And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter— they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long.” - Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.

2018 was the year of initiation. the year of learning lessons, releasing karma, and encountering that which challenges our soul. it has been a karmic roller coaster, to say the least. we have gone through an initiation that has set us up perfectly to step into your purpose during 2019. it’s time for you to become the hero of your story. in numerology, 2019 is represented by the number three ( 2+1+9=12  — 1+2=3). it’s the number of creation and magic. whatever you consciously create during the upcoming year will set the stage for the years to come. in 2019, you are deserving of a happy ending. own your power and create that for yourself next year!

connecting to another person means understanding that they are human and capable of mistakes. understand that they have a shadow that needs to be acknowledged, as well as a lifetime of conditioning and programming to recognize and release. don’t idealize your partners, allow them humanity. 

“Every season is not a harvest. There are seasons of watering, planting, pulling up weeds and fertilizing.”

f you lose interest in someone, tell them. 
If you’re not looking for a relationship, tell the person you’re seeing.
If you’re thinking of ghosting someone, tell them.
If you can’t handle meeting up with someone after all, tell them.
If you’re terrible at responding to messages, tell people.
If you prefer talking in person to texting, tell people. 
If you’re seeing several people at the same time, tell them.
If you’re looking for sex rather than dating, tell the person you’re seeing.
It is not difficult to be a decent and honest, open, communicative human being. Respect those whom you interact with and have relationships with by telling the truth instead of leading them on or being deceitful.


friends can break the aries heart because they love so purely, unconditionally, freely, and don’t restrict any feelings. aries are either zero or 100, so they cannot befriend or love partially. the heart is completely doused and they search for someone with a match, aries knows how to make ‘sparks fly’ because that’s what they were made from

see yourself as luxury,
treat yourself as luxury, and position yourself as a luxury,

Men have no idea how good gentleness looks on them.

Sometimes things won’t work the way you want them to. Either the universe is protecting you, or there’s something better for you in store.

mindset. it’s all about mindset. from the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night. everything is up to you. your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions, every moment.

Everything is going to align, everything is going to make sense very soon. Trust the clarity you are starting to gain.

the new year is a great time to focus on yourself and filter out content that doesn’t make your life better. just as we’re supposed to be critical of media, it’s so important for people to be critical of the social media they consume daily:
-is the content trying to sell you something
-is a corporation sponsoring the content or is it a small business
-is editing heavily used to make this visually appealing
-is there a production team behind this; meaning it’s not an everyday or accessible look
-do you find yourself learning/ interested in the content or conversation or is it causing you to draw comparisons to yourself and feel bad
-is it advocating excess consumption; be it shopping, fitness, travel
social media is so personal but not always what it seems, and affects us more than we realize. take a moment to reflect and filter based on content that actually engages you and makes you feel good.

‪2018 was a soul healing year. So many ideas and plans for the future but not much energetic support in making physical progress. 2019 is very action oriented. The inner growth and healing had to come first, next year we will finally get to create our dreams into reality. ‬
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
- Thomas Fuller 
“Go on with what your heart tells you, or you will lose all.”

Rick RiordanTouch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.
- Margaret Atwood
I cherish small intimacies. A head resting against a shoulder, lips brushing against a nose, a kiss on the neck, a hand reaching out for my own
i often wonder, “what is god’s plan for me?”, “am i doing enough?”, and “what am i doing wrong?”
i often feel like i should be doing something else, making more of an effort, proving myself.
i’ve learned the hard way through extending myself way past my limits that i am doing enough. probably more than enough at times. i am right where i should be. there is nothing wrong with being gentle with myself. there is nothing wrong with taking my time. there is nothing wrong with taking a break. neither of these things delay or eliminate my dreams and/or rewards. what’s mine is coming, no matter what direction i take with my life. because what’s headed my way is my destiny — it’s meant perfectly for me. all in due time, i will reap my rewards and i will glow with satisfaction.
there is beauty within the wait. there is beauty within the unknown. there is beauty within the present moments. there is beauty within slowing down.


You don’t know anyone at the party, so you don’t want to go. You don’t like cottage cheese, so you haven’t eaten it in years. This is your choice, of course, but don’t kid yourself: it’s also the flinch. Your personality is not set in stone. You may think a morning coffee is the most enjoyable thing in the world, but it’s really just a habit. Thirty days without it, and you would be fine. You think you have a soul mate, but in fact you could have had any number of spouses. You would have evolved differently, but been just as happy.
You can change what you want about yourself at any time. You see yourself as someone who can’t write or play an instrument, who gives in to temptation or makes bad decisions, but that’s really not you. It’s not ingrained. It’s not your personality. Your personality is something else, something deeper than just preferences, and these details on the surface, you can change anytime you like.

If it is useful to do so, you must abandon your identity and start again. Sometimes, it’s the only way.

“Maybe that is all any bravery is, a stronger fear of not being brave.”

“Your only job is to know the kind of life you want to live the most, find those things in your life that bring you the most joy, and then to keep your attention on those things. That is really all you have to do. This whole book can be summed up in that one statement. Know what you want and ask for it. Then receive it. It is really so simple…and we as human beings are excellent at complicating it.”
— Bob Doyle, Wealth Beyond Reason

this is why things like the law of attraction can be so detrimental for people. the goal should not be permanent happiness. the goal should not be happiness at all, although we all deserve to feel joy in our lives. the goal should be to be able to flow with change with grace and self-compassion enough that we can move through the difficulty. so that we can pay attention to the difficulty without feeling ungrounded or lost. the goal is to be able to greet challenge and pain and sorrow with just as much space and heart love as we do joy and celebration. to look devastation in the face and say “you are familiar and i love you. thank you for helping me to survive in your own way”. to be able to face the darkest spaces of ourselves and say “thank you for all that you have done to ensure i make it through and i have found a new way and i’m ready to go that way now”. astrology should support us on this journey. so should tarot and numerology and other ways of connecting with something outside of ourselves. If astrology isn’t in service of this, it is not a tool at all, it’s just an ego rub.

On letting go.

What’s wrong with texting first and replying to a text immediately? what’s wrong with calling and telling them you miss them? What’s wrong with showing you care? Take down your pride a notch and be genuine with your feelings.


“Think about your energy throughout the day. Do you tend to get drained during the day or are you filled with energy? Your energy level is giving you feedback about how you are living your life. Your low energy is signaling that changes need to be made. These changes fall under 4 categories: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual”

“DBT strengthening statements

“I 💯 believe this with all my heart ❤️

can we dead the idea “no one will love you until you love yourself” when it’s more like if you don’t recognize your own value you’re more likely to endure mistreatment that you don’t deserve. 

Gentleness is so important. Gentleness of the heart. Gentleness of the spirit. Gentleness in one’s aura. Gentleness in one’s own motivations and actions. Gentleness that is both embodied and practiced.

“If you love beauty, it’s because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it’s because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in.”
— Cynthia Occelli 

‪Things always fall apart, right before they come back together.‬

 It’s perfectly possible to be shy and express Leo energy. Being creative does not necessarily mean being the loudspeaker of the party

“Camila Gutierrez

When there is a conflict between conscious goals and the unconscious, we are sending double or mixed messages out to the cosmos, which is not the best way to achieve results.  Also, in any contest between the conscious and the unconscious, it is the unconscious which usually wins. Unconscious aims and urges are more powerful than conscious ones because they operate surreptitiously, so we unwittingly find ourselves at their mercy.

“There is something to learn from every encounter. If someone is kind to us, the lesson is to be grateful, not to take kindness for granted, and, most important, to graciously return their kindness. If someone is not kind, the lesson is to rise above that, because reacting to them is like throwing gasoline on a fire.”

i forgot how fucking weird november is theres no afternoon its just night after 2pm
Sometimes you don’t get what you want, because you deserve better.

“ cafe-solo:

You can always start again. Clean out your social media. Create a new account for your new taste in music. Study or work in a new city. Start socialising with new people. Choose a new signature scent and style and purge the outdated parts of yourself. If you don’t like where you’re at, but you don’t know what to do about it - try starting again.

i’m tired of meeting the same people in different bodies.



just a lil reminder to be proud of your progress and to keep taking little steps at a time, as eventually you’ll reach your full potential and you’ll look back on the days you thought you’d never make it, and you’ll smile, knowing you never gave in :’)

12 STEPS FOR SELF CARE cwote: If it feels wrong, don’t do it Say exactly what you mean Don’t be a people pleaser Trust your instincts Never speak bad about yourself Never give up on your dreams Don’t be afraid to say “no” Don’t be afraid to say “yes” Be KIND to yourself Let go of what you can’t control Stay away from drama & negativity LOVE

You can discover your favourite band when you’re in your late twenties. You can meet your best friend when you’re in your thirties. You can finally accomplish a life goal when you’re in your fifties. Your youth isn’t the only time frame where amazing, life-changing things can happen.


“Friday feels 🥂 @an.koval by @nastyagerak wearing the Rhode blazer | Available online #styleaddict

THE SIGNS AS BEAUTIFUL FOREIGN WORDS ASSOCIATED WITH LOVE bangudreamu: Aries: Meraki- Greek // doing something with soul, creativity, or love Taurus: Onsra- Boro Language of India // loving for the last time; that bittersweet feeling you get when you know a love won’t last Gemini: L’esprit de escalier- French // the inescapable feeling you get when you leave a conversation then think about all the things you should have said Cancer: Yuanfen- Chinese // a relationship by fate or destiny Leo: Saudade- Portuguese // the feeling of intense longing for a person or place you love but is now lost; a haunting desire for what is gone Virgo: Kilig- Tagalog // the heady-sublime rush you experience right after something good happens, particularly in love/dating. Like running into your crush, kissing someone for the first time, hearing someone you love tell you they love you too for the first time Libra: Forelsket- Norwegian // that overwhelming euphoric feeling you experience when you’re falling in love Scorpio: Ya’aburnee- Arabic // this phrase translates to “you bury me” ; the hope that the person you love will outlive you so you can spare the pain of living without them Sagittarius: Mamihlapinatei- Yagan // a wordless, yet meaningful look between two people who both desire to initiate something, but both are too scared to initiate themselves Capricorn: La douleur exquise- French // the heartbreaking pain of wanting someone you can’t have. Aquarius: Kara sevda- Turkish // meaning “black love” this is a lovesick term for when you feel that passionate, blinding love for another person Pisces: Koi No Yokan- Japanese // the sudden knowledge upon meeting someone that the two of you are destined to fall in love

“Saasha Burns

My mind is like an internet browser. 17 tabs are open, 4 of them are frozen and I don’t know where the music is coming from.

Make your dreams a priority.
Make your mental health a priority.
Make your relationships a priority.
Make your happiness a priority.
Make yourself a priority.

Aries: Funniest rants, trust me; Seems like a badass, but they’re harmless until you seriously piss them off; Do not piss them off, their limits are usually reasonable and they will fight you; Unafraid to act, especially to defend you; Always thinking about what’s coming up next; Great at starting projects they never completely finish; Sincere friends.
Taurus: Big, sweet cow eyes; Honestly just hug them and never let go, it’ll be the best decision you ever make; Warm aura; They’ll embarrass themselves, but it’s endearing instead of cringe-worthy; Calm presence; Naturally reserved, but they will let you in if you genuinely care; Unintentionally funny; Some quality of theirs makes people look up to them.
Gemini: They try so hard, bless their hearts; Cutest clothes; One of you is going to have a crush on the other; Awkward in a way that makes tension disappear; Unintentionally attracts trouble; It doesn’t occur to them to not put up with your shit; Not very considerate to your emotions unless they’re helping you with a specific issue; Super passionate about their fandoms and interests; Someone you can always talk to.
Cancer: Fucking dweebs that will laugh over the most bizarre things; Will always love you; Messy; They genuinely want you to do your best; They deeply care about all of their friends, too; Give great hugs; Take everything personally and fully invest themselves; They might get too wrapped up in something that doesn’t seem important to you, but just be patient with them, they’re worth it.
Leo:Simultaneously the most self-absorbed and caring people; Lucious locks; So intimidating, but it’s all a big, fat lie if you’re friends; Would kill for you; Childish and immature; Can actually be very practical minded; Really wants you to like them, but they’re not going to try hard for your approval; Let them have the last word because they’re going to have it eventually.
Virgo: Sad eyes that know the dark secrets of the world; They don’t feel in control, yet they try to be; Organized and methodical; Outwardly cynical (but they secretly hope for the best); If you meet their standards, consider yourself lucky; Big sister who will always help you with your problems; Feels most comfortable in a dark movie theater; Listen to them because they know what they’re talking about; Surprisingly patient.
Libra: They have a story for everything; Loves to go out with their loved ones; They spend a lot of time thinking over ideas and concepts; DILF; Lifelong friend that you can always turn to; Confidence booster; Can be surprisingly selfish sometimes; Indecisive as fuck; They’re going to win you over before you even realise it; Silently judgemental, but this doesn’t mean they take sides.
Scorpio: 10/10 would bang; Could destroy you effortlessly; Lifelong struggle bus ticket holder; Romantic love is not their strong suit; Darkly magnetic; Shared looks and inside jokes will be abundant when you hang out; Do not fuck with their friends; I repeat: do not fuck with their friends; seriously; avoid this at all costs; These are the type of people who will burn your house down and steal your boyfriend; If you fuck them over, they will cut ties forever, even if they still love you.
Sagittarius:They’re best friend material; Lots and lots of friends but few close friends; Attractive/ Magnetic; You’re going to find yourself thinking about them later; Can go literally anywhere and fit in; Histrionic; Will not put up with your bullshit at all; They seem like an open book, but this is not the case at all; Take themselves a little too seriously; More loyal than you could ask for.
Capricorn: Sassy as hell; Sarcasm actually flows through their veins; You will admire them; Always seemingly stable; They have the soundest advice; Tend to think they’re always right, and they aren’t exactly wrong about that; If they love you, it’s true; Good listeners and friends; Grouchy is their default emotion; Lowkey SUPER competitive, just let them win because they will literally never let it go ever.
Aquarius: You will fall in love with them, even if it doesn’t last; They’re going to make you laugh; They try to be forgiving creatures; Lowkey super stubborn about things they believe to be right; Really, really good at one area of expertise; Detail oriented; Highly sexual beings; They downplay their emotions; It’s hard to completely understand what they’re thinking about unless they explicitly tell you; Trust their gut because they’re going to be right.
Pisces: Hug them, please, they’ll really appreciate it; They’re probably going to fall in love with you, too; Trusting and trustworthy; Watch what you say around them because they’re very sensitive; Encourage them to trust their intuition more; They’ll be able to understand your feelings more deeply than any of the other signs; Insecure but so, so, so worthy; Would die for you; Sneaky; Need a favor? Call this babe.

don’t be realistic on what you want. be realistic on how you’re going to get it.

self care for free:

  • enjoy a long, hot shower after an exhausting day
  • avoid or cut toxic people out of your life
  • have a nice, lengthy nap to rejuvinate
  • go on a sky watching or star gazing
  • take a break and unplug on social media
  • unfriend/mute toxic people on the internet
  • go for a walk or a jog on the park
  • reconnect with your good old friends
  • take your dog/pet for a walk
  • enjoy the sun for a couple of minutes
  • do a random act of kindness
  • have a quick movie marathon
  • try to do something that you used to love
  • listen to your favorite songs when you were a kid
  • artist or not, try painting your feelings
  • for a day, try decluttering your thoughts and stop overthinking
  • go on a window shopping (even w/o buying anything)  

“mmmmm gingham twosie

Being important to yourself is far more important than being important to someone else


“ emfile:

“IG: emmadelury

“Muns Jewelry

“ bruwho:


I’d rather not kiss every stranger until I found you

“ bruwho:


“ 🌻✨

“ dizzhies:
“ floroxide:
“with love xx
love, dizzhies xoxo
b e l i e h f ”





When we focus on the positive, the positive grows.
When we become conscious of the roots of the negative, the negative heals…
Understanding brings both healing and growth.

me, going for a long car ride: yes I can listen to so much music



1569 d7b5

 Czy tacy ludzie naprawdę istnieją? Tacy, którzy mieszkają nad morzem, mają własne, przytulne mieszkania a każdy dzień zaczynają od śniadania? Ludzie, którym chce się codziennie dobrze wyglądać, którzy w drodze do pracy wstępują po pachnącą kawę? Mają pracę, którą lubią, która nie jest stresem a przyjemnym wyzwaniem? Wychodzą z niej o 16 a gdy chcą wziąć urlop to po prostu o tym mówią, z uśmiechem? Ludzie, którzy po pracy idą na siłownię, do kina, spotykają się z przyjaciółmi, mają czas na słuchanie muzyki? Wieczorem nigdy nie są na tyle zmęczeni by pominąć demakijaż, kładą się w czystej pościeli a zamiast telefonu czytają rozdział książki przed snem? Zasypiają spokojnie, nie martwią się chorobami, nie myślą o śmierci i o tym, że jutro będzie takie samo jak wczoraj. 


- accept things about your life that you cannot change
- add things into your life that bring you joy
- get rid of the things that don’t
- declutter your space and life by throwing away or giving away things you don’t need
- take care of yourself (self-care)
- don’t give up even when things get hard or when you want to fall back into your old ways
- talk to someone you love and who loves you
- surround yourself with good, positive people
there’s nothing wrong with failing, as long as you get back up again and continue to fight.

life gets better once you start doing your own thing. stop comparing yourself to others and if that means getting rid of social media than get rid of social media. it means to stop with the negative self talk, your brain is lying to you. train it to tell the beautiful truth.
 it means to look ahead of you, not behind, not to the side. pay no attention to the strangers around you until you can look at them and feel peace in your heart that you are doing just fine and so are they. you do not have to compromise your self love because someone else is beautiful, successful etc. you can be beautiful too, don’t worry.
it gets easier once you start paying attention to yourself, your own happiness. your own comfort. pay no mind, speak words of kindness, and enjoy what you have.

 Pomyśl jaki świat byłby piękny, gdyby ludzie spotykali się w odpowiednich momentach życia. A nie o parę lat i zdarzeń za późno, za wcześnie. Gdyby mówili to, o czym tak zaciekle milczą. Ile nocy byłoby przespanych, ile serc nie aż tak pustych. 
— Olga Wojciechowska - "Listy niczyje"

 Oh jasne, że mogę chodzić na randki, mogę pisać z innymi facetami i odpowiadać im na te same pytania typu: co u mnie, jak mi minął dzień, co robię w życiu i najlepsze! Czemu taka piękna dziewczyna jak Ty nie ma faceta? Pewnie, że mogę poświęcać komuś czas z nadzieją, że pyknie, mimo iż od samego początku wiem, że to nie to. Mogę nawet iść z tą osobą do łóżka, bo przecież mam potrzeby jak każdy człowiek. Rano mogę się obudzić, zjeść z tą osobą śniadanie i ćwierkać sobie do ucha jak nam było cudownie tej nocy. Tylko wiesz co? Problem w tym, że ja nie chcę, Nie, że nie chcę w ogóle, ale nie chce po łebkach, nie chce na siłę, nie chce, bo wypada i takie tam. Odkąd pamiętam uważałam, że mnie miłość musi po prostu pierdolnąć i nie ma przeproś. I choćby ona miał trwać miesiąc, dwa, rok, a może i resztę mojego życia, to chce właśnie tak! Chce go zawsze chcieć na 100 %, chce żeby denerwował mnie jak nikt na tym świecie, ale i chce aby koił moje nerwy. Da się tak? Pewnie, że się da! Wierzę, że gdzieś tam jest taki człowiek, który wejdzie w moje życie z buta, a ja w jego też będę glanem, a nie jakimś tam cicho biegiem. Chcę na niego patrzeć i śmiać się do siebie ze szczęścia, że go mam, że jest mój, że jest moim kumplem, przyjacielem, kochankiem, ale i miłością mojego życia, której nie da się wychodzić, nie da się jej wyczekać, ona po prostu wbija do Twojego życia niezapowiedziana, nie pyta, czy chcesz, czy masz czas, po prostu się pojawia, a Ty się cieszysz. Cieszysz się, bo wiesz, że na taką chwile nie ma lepszego momentu niż ten.
Wierzę, że ten moment jeszcze jest przede mną.
— "Czarne Buty"

4836 d1b1 500
 Co więcej, powodzenie, jakiego każdy ma prawo oczekiwać w życiu, powodzenie wynikające z osobistego promieniowania, będzie łatwiej zapewnione, jeśli wyzyskasz wszystkie swoje atuty, zarówno w dziedzinie umysłowości i uczucia, jak i zwykłej zewnętrznej elegancji. Takie połączenie piękna i harmonii odbije się korzystnie nie tylko na twoim sposobie ubierania się, na ruchach i na rysach twarzy, ale także spowoduje blask spojrzenia i czar uśmiechu oraz wywoła dookoła ciebie tę tajemniczą aurę, która potrafi działać na innych jak magnes. Tak więc - w umiejętnym rozwijaniu elegancji osobistej, polegającej na połączeniu wszystkich dodatnich pierwiastków twojej osobowości, leży, jakże często, klucz do powodzenia i do szczęścia w życiu, którego tak naprawdę wszyscy przecież najgłębiej pragniemy. 

2295 5341 500

“Instagram @modedamour​

you have the power to attract all the love you dream of and deserve
Yes but do your shadow work, heal your inner child trauma, focus on reprogramming your subconscious mind to match your conscious desires and fully step into your self worth.
OP is correct but just saying

do the work

When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.


“Feelings, whether of compassion or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, and treated on an absolutely equal basis; because both are ourselves. The tangerine I am eating is me. The mustard greens I am planting are me. I plant with all my heart and mind. I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath. Nothing should be treated more carefully than anything else. In mindfulness, compassion, irritation, mustard green plant, and teapot are all sacred.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh, “Miracle of Mindfulness”.

“Gentleness is powerful. When we use gentle and loving speech, we are able to transform all the anger, fear, resentment, and suspicion in our communication. The whole intention of loving speech is to understand the other person and to be understood.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh



9953 5441 500

6561 8519 500




Red lips, curled lashes, natural brows, flushed cheeks, soft skin, loose hair, gold jewelry

“I love you.”
“You can’t ask ‘why’ about love.”
Anna Karenina (2012) dir. Joe Wright

“via @tiphainemarie_

“via @defineyourgrind

“Sorry posting has been sporadic – I am struggling with things at the moment. Autumn mornings have been one of many small refuges, watching the sunrise from bed with coffee and Finnegans Wake.

“ Anne Frank | The Diary of a Young Girl | 1947

“via @rupikaurpoems

lazy mornings, open windows, foreign languages, used books, small cafés, excited text messages, art galleries, sundresses, cobbled streets, fresh air, filled notebooks, feeling completely at ease, content smiles

The Signs As Beautiful Foreign Words Associated with Love

Aries: Meraki- Greek // doing something with soul, creativity, or love
Taurus: Onsra- Boro Language of India // loving for the last time; that bittersweet feeling you get when you know a love won’t last
Gemini: L’esprit de escalier- French // the inescapable feeling you get when you leave a conversation then think about all the things you should have said
Cancer: Yuanfen- Chinese // a relationship by fate or destiny
Leo: Saudade- Portuguese // the feeling of intense longing for a person or place you love but is now lost; a haunting desire for what is gone
Virgo: Kilig- Tagalog // the heady-sublime rush you experience right after something good happens, particularly in love/dating. Like running into your crush, kissing someone for the first time, hearing someone you love tell you they love you too for the first time
Libra: Forelsket- Norwegian // that overwhelming euphoric feeling you experience when you’re falling in love
Scorpio: Ya’aburnee- Arabic // this phrase translates to “you bury me” ; the hope that the person you love will outlive you so you can spare the pain of living without them
Sagittarius: Mamihlapinatei- Yagan // a wordless, yet meaningful look between two people who both desire to initiate something, but both are too scared to initiate themselves
Capricorn: La douleur exquise- French // the heartbreaking pain of wanting someone you can’t have.
Aquarius: Kara sevda- Turkish // meaning “black love” this is a lovesick term for when you feel that passionate, blinding love for another person
Pisces: Koi No Yokan- Japanese // the sudden knowledge upon meeting someone that the two of you are destined to fall in love
half the fun of tea is getting to hold the warm mug



remember the softest days. remember the songs humming on the radio while you were with your best friends. remember the compliments about your pretty eyes, the times you laughed while crying and the most loving hugs. remember the dogs that ran up to see you, the color of people’s eyes in the sunlight, the way you felt when you watched your favorite film for the first time. remember your best achievements and the way you grew from your saddest evenings. your life is much more beautiful than you perceived when you remember all of the good things.


no more hookup culture. either love someone with all your heart and better one another or die idc

i genuinely cannot stand men who make no effort to know their girlfriends. like no effort to ask what their favorite color is, nor bother to know where they love to eat, or ask about their childhood and their life and their interests. but girls remember every single detail, and do things for them because they love them and it’s almost never reciprocated. so this serves the question: what do men know about their girlfriends besides fucking them?

“MACBETH : Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

its funny when people underestimate my ability to find shit out 

best feeling ever is finally losing your attachment to somebody that wasn’t good for you.

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet 

~romantic asks~

  1. are you currently crushing on someone?
  2. is anyone currently crushing on you?
  3. have you ever been in a long term relationship?
  4. have you ever been asked out?
  5. have you ever asked someone out?
  6. have you ever kissed someone?
  7. have you ever been kissed?
  8. do you think your crush likes you back?
  9. when was the last time someone broke your heart?
  10. what are your go-to love songs?
  11. are you more of a flirt or a hopeless romantic?
  12. what would be your ideal date?
  13. do you have a crush on the person you last kissed?
  14. have you ever confessed your feelings knowing they were unrequited?
  15. have you ever written a poem/song about someone you had feelings for?
  16. if the person you like/love was with you right now, what would you say/do?
  17. are you currently single or taken?
  18. have you ever broken up with someone?
  19. have you ever been broken up with?
  20. is there someone in your life you have been trying to get over?
  21. what is your favorite quote or lyric about love?
  22. do you believe in love at first sight?
  23. does the person you have feelings for know about that?
  24. what is your favorite rom com?
  25. if you could date a celebrity, who would it be?
  26. do you like cuddling?
  27. have you ever used an online dating site or app to find dates?
  28. what is the sun sign of your crush/significant other?
  29. have you ever had romantic feelings for a best friend?
  30. what’s your type in a potential romantic partner?

 Miał miękkie wargi i twardy charakter. Potrafił zamknąć mi usta w najczulszy sposób i jednocześnie otworzyć serce. Dawał mi pewność, mimo, że jego spojrzenie mnie zawstydzało i kiedy na mnie patrzył - niepewnie spuszczałam wzrok. Był dla mnie czystą inspiracją, chociaż miałam przy nim stale brudne myśli. 
— Aleksandra Steć

 Wciąż się trzęsę o ciebie, czy świat cię nie złamie. Bo łamie właśnie twardych. Miękkich złamać się nie da, wiesz, oni się zawsze ugną. 
— Małgorzata Musierowicz - "Ciotka Zgryzotka"
“There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”
— Aldous Huxley, Time Must Have a Stop

“ (via Solenne Jakovsky)



“ Margot Robbie Shot By Max Doyle For Oyster #108


There’s a Korean word my grandma taught me. It’s called jung. It’s the connection between two people that can’t be severed, even when love turns to hate. You still have those old feelings for them; you can’t ever completely shake them loose of you; you will always have tenderness in your heart for them.”

 To being affluent, successful, happy, and stressfree women. Nothing is out of reach unless you declare it to be. Set intentions for your life next year and follow through to become the best version of you possible. No blocking our blessings, no talking ourselves out of them because we’re scared, no saying no to things we actually need to do. We’re meant to be more than what we are today, but we can only get there by taking leaps. No risk, no reward. 🥂

“When your parter confides in you about a problem they’ve faced, and your first response is to try to fix it, what this says to your partner is not that you care enough to help, but that you don’t believe they’re capable of figuring out a solution by themselves. This is one of the most common ways to miss your partner because you bypassed empathy when that’s the only thing they were looking for. When your partner confides in you, resist problem solving. If they want solutions, they’ll ask for your input, but what they most likely want is connection, which looks like asking questions, empathizing, and never siding with the enemy. All they want is to be heard, to know they’re not alone, and to feel that you’re on their side.”

I used to think i was introverted bc I really liked being alone but it turns out I just like being at peace & I am very extroverted when I’m around people who bring me peace

My kink is when you’re eating a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and your spoon hits a massive boulder of cookie dough that you then pry out like an archaeologist on the dig of a lifetime

you have to understand that not everyone will love you the way you love them. that doesn’t make you weak & that doesn’t mean you wasted time

i may b sad but did u see my outfit

you really gotta watch how people “joke” with you. people throw hella hate and jealousy on the low and cover it up w a laugh

too busy watering my own grass to check if yours is greener
when i sit and pray for people it’s so odd to me because it’s like these people have no idea i’m sat here crying and praying for them and asking God to look out for them and praying that they get every single happiness they deserve, and more. it’s so odd that someone could be doing the same for me and i have no clue.

I love the kind of tired that comes from a lot of fresh air and a little too much sun

“And then, one fairy night, May became June.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

let’s talk about greek mythology and conspiracy theories while you play with my hair

friendly reminder that you don’t have to justify self-care with suffering. you don’t have to be feeling down to give yourself permission to spend the night home alone with that book you’ve been dying to read. you don’t have to earn that piece of chocolate with a hard day at work. you don’t have to run yourself ragged before you deserve a bubble bath. you don’t need to wait for a disaster to be nice to yourself.

I have two moods: Nothing matters, and everything matters too much.

If someone doesn’t tell you they “love you, most ardently” in the pouring rain while looking at your lips like they desperately want to kiss you then what even is the point

“Boredom is different nowadays. It’s about super-saturation, distraction, restlessness. I am often bored but it’s not for lack of options: a thousand TV channels, the bounty of Netflix, countless net radio stations, innumerable unlistened-to albums, unwatched DVDs and unread books, the maze-like archive of YouTube. Today’s boredom is not hungry, a response to deprivation; it is a loss of cultural appetite, in response to the surfeit of claims on your attention and time.”

“To you, who never knew me,”
—  Stefan Zweig, from “Letter from an Unknown Woman,” The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig (Pushkin Press, 2013)

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żona faceta chiary ferragni

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