I’m really boring when I’m balanced and have goals in mind like I just mind my own business and talk to 3 people.

im so simple i just want to have enough time to continue to be close to people i care about, maintain intimacy and closeness with my partner despite hectic schedules, support my family, make space to explore things creatively and just for fun, and still get this money *runs out of breath*

Girls there is more in life than marrying a 28 yrs old who can’t cook

Is it an opportunity? Yes
Would you learn and grow? Yes
Would you be uncomfortable? Yes
Can you change your mind? Yes
Is it scaring you? Yes

change does not come from a place of comfort

no one is keeping track of sacrifices you make so if you make them do so without expectations. feeling entitled to a return that isn’t guaranteed isn’t healthy and will hurt you

re: nazar
sharing parts of your life, parts of your dreams isn’t a bad thing. it allows you to connect and align with people who share the same values. it feels nice to be yourself and share what speaks to you, and maybe others too. but the details of anything you’re planning, struggling, or blessed with allow for people to talk, offer unsolicited comments, and fixate on to distract you. this can transfer their negative intentions or energy. just don’t allow that to happen, keep doing what you love, and share in parts, or with people you wholly trust — the rest will fall into place

never feel bad for loving a lot of things or wanting to do a lot of this. people will tell you to just pick one thing but do not let that stop you from exploring every interest. going down every avenue. life goes by too fast to not experience something you want. be the person taking night classes in a new skill. or spend weekends building projects. do not let the fear of failure or commitment stop you. just start.

from one overthinker to another: the perfect version of you will never exist because you are always changing. how far along you are on a list of goals does not define you. your current accomplishments count for a lot, and anything you want to do is possible. take account for those you can lean on, be warm and full of love. be present for who you are today. go easy, you’ll arrive soon.

Friendship is a powerful type of love

You must find it within your heart to love even the deepest of flaws.

Unfortunately men are hot sometimes

me, flirtin: we should go antique shopping


if you hadn’t gone to an event you wouldn’t have come across someone that will become a huge part of your life. if you hadn’t taken a risk and tried something new you wouldn’t have learned and grown into it. there are so many paths in life and so many ways things can turn out. living deliberately is focusing on the life you have now, the choices you make now that add to the tapestry of your life experiences. to love and live deliberately is also a skill.

this was the year of being grateful for everything and everyone. the year of not being afraid to do what i love, of learning new things, & having complete faith in things working out

 the year of letting go, of understanding loss. grace. of the word ‘no’ and also being able to say ‘you are not kind’. the year of humanity/humility. when the whole world couldn’t get out of bed. everyone i’ve met this year, says the same thing ‘you are so easy to be around, how do you do that?’. the year i broke open and dug out all the rot with my own hands. the year i learnt small talk. and how to smile at strangers. the year i understood that i am my best when i reach out and ask ‘do you want to be my friend?’. the year of sugar, everywhere. softness. sweetness. honey honey. the year of being alone, and learning how much i like it. the year of hugging people i don’t know, because i want to know them. the year i made peace and love, right here. 
I want to send validation to people that write notes at 3 am or draw on napkins while on the phone. People who can’t pursue their passions & art freely because of other obligations. Your voice is important and you deserve a chance. I hope you get that, and I hope it feels cathartic to do something for yourself for once
It’s not standoffish to keep plans and happiness to yourself. It’s self preservation. Once people start projecting and envying you it really does effect your personal energy and outcomes

It’s actually exhausting to see things like skinny teas, remove cellulite, and how to colour correct your whole damn face all over social media. Its all trash, and we’re too valuable to be made to feel like we should be striving for a different version of ourselves

little by little i am living the life i’ve always wanted, i’m thankful for that

i feel homesick constantly not for a place but for a person

I never want anyone to feel obligated to be there for me because they feel like they owe me. I put my energy into loving people because it matters to me, and centers me. Others choose different things to center themselves and I accept that too and move on.
Love or energy invested in someone else isn’t a debt, but a learning experience. I’m grateful for balanced relationships because mutual respect and love is rare

i try to give myself like .05 seconds per day to be sad about things i can’t control. the rest of the time is better spent plotting and working

People will do all sorts of thoughtless shit but expect you to be there always. The sooner you realize you’re too good to be treated that way the better tbh

Be careful who you get close to because when you do get close you start to grow together. You start to mix thoughts, ideas, and actions. Like how two plants growing next to each other have tangled roots. It can be the most enriching thing or the hardest thing to take apart.

Don’t ask me for relationship advice I told my friend to get tinder and walk around the financial district downtown to find herself an accountant husband too

A lot of growth happens when you aren’t afraid to ask questions, and when you aren’t trying to one-up a peer or regurgitate a theory for an exam, but when you are passionate and applying those to your own experiences.


How to start again ✨
  • delete apps and social media that lowers your mood 
  • wear a new scent, throw away things you don’t need, delete contacts of people who make you feel unworthy, unfollow social media that makes you feel bad in any way
  • make a new playlist that makes you feel confident and happy 
  • in a journal, write down why you want to change, the traits of the person you truly want to be, the places you want to go and people that make you feel inspired
  • write down the things that stop you and bad habits you have, and replace those with new mindsets and habits 
  • before you sleep, make a detailed, achievable routine for the next day, that includes everything you want to do, including activities that genuinely make you happy
  • try new hobbies, like baking/cooking, playing a musical instrument, making art, learning a new skill, a sport, or a new language. you can easily get free resources online 
  • think about the ideal version of yourself. you can be like that, if you try your best and work hard. 
  • do not overwork yourself or set overly lofty daily goals and forget to do things like drink water. make your sleep and health your number one priority.
  • spend less time on your phone scrolling through social media. have a method of focusing on other things, like Pomodoro method or using the Forest app. 
  • if you can’t concentrate, commit yourself to doing it for 5 minutes. once you get into the flow it’s much easier to concentrate.
  • be patient and kind with yourself. it’s hard to change overnight. you’re the only one who can help change you, so be a friend to yourself.
  • once you start something, promise yourself you will finish it. 
  • have new weekly routines, like going to a cafe every Wednesday afternoon or indulging in your favourite tv show every Friday night.
  • do not deny yourself of good things; there needs to be a balance. similarly, do not be too generous and overdo it too much. 
  • dedicate a day to clean your room and organize your things if you feel stressed out. 
  • it may feel scary to change, as you may feel like it’s not the real you. but you’re still you, just the best version of yourself.
  • have a relaxing morning routine to look forward to, like making a nice breakfast, having a skin care routine, stretches, journalling, or thinking about nothing for a few minutes
  • have a mental image that makes you excited to do something. visualize yourself completing the goal and concentrate on it every morning.
  • however, learn not to rely on motivation because your brain will often turn off motivation, especially when you first begin something. have a routine, a specific time to do something, and do it. 
  • notice the places and people that drain your energy, and try to avoid them. find people who make you feel energized and places that calm you.
  • think about an enjoyable part of something. for example, when studying you can look forward to learning new things and when exercising, listening to calming music or using nice stationery. it’s actually more fun than you think. 
  • even though it’s hard, don’t compare yourself. you’re on your own path, and it doesn’t matter if people are better than you, because there will always be someone better than everyone. don’t be afraid to suck. so draw badly, write bad poems, run slowly, make embarrassing mistakes and fail everything. you can’t be good at something unless you’re terrible at something first. and doing anything badly is so much better than doing nothing.
  • don’t tell anyone about your new beginning, just start and let the results speak for themselves.
  • you can change and be your ideal self. but it will be hard to do that if you don’t believe in yourself. so make sure you challenge negative thoughts telling you can’t do something. tell yourself firmly that you can do it and then prove your negative thoughts wrong.

“Flowers from bby
IG: idaavinge

Listen man I’m just trying to wear soft sweaters and read my books and love myself .


“ Ondria Hardin by Saskia Wilson for Wool Magazine

““You met me at a very strange time in my life” Fight Club (1999)
Art by M.S. Corley

‪The only thing that truly matters at the end of the day is that you are growing, evolving and doing your best. That’s it.‬

“Spicy Vegan Rice Bowl

me: I’m so ready for growth
universe: oh?? growth you say??
me: yes!!! you heard?
universe: yea!! here’s some tough challenges that’ll force you to grow :)
me: wait no


‪I think beautiful things are about to happen.
I trust that.‬

A man who knows how to be soft and gentle is so attractive to me. A man desperately ignoring emotions and trying to preserve his hyper masculinity is such a turn off to me.

“MAYBE IT’S NOT MY WEEKEND, BUT IT’S GONNA BE MY YEAR” I scream at 12 am with tears streaming down my face and a bottle of champagne in my hand. it has not been my year yet. it’s not even a weekend today is Thursday

The most important thing is that I believe in myself and support my own dreams. Even if I feel stuck in a rut I need to believe in my own brilliance. I will pull myself through this. It’s hard work to condition myself to pick up on negative thoughts and channel that energy to create something beautiful. But it’s the mental process I need to level up

The don’t vocalize the vision concept makes so much sense to me. The more people you open up to, and share your dreams with the more diluted the vision becomes. You’re aware of doubts, reasons you may fail, and fears that cloud the space in your mind that could actually be used towards making moves! Don’t vocalize your vision except with people you trust and can dream with you. Keep those people close.

stop looking at other people and setting your goals based on what you think their life is like

i am so much more than my physical form; i am a collection of thoughts, experiences, and dreams. i am so much more than a physical being. i exist to grow and to absorb love and truths. i deserve more than superficial self care of the shell i’m in. when i’m down i deserve my spirit to be refreshed through love, and to find in comfort in this world through remembering: i belong here. i am needed


Be thankful for the love and light in your life. Be thankful for the lessons you learn thru the hardships. Be shaped by the waves of kindness others have shown you, and work to return them. Take stock of the potential you have, and the things you can use to make your dreams come true. Be thankful you made it this far

What if we didn’t subscribe to the idea that there is a competition between women. What if we were there to support each other & not to win.

If people have a problem with you being kind and generally optimistic, it says a lot more about them than you. Negativity is often drawn to light and frustrated that it cannot break it.

The act of creating your own definition of success and creating goals for yourself frees you from being in competition with others. Do it for you and no one else

“Privacy is golden. What people don’t know, people can’t ruin.”

“Nitsan Raiter

start thinking of rejection as redirection - what is for you will not pass you

Why are you stingy with yourselves? Why are you holding back? What are you saving for—for another time? There are no other times. There is only now. Right now.”



“Source: instagram.com/moyestore

enjoy the now.
enjoy where you are presently rooted.
there is so much goodness to see, to explore, to bask in.
you will get where you’re going.
but don’t forget to enjoy the journey.
— k.e.

me looool

Once you stop trying to entertain this imaginary audience and start living for yourself things should get a bit better

“Emily Brooks

Im gon start hittin em with “sorry that doesn’t align with my energy”

 Be careful, I can replace you with a pizza.

slicing ginger & boiling water
coming home to myself

Going to bed with an oil blend of jasmine, ylang ylang, clary sage and mandarin on my wrists and behind my ears

I owe it to myself to reunite who I am with who I’m capable of being

The way you speak to yourself matters.

“Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed.”
— Misty Copeland

there does not need to be any apology in self-preservation. in knowing limits within relationships; especially when they ask too much and offer little, or if they make us feel like we’re never good enough. move slowly and with the knowledge that you have value and do not need to feel responsible for knowing what’s best for you.

i wish more people remembered that how successful you are, or how you look, or what you can buy isn’t something you’ll be remembered for. it’ll be how you made others feel, the actions that made up your life, and the good you brought into this world.

the progress i’ve made in the past few years is not because i got everything i wanted. it’s because i made mistakes and didn’t let them define me. i saw myself outside of my head i saw someone still trying, someone with a purpose and a good heart. it kept me going. little changes, things falling into place, mending relationships with my family and friends, finding a better support system.
growth isn’t about expecting your future to be perfect. it’s about realizing the future will just be. good or bad it’s knowing you can get through it that makes me move forward. i know i can celebrate and be joyful without feeling guilty of not having earned it. i know i can be loved without sacrificing large parts of myself or feeling not good enough.
there are things i need to do still, i am working on letting go of hurt. but it doesn’t happen overnight, it happens in building a life where that hurt does not fit in. progress for me is continuing to continue.

i stopped feeling lonely when i realized how alive the world is at all times. the moon, she’s there for you. that willow tree your best friend and you would meet at during elementary school, she’s there for you. the dandelions on the way to your bus stop, they’re reaching up to say hello. leaves that brush your arms as you make your way down the river side, they’re alive and with you in that moment. the tides on lakeshore, they’re always coming back to you. the universe is just waiting for you to notice you’re not alone.

you are not the time other people give you. you are not an acceptance or rejection. you are not an application or a choice. you are valuable and worth caring about. do not let a small action by someone else define you. define yourself by the choices you make daily, to be warm, to be strong, and to be yourself. you will attract the right people and situations that not only serve you but make you better. it will get better than how you feel today.

do not choose the lesser life.
do you hear me.
do you hear me.
choose the life that is. yours.
the life that is seducing your lungs.
that is dripping down your chin.
- nejma, nayyirah waheed

anyway I want some pink roses and a perfumed love letter


“IG: meghanxhemond

ometimes you just gotta give yourself permission to accept that you deserve good things in life. you deserve to feel good about how you look. you deserve the attention your partner gives you. you deserve the praise for that thing you’ve worked really hard on. you deserve the people checking in on you and caring for you. you deserve all of it.



“Source: pinterest.com

“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what lies in Fortune’s control, and abandoning what lies in yours. What are you looking at? To what goal are you straining? The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.”
— Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

There’s a difference between challenging yourself and overwhelming yourself. It’s okay to go at your own pace, okay?

“You do not know / How little I loved / Before I loved you.”

don’t allow for your singleness to make you desperate for love — to make you settle for anyone less than what you deserve.
there is beauty within the wait. it’s up to you to find it.

dont underestimate the power of kindness. strength is not being cold hearted and aloof, it’s being amicable in the face of bitterness or gentle with those who need to be loved. so please, if nothing else, be kind.

“Music is liquid architecture; Architecture is frozen music.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ unearthedco:
“Natasha Schweitzer
NEED this nail color.

the opportunity to start anew is powerful and life changing. knowing that you and your priorities and interests can shift and grow into something else is something i’ve come to accept and love. i never want to get too static in the vision i have. the more that there is room to explore and expand the better!

how to cope with change

1. See it as a process, not a one time event. When you make a change in your life, there are lots of small adaptations to be made. It takes time to process and adjust to those changes – so be patient with yourself.
2. Change the way you think about change. Try to see it in a positive light. Even although there are lots of negatives and challenges, you’re likely to benefit in the end.
. Face your feelings, and especially the negative ones. If you don’t, they’ll simmer beneath the surface and make it harder for you to cope. Feelings are neither good nor bad. They just are. If you feel bad, you feel bad!
4. Notice any areas where you have control as that will help you to feel less trapped or boxed in.
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and attitudes – and choose to look for the positives, and to frame uncertainties in a hopeful way.
6. Stay in touch with people who care, and can act as a support in this time of change.

being able to identify when sacrificing is self-sabotage is really important. not putting yourself last because of the thinking that others need you more than you.
i’ve noticed that in relationships people avoid putting energy into themselves because of the validation that comes from being needed. forgetting to honour your needs and dreams is a huge disservice to the self.

with each spring i experience this deep joy that i know i share with those before me. there is joy in growth, in abundance, and in change

“just some things i was thinking about this afternoon

“Forests have secrets,” he said gently. “It’s practially what they’re for. To hide things. To separate one world from another.””

— Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless

“Pantone 7528-c
#c5b9ac https://t.co/FTz4b7HLwA

“The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be.”
— Shakti Gawain

look: the right people will get it. the right people will see you and appreciate you for the person that you are. the right people won’t require you to dilute, censor, or edit yourself in order to be worthy of their time and affection. you don’t need to waste your time on people who are committed to misunderstanding you 

‪Don’t let yourself become like those who hurt you. Allow it to motivate you to be wiser, kinder and more forgiving.‬

Alors, sans avoir rien que la force d'aimer, nous aurons dans nos mains, ami, le monde entier.So, having nothing but the strength to love, we will have in our hands, my friend, the whole world.
Jacques Brel, Quand on a que l’amour 

“It takes time to live. Like any work of art, life needs to be thought about.”

I adore my everyday luxuries: sleeping naked, fresh cheese and jam for breakfast, lying on my back and stretching all my limbs, using honey as a face mask, rubbing coconut oil on my booty, choosing a new recipe, the wind giving my cheeks a glow, reading next to him, subtle signs of affection

Parisian Night: she loves to be alone, dreaming of art galleries, reading love letters, dancing around her little apartment to soft jazz music, wearing only a satin kimono, sitting on the balcony while she stares at the night sky, lighting up a cigarette.

"   Why do we own so many things when we don’t need them? What is their purpose? I think the answer is quite clear: We’re desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. We use objects to tell people just how valuable we are.   " 
Fumio Sasaki, Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

aesthete [es-theet] (noun) An individual who professes to be a lover of all things beautiful in life. An aesthete has a great eye and a developed sensitivity for the finer things in the world. They wildly appreciate art, and are connoisseurs of refinement, style and delicacy: all things lovely in life. They are visual creatures with an ardent desire to make their world beautiful.  

I know cafes and coffee shops are heavily romanticized but they really are the best place to be creative, spend time alone, or to just connect with people, I’m just saying

I will forever be profoundly unimpressed with people who take pride in their unkindness to others

Poems hide.
What we have to do
is live in a way that lets us find them

Your eyes have the calm and good light, the good light of the blossoming world,

i say this to every girl i love: abandon shame

no offense but why do people always put tender and feral at opposite sides of the spectrum when they obviously go together

I want to go everywhere. I want to see everything.

we won’t forget each other, right?

You know what’s both soothing and intense at the same time? Honesty and emotional transparency and keeping it 100% with someone you love

I hope 2019 brings you new friends, opportunities, and the feeling that you finally made it to where you want to be.

“Tina Hu



i remember way too many small details about people so i have to act dumb sometimes so i don’t freak them out

 take your time
don’t rush your magic.
it’s there.
it’ll show itself when you need it.


I stare at u cause i appreciate art

I’ll never get the confusion about bisexuality
You can like dogs and cats
You can like chocolate and vanilla
You can like coffee and tea
Why the fuck can’t you like boys and girls?

Aries: Romantic, compassionate and sensitive. They prefer to hide their more gentle and reserved side with their fiery energy, but in reality, they’ve got a pronounced dreaminess, filled with fantasies, illusions, and vague emotions. They come across as far more aggressive and bold than they actually are. They have a tendency to internalize their sensitivity, which makes them feel isolated and lonely.

“spring will manifest soon and bring new beginnings with it”

I am going to make a very beautiful life for myself no matter what it takes
So the intelligent way of working with emotions is to try to relate to their basic substance. The basic “isness” quality of the emotions, the fundamental nature of the emotions, is just energy. And if one is able to relate with the energy, then the energies have no conflict with you. They become a natural process.

How do you fall in love with yourself?
The same way you fall in love with someone else. Acknowledge the bad, embrace the good, and grow.

“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.”
— Eckhart Tolle

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