i nie każda forma kochania to miłość. 

Zabiliśmy razem tyle czasu
Co zabiło Nas?

I have missed you.

“I feel too deeply and want too much.”

eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. you gon be alright fam

I find it so attractive when someone talks about what they’re passionate about. Seriously they could be rambling on about how much they love ducks, or about something I don’t even understand. Just that tone of excitement and passion in their voice is enough to make me like them 5 times more than I already do.

Jesteś tak daleko,
że zapominam o tym, że kiedykolwiek byłeś blisko.
Ale równocześnie wiem, że byłeś.
Dlatego Cię pokochałam

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