men are allowed to be so mediocre it’s insulting on the deepest level

There is no one I’d rather be than me. From my hair to my nails to the way that I talk to the clothes I wear to my opinions and views and values to my talents and interests, I really love myself. I can’t imagine not feeling this way about myself. I really don’t want be anyone else.

“But what seems like a reasonable distance to one person might feel too far to somebody else.”

— Haruki Murakami

There is Florence and there is Firenze. Firenze is the place where the citizens of the capital of Tuscany live and work. Florence is the place where the rest of us come to look. Firenze goes back around two thousand years to the Romans and, at least in legend, the Etruscans. But Florence was founded in perhaps the early 1800s when expatriate French, English, Germans, and not a few Americans settled here to meditate on art and the locale—the genius of the place—that produced it. Over the next two centuries a considerable part of the rest of the world followed them for shorter visits—“visit” being derived from the Latin vistare, “to go to see,” and, further back, from videre, simply “to see”—in the form of what came to be called tourism. The Florentines are here, as they have always been, to live and work; to primp, boast, cajole, and make sardonic, acerbic asides; to count their money and hoard their real estate, the stuff—la roba—in their attics and cellars, and their secrets. We are here for the view.”

— Robert Clark, Dark Water: Art, Disaster, and Redemption in Florence 

Hey guys I just want to help out so here are some of my tips: - study everyday, even if it means just writing bullet points of what you learned - write ur notes by hand - write specific to-do lists. Make sure you break each big task in smaller ones so you don't feel so pressured or intimidated by it - drink water and have healthy snacks while studying. - have a designated space to study, also put clothes that make you comfortable but not too much so that you will still feel productive - treat yourself after accomplishing something in your to-do list - have a routine and FOLLOW it! - don't compare yourself to your friends as to how they are doing in school - have your study music - keep your room clean and organised - plan ahead every week

tips if you’re a procrastinator like me: 1. break up the assignment of task into small pieces. 2. Tell yourself that it’s easy or it won’t take very long. 3. Organise before doing homework, it gets you in a productive mood. ie: filling in your planner, writing out a wish list or to do list. 4. Listen to music that doesn’t have any lyrics or isn’t in your native language. (Basically you cant sing along or get distracted by) 5. Clean your surroundings before starting. The less the clutter the more your mind will be clear.

She needs fresh air, space, sunlight. She is full of such fiery youth, such a passion for living.”

— Renée Vivien, tr. by Jeanette H. Foster, from “A Woman Appeared To Me,

Personal growth is achieved when you decide that every pain has been your salvation - including those you had to turn into salvation.

“The world lasts for two days; one day it’s against you, another day it’s with you. The day that it’s against you, have patience. The day that it’s with you, be humble.”

Książki: "Maksimum osiągnięć" Brian Tracy "Shantaram" Gregory David Roberts "Małe życie" Hanya Yanagihara "Pięć kilometrów do bomby. Rowerem przez Afrykę" Tomasz Budzioch, Elżbieta Wiejaczka "W pustyni i w puszczy" Henryk Sienkiewicz "W zdrowym ciele zdrowy mózg" Anders Hansen "Wege siła" Brendan Brazier "Dzieci kapitana Granta" Jules Verne

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