PYTANIA - INSPO // To me love is about nurturing, embracing, growth, and shared passion.

closing the 20 tabs you used for a finished essay = euphoric calmness

You ever been so disappointed in someone that you forgive them and don’t say anything, but in your head you detach yourself from them completely

I hope someday the timing is right

The moment I start to feel under appreciated I distance myself. I don’t care to be anything to anyone who doesn’t crave me. I don’t want to be anywhere that I’m not missed every time my presence is missing…'

Boys with gentle hearts and strong hands. Those are the boys you wanna marry.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania metoda motywacji mem

Jaki był najlepszy moment w twoim życiu?

Który rodzic jesteś ci bliższy i dlaczego?

Co chciałbyś w sobie zmienić, dlaczego?

Czego zabrakło ci w ważnych dla ciebie relacjach?

Czy kiedykolwiek ktoś cię oszukał?

Jak byś się czuł dzieląc bardzo osobistą, życiową przestrzeń z partnerem (np. hasło do komputera, konto bankowe)?

Jeśli jesteś w złym nastroju, czy wolisz być sam czy lubisz, gdy ktoś cię rozwesela?

Czy pisałeś kiedyś dziennik?

Czy wierzysz w miłość idealną, na zawsze?

Czy ktoś złamał Ci kiedyś serce?

Jaka jest najbardziej szalona rzecz, którą kiedykolwiek zrobiłeś (i czy zrobiłbyś to znowu)?

Za co i komu jesteś w życiu najbardziej wdzięczny?

Czego nauczyły cię dotychczasowe relacje?

Czego najbardziej w życiu żałujesz?

Czy jest coś, o czym marzyłeś przez długi czas – dlaczego tego nie zrobiłeś?

Dokończ zdanie: „Chciałabym mieć kogoś, z kim mógłbym dzielić …”

Czy wybaczyłeś osobom, które cię zraniły?

Czym jest dla ciebie miłość?

jedni nazywają to szaleństwem, inni kreatywnością.

Ile miałbyś lat jeżeli nie wiedziałbyś ile masz lat?
Czy trzymasz się czegoś uporczywie, co powinieneś zostawić?
Jeśli miałbyś przyjaciela, który odzywa się do Ciebie tak samo jak ty sam rozmawiasz z sobą, jak długo pozwoliłbyś tej osobie być Twoim przyjacielem?
Czas czy pieniądze?
Co jest gorsze, porażka czy nie podjęcie wyzwania?
Skoro życie jest takie krótkie, dlaczego robimy tyle rzeczy których nie lubimy i lubimy tyle rzeczy których nie robimy?
Gdybyś musiał się przenieść do innego kraju niż zawsze żyłeś, gdzie byś się przeprowadził i dlaczego?

Wolałbyś być zamartwiającym się geniuszem czy cieszącym się życiem prostakiem?
Col jest gorsze, kiedy dobry przyjaciel wyprowadza się gdzieś daleko, czy utrata kontaktu z dobrym przyjacielem który mieszka tuż obok?
Wolałbyś stracić wszystkie stare wspomnienia, czynie być w stanie stworzyć nowych?
Dlaczego religie tak wspierające miłość wywołały tyle wojen?
Czy zgodziłbyś się skrócić swoje życie o 10 lat w zamian za stanie się ekstremalnie atrakcyjnym bądź sławnym?
Kim są osoby i rzeczy, które najmocniej kochasz? Co robisz z tą miłością?
Czy jest coś, co robisz zupełnie inaczej niż większość ludzi?
Pierwsza myśl rano?
Czy przed rozmową telefoniczną powtarzasz sobie w głowie co powiesz? 
Masz cztery minuty. Opowiedz w ciągu nich historię swojego życia z największą ilością szczegółów. 
 Co najbardziej doceniasz w przyjaźni? 
Dokończ zdanie: Chciałbym mieć kogoś, z kim mógłbym,opublikowano-36-pytan-ktore-sprawia-ze-zakochasz-sie-na-zaboj-w-drugiej-osobie-czy-to-naprawde-dziala )


If you can’t picture yourself with them slow dancing in the kitchen at midnight eating ice cream or dancing in the kitchen with the windows open, big t-shirts on, and singing into a spatula while making pancakes on a Sunday morning then they’re not worth it. It’s all about who you see dancing in the kitchen.

"Niedługo kupię dużo książek i będę je czytać. Wieczorami pójdę sobie do kina, a nocami będę słuchał deszczu spadającego na miasto. I tak będzie aż do wiosny. I aż do wiosny nie będę do nikogo mówił o miłości". 
Marek Hłasko !!!!! !!!!

scarlett leithold

scarlett leithold

scarlett leithold

scarlett leithold

scarlett leithold

jak zadbać o metabolizm

Kiełki, kanapki, kawa

Kiełki, kanapki, kawa


“Fuck school”, I say as I do all my homework and aim for A’s

if we date and break up you gotta unlearn all the cool shit i taught you. you gotta go back to being lame 

'I met you.
You smiled.
I froze.
I stopped looking for more.

“spotted in Seoul

too busy watering my own grass to check if yours is greener

A man that wants you will make time for you. Always.

the holy trinity: beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart.

Women aren’t picking the wrong men. Lots of y'all men are manipulative and show your true colors when you can’t get what you want.

MOOD: I need to detox all my bad habits, exfoliate my skin, deep condition my hair, a new set of nails and a pedicure.

if you have to keep guessing where you stand with someone, move on. not knowing is knowing.

Delete their number and drink plenty of water, watch your skin clear up

Stop worrying what other people think. Your skin will clear up

 the strongest ones bleed in silence. have no one applauding their growth. have no one watching their healing process. they bloom in silence

••| follow me on instagram @iambrillyant for more of my poetry. much love. 🌹
there are poems inside you, that belong to your parents, old friends, and ex lovers. don’t carry around old chapters. write yourself anew.

to the woman with an old soul;
your way of thinking, is appreciated. your way of feeling, is appreciated. your way of being, is appreciated. don’t let them whisper lies in your ears - the way your mind works is not outdated, it’s beautiful. your undying wisdom of the world and the way it dances, your appreciation for art and literature, your hopeless romanticism and faith in the concept of love, darling, you’re walking poetry, and you don’t even know it. your rib cage is made out of piano keys, your heart is a drum, and they make a unique melody that only few will understand. they tell stories of a woman that has seen so much, felt so much, been so much, evolved, but still moves to her own rhythm. whether life forced you to grow up too fast, or you’re carrying on from where you left off in a previous lifetime, to the woman with an old soul, you’re beautiful, and you’re appreciated.

stop feeding connections that don’t feed you. stop spending so much time filling others, while you starve of love. you are deserving too.

i hope you learn that choosing yourself, will always be the most beautiful love language you can ever learn. i hope you prioritize yourself. i hope you learn never to betray your intuition. i hope you learn to open your soul and listen when god is speaking to you. i hope you learn to grow from past inflictions. i hope you stop using the past as an excuse for stagnancy, and realize your divinity.
When other people treat you poorly, keep being you. Don’t ever let someone else’s bitterness change the person you are.

 There’s something beautiful about keeping certain aspects of your life hidden. Maybe people and clouds are beautiful because you can’t see everything







“IG: kevin_pabel -

 Don’t miss out on something that could be amazing just because it could also be difficult. 

Experience is the biggest source of knowledge

“ satinjune:
“Finding meaning in life by Emery Allen,
“get out of the car and run”😂😂😂 “go on hike” ”

You know when you clean your face really well and exfoliate and stuff and your face feels ten pounds lighter and clean and kind of raw, that’s how I want my heart to feel

Being a good person is a choice. Don’t let people fool you into believing that truly good people never have bad thoughts, are never tempted by the easier path, by the low road, never mess up or act out selfishly. Never believe a person can be good without making a conscious effort.
Every single time you do something good, you’ve made a decision to make the world a little brighter.
Goodness is not an inherent trait, it is a choice. Keep making it! I see you, I’m proud of you, and I’m rooting for you!

my life is basically just a constant cycle of finally getting past the thing i was stressing about and then immediately finding something else to stress me out even if it isn’t happening for another 4 months


zdjęcie: dziewczyna z nożem i podpisem na ściane she cuts her life in pieces

What I want is for the two of us to meet somewhere by chance one day, like, passing on the street, or getting on the same bus.'

'It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Stop sharing special information about your life until it’s sure you have it (a job interview, a job, what you may do in the next few months, projects you have in mind…) Not even to your closest friends because you never know if they really have your best interest in mind el mal de ojo is real and I learnt it the hard way, keep the important stuff to yourself

The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.

Just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike

1. Get more sleep
2. Drink more water
3. Get more exercise
4. Read more
5. Get more organized
6. Clean more often
7. Explore more
8. Relax more
9. Have more patience
10. Be happy

  1. True Love - Loving is my favorite thing to do in life. I like to make others happy and I like to look at someone who looks back at me, seeing who I am. Ya know, like really looking into you. This is being truly connected. 
  2. Passion - This hits on love to some degree, but you can find passion in all facets of life, like your work, your friends, etc. It’s the passion-filled pieces in life that make it worth living. 
  3. Meaningful Conversations - These help you feel understood. You need to be understood in life. You need to be around those that see you for who you are and care about what’s going on inside your head. Being misunderstood is very lonely.
  4. Honesty - This is how you tap into everything on this list. Be honest with what makes you happy and what makes you sad, who you like and who drains you. We often let friends and family tell us who we are and though they want what is best for us and know who we are pretty well, at the end of the day, no one knows you better than you know you.
  5. Self Care - The best way to add good into this world is to be the best version of yourself. Making sure you are taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for this world, because it adds happy. 
“ if you find you are surrounded by toxic people…
•  CUT.
•  THEM.
•  OUT.

“please if anything, be yourself :)

ciasteczka bez glutenu


'I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be, but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see.

concept: waking up early, eating a healthy breakfast, going for a run, drinking enough water, finishing assignments on the first day and not last minute, having clear skin, not being stressed 24/7, 

relax, u’ll graduate, u’ll get a job, u’ll become an adult, u’ll find someone who loves you. u have an entire life. things take time

when will i stop analysing every micro interaction and realise other people have moods and feelings that are not necessarily influenced by my presence

do i have a crush on you or am i just lonely

do i like you or do i like that you like me
do I like you or do I like the idea of you

do i want to be in a relationship or do i just want to prove that i’m worthy of one

simple ways to feel better about your appearance
- shower everyday
- wash your face + brush your teeth twice a day
- find a face wash + a face moisturizer that suits your skin
- floss in the morning + at night
- put lotion on daily
- spritz your favorite perfume
- deodorant!!
- shave regularly (if you so choose) w/ a nice razor
- use a body scrub once a week
- scrub/exfoliate your feet + moisturize them
- keep your nails trimmed
- keep your eyebrows under control
- keep your hair clean
- keep your hands + lips moisturized
- wear your retainers if you’ve been slacking
- drink lots of water
- eat better
- get 8 hours of sleep
- exercise regularly
- buy cute clothes that look flattering
- wear make-up if you like it
- look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re beautiful until you believe it

I’m excited to one day get a lil studio apartment with the person I love and decorate it and put plants in there and cook dinner together and go for walks

We…need to forgive ourselves…For all the things we didn’t do. All the things we should have done. You can’t get stuck on the regrets of what should have happened.'

” ”

do girls really mature faster? or do we just excuse boys’ immaturity longer?

A relationship with no gender roles. We both hustle, we both cook, we both clean, we both pay, we both spoil each other.

shout out to the girls who don’t fully love themselves yet. take ya time hun it’s all about you.


me at school: when i get home im gonna be productive’

me at home: good nite

& i never want to have to beg for anyone’s time again in my life.

self care: deleting people you don’t fuck with anymore off all social media


'Nobody can avoid falling in love. They might want to deny it, but friendship is probably the most common form of love.'

night time is for listening to really good music, warm showers and impulse texting the person you like

i love it when things stop bothering you. like two months ago i was totally bitter about so many things and now im like “u know what i don’t even care” & that’s a beautiful feeling

i need to get a real job so i can stop crying over expensive lingerie and start crying in expensive lingerie



got a broken heart?? put it in rice

złamałaś sobie serce? włóż je do miski z ryżem

eat more fruit
drink more water
get more sleep
go outside more
love yourself

'Two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are with people.'

5 reasons to smile
  • someone out there cares a lot about you
  • you have a million chances to reinvent yourself
  • the sun will always rise even after the worst nights
  • there are so many things for you to see
  • there are so many things to fall in love with

It’s okay if people are moving at a different pace than you; life is not a race.

Zapytałeś mnie kiedyś czy coś może być równocześnie za duże i za małe - tak. Taka właśnie była nasza miłość.

Yes, please boycott Oreo for their support of Gay Rights. We’ll all appreciate you going on a diet. While you’re at it, please also throw away your iPod, iPhone, and iPad since Apple supports as well. Hopefully you have lots of clothes, because you’ll need to ditch your Levi’s and Nike’s too. Perhaps you bought them at … JC Penney’s or Sears? Sucks you’ll have to take them back … or actually, anything you wear from anywhere probably had a gay involved. Flying somewhere soon? Better not be on American, Delta, Southwest, or United…you’ll need a new ticket. Airline wasn’t mentioned? Just be sure your jet isn’t Boeing made. Don’t sleep at Marriott or Hilton (or any of their family brands) because you might catch the gay they support. That morning coffee from Starbucks will have to go as well, go ahead it replace it with a McCafe…oh wait, McDonald’s supports gay rights too. Hmm, do you clean with Tide, Gain, or Bounty? Use Duracell batteries, shave with Gillette, or use Fixodent? Brush with Crest, use Pantene, Scope, Tampax, Venus, or Old Spice products? Those are all gone too, stupid Proctor & Gamble supporting the gays. Damn, you’re using Internet Explorer or Crome to see Facebook and read this status? Download something else, Microsoft and Google show their Pride as well. Ah, but your drinks are safe. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Budweiser are on your side … if your side is on the right side of history since all three also support Gay Rights. Hopefully, you or your lawyer will never need in-depth research. Both LexisNexis and Westlaw, who together control the market, support Gay Rights. Drive that big, manly, Ford F350? It’s a “Friend of Dorothy” too, as it’s company Ford and General Motors also support the rights of all. So, do us all a favor, don’t take it all out on a festive cookie … just stay home and boycott everything

You do not get to destroy someone and decide how ruined they are allowed to feel.'


I love doing my thing while someone else is in the room doing their thing. Like if you come over and you want to sit by the window and read while I sit on the floor drawing something and listening to a cd that would be very nice.

The Kooples

for my final project i will be disappearing into the mountains

““ Rosie and Jessica attend the Ralph Lauren fashion show during New York Fashion Week on September 14
” ”

“ An afternoon in Paris 🌹

I just wanna say… From the bottom of my heart… Get the fuck away from me if you have bad intentions


“V I N E U P H O R I E

i actually… love people who double or triple or infinity text … what are you excited about because i’m excited too! message me seven times please i’m glad you have a lot to say and i am willing to listen!!

'Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.'

If you have ever lost someone very important to you, then you already know how it feels, and if you haven’t, you cannot possibly imagine it.'

“ Stuff on toast: Strawberries, almond butter, cacau nibs + desiccated coco on toasted sourdough.

shout out to the girls that hate their bodies but are trying really really hard to find the beauty and comfort in them because that shit is hard and takes a lot of time and is emotionally exhausting. i’m proud of y'all.

'I love kissing. If I could kiss all day, I would. I can’t stop thinking about kissing. I like kissing more than sex because there’s no end to it. You can kiss forever. You can kiss yourself into oblivion. You can kiss all over the body. You can kiss yourself to sleep. And when you wake up, you can’t stop thinking about kissing. Dammit, I can’t get anything done because I’m so busy thinking about kissing. Kissing is madness! But it’s absolute paradise, if you can find a good kisser.'

'The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.'
“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.

“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.”
― Leo Tolstoy,...

“ig: wolfiecindy

Friendly reminder to check you’re not holding tension in your body. Let your shoulders drop, unclench your hands and jaw. Take a deep breath. Much better.

It’s exciting when you find parts of yourself in someone else'

me looking at the person i like: i am enamored even with the way your fingers move, with the way the light plays on your skin, with your freckles and your smile and your laughter, with your voice, with how you get around the things you love, with your humor, 
me aloud: what’s up asshole

if you’re looking for a high risk high reward kind of way to make thursday interesting: make a list of the five most influential relationships you had in your life. i don’t mean romantic, but they can be. it doesn’t have to be people or even something tangible, a relationship with music counts. but if it is people? write out what changed you and what your journey was with them and what happened between you two. and tell them. tell them they mattered to you. watch what happens, because the plain truth is that we don’t tell people enough that their love for us made us better. just for a day, in this whole ugly world that’s trying to kill any form of kindness: be thankful. it’s important. imagine what it would be like to get that kind of affirmation that you matter. just… watch how it changes someone to hear that. i don’t know. i think it’s sort of cathartic to be vulnerable like that. but i love you. and you matter. 

Totally cool: “Hey, do you want to be exclusive?”
Red flag: “No one but me is allowed to touch you.”
Totally cool: “It makes me feel weird when you flirt with other people, can we talk about that?”
Red flag: “If you loved me, you would stop being friends with them. You KNOW it makes me jealous.”
Totally cool: “I hope we’re together forever. I’m so in this for the long haul.”
Red flag: “If you ever left me, I would kill myself.”
Totally cool: “Your mom is really unkind to me, can we try to minimize how often you bring me when you visit her?”
Red flag: “Your mom hates me, you need to stop talking to her. She’s trying to ruin our relationship.”
Totally cool: “I love you so much, oh my god.”
Red flag: “It’s a good thing I love you so much, because no one else would. You’d be alone forever without me.”
Other important red flags to keep in mind: someone who wants to jump into emotional/financial co-dependence very fast (like moving in together right away, or becoming each other’s only confidantes right away) and won’t take no for an answer; someone who tries to minimize how often you leave the house or interact with other people; someone who threatens you or themselves or your family or pets or possessions or financial future; someone who uses guilt to keep you from leaving a relationship.
Very important reminder: You do not need a reason to leave a relationship. Neither does the other person (or people). A relationship is over when one of the people in it says it’s over, period. Obviously it’s kind to take the end of a long relationship seriously, but abusers and manipulators have lost the right to that conversation. Lie if you need to–your safety is much more important than their feelings.

Trust your instincts!

really wanna fall in love but mostly with myself

Things I am always down for no questions asked:
-Breakfast for dinner
-Hot coffee and good conversation
-Book shopping

Do people drink coconut water just so they can tell people they drink coconut water or do they actually enjoy it

Anger and passion has led me to become incredibly focused on what I need to do

You see it as selfishness I see it as self love

I get more support from strangers than the people who should naturally want to support me, but either way I'm grateful, it means more to me

You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless.

Life may be rough but boobs are really soft

I like to think the foundation for all my loving relationships with people is the fact that I purely just appreciate their existence

I'd like a bearded man with huge arms who has a penchant for fine literature and giant sunflowers please. Extra fries.

Cleanse your skin, tone, moisturise, whilst dancing naked in the mirror

Don't cling on to potential. Waste of time.

Be picky, demand, get what you deserve, there is no such thing as high maintenance when it comes to loving yourself.

be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves too"

What I deserve I can wait for, because it's promised. There's no way this energy of mine wont radiate anything less than magic.

I'm always thinking about how to make the people I love happy

I care about real experiences, real love, real people, conversations that resonate, smiles and glistening eyes

Wszystko, co nie jest deserem,
Smakuje lepiej z żółtym serem!

I'm a girl who compliments random girls, I feel like I have to, so when other girls do this to me, it genuinely makes my day you know

I want to break things but I also want to sit down with a cup of chamomile tea and a chunky book.

A lot of people just say shit because it sounds good not because they mean it, they don't live by their words, that's how you lose respect.

Insecure bitches always have too much to say about other people

I think I'm gonna need at least a month of being alone with my thoughts, music, books.

For a person who loves to be alone I've been spending a lot of time surrounded by people and I need to recharge my batteries

people misunderstand me, for somebody who is lost my heart is so so full of love, and joy, and faith, faith in myself, happiness and beauty

I just kept thinking, why are we here, what's the point???? What is our purpose??? How are we okay with not knowing all these answers??

girls make everything better, even if there's nothing wrong, they just do.

I'm always more in love with the idea of people

Life is so great when you're too busy for all the little things that have the potential to ruin your mood

If it doesn't satisfy me I don't care.

Life is so great when you're too busy for all the little things that have the potential to ruin your mood

Fuck 'em all. Do what makes YOU happy. Stop trying to please people who don't matter, stop trying to please people who don't do shit for you

I realised why I was never making plans, but I'm overcoming that barrier, I never thought I needed to, I wasn't looking forward, I am now.

You only truly realise how fucked up the things that have happened to you are when you tell them to a stranger.

Obviously everyone gets lonely, people in relationships get lonely, but I would rather be lonely than seek empty companionship.

The people who constantly talk about cutting people off are the ones who get cut off the most. Stay woke.

"Your vibe makes you attractive"

I reserve the right to not talk to people and enjoy silence, I reserve the right to pick and choose who I give my time to.

It's so attractive when a man is good with children, lol impregnate me

Just to make you smile that's the motive

Whatever I'm getting, everything in life, it's for who I love, I grow, you grow, I go upwards, you come with me, you're down, I pick you up

My crush initiated conversation with me by saying I look nice and I suddenly realised I can walk on water and part the sea

Let's go for breakfast somewhere new, one of those quaint spots with books and plants in strange places

Filling my days with things to do that make me happy

I love seeing women flourish, doing their own thing and fucking owning it, it's inspirational

If somebody is willing to unlearn, and learn, to open their mind, to question the way they think, that's admirable.

I think my heart knows how to smile, I can feel it sometimes.

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