Polubiłeś kiedyś cytat 'wciąż pragnę więcej miłości i wina'

i pomyślałam sobie 'hej, Ty hipokryto, jak to więcej miłości? odrzuciłeś moją, a mogłeś mieć jej po brzegi. Dostarczyłabym Ci więcej hektolitrów miłości niż liczą roczne zbiora winogrona na całym świecie. Ta miłość mogłaby zasilić wszystkie oceany, morza i rzeki i zastąpić całkowicie wodę - tak wiele by jej było. Tak bardzo Cię kochałam, że nikt nigdy nie obdarzy Cię większą miłością'

ale z biegiem czasu
oddaję Ci honor.
To nie tak
że naszą potrzebe milosci może zaspokoić każdy.
I że każdy typ bezwarunkowej, szczerej miłości jest tym, którego potrzebujemy i pragniemy.

Niestety nie.

Zrozumiałam to kiedy w mojej skrzynce czekało na mnie 100 wiadomości przepełnionych pozytywnymi uczuciami, wszystkich o treści "Gdzie jesteś? Tęsknię", albo 'mogę zadzwonić? :* ' a ja nie miałam nawet siły, aby kątem oka doczytać je do końca. Nigdy tego nie zrobiłam, choć wiem, że ich autorami byli fajni ludzie, z całkiem dobrymi sercami. Nie miałam siły, bo czekałam na coś innego. Na inną wiadomość, od kogoś innego.

Skąd wiedziałam, że żaden z tych facetów nie jest tym, którego szukałam? Po prostu wiedziałam. I choć z częścią z nich łączyły mnie nawet jakieś zabawne rozmowy, randki, kawy, nocne rozkminy, czule wyszeptane 'dobranoc',  to jednak wiedziałam, że to nie to.

Dlaczego więc boli mnie to, że masz przecież prawo mieć tak samo jak ja? Otrzymywać miłość, ale szybko ją zwracać, niczym za małe spodnie w Zarze. A może za duże.

Tylko hej, dlaczego zwróciłeś mi ją tak późno? Zara przyjmuje zwroty do 30 dnia po dacie zakupu. Ty zwróciłeś mi moją miłość po 2 miesiącach od dnia jej narodzin. A ja, naiwna, nawet wtedy nie potrafiłam jej zabić.

Jak to jest być samotną matką miłości? Niańczenie miłości jest o wiele gorsze od opieki nad dzieckiem - nie możesz jej opuścić, ani nawet na chwilę odłożyć. Nie możesz oddać jej do żłobka i o niej zapomnieć. Nie możesz się z nią nigdy rozstać, bo nosisz ją głęboko pod skórą. W sercu.

Jestem przecież dobrym człowiekiem,
ale czasami mam ochotę ją stamtąd wyjąć, nieważne jak brutalnie
i wrzucić do kosza pod Twoim blokiem.

To też Twoja miłość, zaopiekuj się nią trochę, zanim umrze z zimna i głodu.
Nie chcę, żebyś wysyłał mi alimenty. Wyślij mi tylko czasem jakiś znak
że o nas nie zapominasz.

że wiesz, że wciąż istnieję. I ona też.

 Moja miłość była dla Ciebie za duża. 
Nie miałbyś gdzie jej schować w swoim małym pokoju. 
Zajęłaby za dużą część łóżka i bałbyś się, że z niego spadniesz.
Zjadałaby na śniadanie za dużą porcję Naszej jajecznicy.
Rozpychałaby się na tylnym siedzeniu samochodu.
Jej ogromne serce biłoby za głośno dla Twojego cichego świata.

Moja miłość była dla Ciebie za duża
gdybym tylko wiedziała
nigdy nie pozwoliłabym jej urosnąć. 

Błysk w jej oku rozświetliłby cały mrok, 
ale Twoja dusza stała się tak czarna, 
że wmówiłeś sobie, że kochasz tę ciemność.
Jej pełne miłości dłonie ogrzałyby Twój świat, 
ale tak mocno przyzwyczaiłeś się do tego, że marzniesz
że boisz się każdego ciepłego dotyku. 

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Image may contain: 1 person



“Photo of Maria Vittoria Reale


“ Remy Charlip

"The bravest thing you could ever do is let someone hurt you and still talk beautiful about them.”

dziewczyna przy stole, zakrwawiona biała koszulka, krew na stole, a z boku ręka z nożem

I have walked across mountains in my sleep to find my way back to you.

I have walked across mountains in my sleep to find my way back to you.

concept: me, living in a tiny minimalist apartment with the love of my life and our big fluffy dog. I spend all day painting in my underwear and dress up on the weekends to drink champaign at gallery events. I snuggle up in super soft blankets and eat shitty food most of the week so I can keep the vase in my kitchen always full of fresh flowers. 

Some things have become easier to give away than my heart.

Okay but real talk how do I apply this filter to real life?

I will always keep a place for you in the softest part of myself. In a room with a view- I’ll leave a flower on the nightstand to let you know that you will never be a stranger here.

Why can’t you want me like the other boys do,
They stare at me while I stare at you

“I loved you enough to shut down my own rationality… It was a poor choice on my part.

“Stuttering is an ideology- have you noticed? Order and obedience are smooth but the sun stutters, the heart stutters, resistance movements stutter. Stutter and shout"
-Shûji Terayama.

I loved every bit of you, even the things you failed to love about yourself. I know you managed to doubt that. But in this whole world that I love deeply, you were the most beautiful thing. In all your imperfections, nothing was ever more beautiful to me than you.

Inspiration is really weird like sometimes I’ll see a little sparkle of color in the snow or a picture of a man whose chest hair is growing in an notable pattern and suddenly like I NEED TO PAINT

Unfinished painting

the most precious things
grow with love
and with time.

What is done in love, is done well." -v. van gogh

i nigdy nie powiedziałam Ci prawdy, ale
zakochałam się wtedy w Tobie. A potem bardzo Cię kochałam.
I wciąż

"You know when, sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they’re as dull as a brick? Then there’s other people, and you meet them and you think, ‘Not bad; they’re okay.’ And then you get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful.”

"Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.”

"I am both selfless and selfish, and that makes me so confused whether I’m good at loving or leaving.”

I knew I was playing with fire, like a moth millimeters away from being eaten up by the flames.
Sometimes you think you were attracted to a light. Their light, a potential, an energy. So you keep trying to let it shine brighter and brighter. However, as you come closer to the core, you see the reflection of nothing valuable. Only mischief and impurities. That’s when it hits you—that maybe it was just noise that lured you in. Empty, misleading noise.
Reaching the final destination won’t be as smooth as you wish it to be yet it is as clear as the sunrise once you get there. It’s the kind that shakes you up, but the good kind. It wakes you up and gets you on your feet.
And once again, I’m ready to burn all on my own

Dear you, I hope you know that it’s okay to stop. To close your doors when they invite you for their benefit. To be quiet when you cannot fathom their irrationality. It’s okay to create a world in the space that was left absent for too long already. To leave the second that they created noise. To open your eyes and stop seeing them for what they are not. It’s okay to talk to yourself when they cannot afford your silence. I hope you know that it’s okay to distance yourself. To move two steps back when they are unwilling to step closer. It’s okay to put yourself first after trying to save those who do not want to be saved. To give yourself credit for loving and caring despite the circumstances. It’s okay to stop calling those who cannot hear your silent pleas. To not choose the person who cannot see you for who you truly are. To make a decision that does not include them. I hope you know that it’s okay to give yourself a break from the responsibilities and let loose for a while. To not reply to a half lie. To ignore the invites that only leave you exhausted when you go. It’s okay to stop going out of your way. It’s okay to burn bridges. Dear you, I hope you know that it’s okay to be selfish.

It doesn’t have to look good on camera. Or paper. If it’s special, then treasure it as long as it lasts. If it’s real, it’s real.


Then you ask yourself, how many people have you turned down and offered friendship instead, solely because you don’t want to lose another person in your life?

There are things that I will always miss. Those that will never come back, or will I ever get to hold once again. An empty spot in my life, like a barren wasteland that I’ll keep going back to despite knowing that it won’t do anyone any good.
A family member, a lover in the past, an old friend. People who have made a huge impact in my life, but do not have a space in my heart anymore. It’s a bittersweet feeling—to visit memory lane and smile over what used to fill me, yet feel a pang of yearning because they won’t have an effect on me any longer.
I guess that’s the part of growing up; to be content with what and who you’re holding but at the same time, remembering what used to be. 

Of course there are times where you would stumble upon things that have destroyed you. Choices that made you cringe, feelings that crushed you, people who hurt you. But now that you’re in a better place, now that you know better, you laugh at everything because despite the pain, you survived. Looking back makes you realize how far you’ve come, it makes you see all that you have defeated. And what a great feeling it offers: the feeling of being free from the things that used to drown you. 

The thing is, there’s always going to be something more. There is something bigger, grander than than what we see, than what we feel. The more is always out there, even if we have survived, waiting to be uncovered. After the bruises have healed, there will be more scars to endure. But that’s the beauty of knowing there’s something out there—a wider possibility of more radiance and honesty of this existence.

Some nights I still wonder how life would have been if you weren’t taken away from me. From us. From everyone. I imagine all the could have beens and every what if, the possibilities and opportunities if things turned out differently. I never find a real answer though; because each time I think about you, it always leads to one conclusion: the time we spent together was not enough.
You’ve made a mark on me. It’s not something the eye will see, nor a scar that can be asked about. You’re always felt in the simplest yet majestic things I’ve seen. Thought about during moments of hopelessness. You’re in the furthest corner of memory lane, a home that I can always run back to when I feel lost. Even if my childhood was a blur, it’s no question that you’ve been a great person that had a heart who cared without reservations.
And even though I have all this uncertainty and confusion, I will pray all the time for you to be at peace eternally. Rest well up there, old man. You are loved not just by me, but all the other lives you’ve touched.

❝ As they say, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But until I find mine, I’ll hold a flashlight and find my own way out of the dark.
Mówią, że na końcu każdego tunelu jest światło,
ale zanim go znajdę
będę trzymała w dłoni małą latarkę,
i będę oświetlała nią wszystko
i odnajdę moje własne wyjście
z ciemności.

more deep sext messages?

more deep sext messages?

❝ Just because you never heard me speak of it don’t assume it’s been an easy road, hell is rarely spoken about.

We made eachother feel something 
It’s okay if it wasn’t love 
It’s okay if we were too scared to call it love

 somewhere along the line I learnt to live without you and it makes me both happy and sad . 

I hope we never need darkness to hide 

 Who made you love so deep ?
Who made you so scared of love?
Are they the same person? 

 I hope you never have to wait for someone’s absence to realise the value of their presence. 

 The thing about darkness is if it stays too long, you stop waiting for the sun and start finding solace in the moon. 

 You never asked me how am I?
And I never told you . 

you never asked me if I've lied to you
so I never told you.

I never told you that I have. 
I have lied.
Many times.
Everytime I convinced you that I won't get attached to you, because I'm in love with someone else
There wasn't anyone else.
It was you. It still is. 
Shit happens, 
but though
love also

You don’t forget the people once you’ve truly loved them , it never works out that way , you maybe old and may have forgotten your own number but you would still remember them .
What you do is ;
You try to focus on other things , you try to stay away from memories or things that remind you of them , they stay inside you as a tiny heartbeat as time passes by instead of the ache waiting to explode .
You never forget you just try to not remember

Nigdy nie zapominasz,
tylko po prostu starasz się nie pamiętać.

Kriti . G

You said you aren’t afraid of being alone
Does loneliness found its way into your soul ?
You said you don’t miss certain people anymore
The ones that walked away by choice are best forgotten

 I miss seeing your name on my phone 

I ekrany nigdy wcześniej nie były tak czarne,
jak wtedy
kiedy zrozumiałam, że już nigdy nie wyświetli się na nich Twoje imię. 

(porozrzucane telefony i monitory, ja na środku)

 All those years when I was hurting deeply all I ever said was I am fine . 

 I will write you letters which I will never send , I will write you poems which you will never read , I will tell stories about you which you will never know , I will miss you and break a little and you will have no idea , its funny how sometimes we can love and die over someone so silently. 

 Nothing has ever hurt me more than your absence. 

I want to quit my responsibilities
Drive away from the city
To a place where only green and blue exist
To a place where I can write poetry all day
I want to quit life so I can start living
I want to write all day and read all night
I want to see the moonlight without the city lights and ambulance sirens
I want to see the seaside without jet-skis and yachts
I want to continue dreaming and believe it for once

❝ I want a soulmate who can sit me down, shut me up, tell me ten things I don’t already know, and make me laugh. I don’t care what you look like, just turn me on. And if you can do that, I will follow you on bloody stumps through the snow….I will do your windows. I will care about your feelings. Just have something in there.

❝ She was the kind of girl with poems hidden in her veins and hurricanes storming in her eyes.

❝ I wonder if things can happen too early or too late or if everything happens at exactly the right time. If so, how sad and beautiful.

❝ So many things become beautiful when you really look.

me: look at that dog!
me: look at the moon!
me: look at that cloud!
me: look at the sunset!
me: look at that tree!
me: look at those flowers!
me: look at that leaf!

You shut everyone out because you’re happy with the small circle you’ve got and you’ve always been the girl who doesn’t want someone random person touching her, yet strangers deem you as someone who most people have done the dirty with, a typical lowlife girl who’s not worthy to be taken seriously. So fucking ironic.

You’ll wake up all of a sudden at 5 in the morning and realize how much you want to live your fucking life. You’ll try to forget your past but not really—you’ll think about the things you should’ve done instead of getting scared back then. You’ll get this weird urge to go back and change things around. You should have opened up more instead of being an emotional mess when everyone’s gone. You should have eaten that last slice of pizza just because you can. You should have pursued a sport now that you want to be healthy. You should have done what you think you were supposed to do. You should have stopped your stupid self before getting into heaps of trouble. You should have kept your mouth shut instead of expressing your opinion that made you look like a bitch. You should have done a little something to keep things the way it were. In short, you should have done everything that you think will make a better present. 
But let me tell you this: there’s no reason to regret and beat yourself up. The things you have done and said years ago are those that are meant to be put out. They are what made who you are today. You’re wiser because of the words that rolled off your tongue and struck other people. You’re stronger for keeping it together when everything was confusing you. And you’re even better for breaking down in front of a few strangers, but managing to pick yourself up. You’re not a bad person for letting suffocating relationships go and choosing what’s best for you and only you. It’s okay to look back but it’s not healthy to keep torturing yourself with the mistakes you did four years ago. 
Who you were then doesn’t have a say on who you are today. And don’t even think about who you will become in the future every time you make a decision in the present. There will be a time for that. You don’t have to figure everything else at once. What matters is now—how you make the most out of your life now. So remove everything that makes you sad, go pack your things and leave to see the place you’ve always wanted to explore.


Truest shit

They say
if it's meant to be, it will happen.
I'm just afraid that it isn't.

Ciągle powtarzają mi
'jeśli coś jest Ci pisane, wydarzy się, wydarzy się wbrew wszystkiemu'
a ja po prostu boję się, że nie jest.
Mówią mi 'jeśli on jest Ci przeznaczony, wróci'
a ja patrzę smutno w dal
bo wiem, że nie jest. 

Never beg for love. Never beg someone to love you back or be with you when you want to. Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need him the most. Because in the first place, if he loves you that much, he won’t leave you and let go of your hand. He will never let you beg for his presence and love because he will give it to you with open arms. Don’t beg, it’s demeaning and degrading. Remember, if you have to beg, he’s not worth it. No one is worth begging for. - baekebyan (via wnq-writers)

i hate when people call certain dog breeds ugly like dogs dont even have a concept of beauty they only understand love and loyalty how could u project the worst of humanity onto something so pure

You think you’ve seen her naked because she took her clothes off? Tell me about her dreams. Tell me what breaks her heart. What is she passionate about, and what makes her cry? Tell me about her childhood. Better yet, tell me one story about her that you’re not in.  
You’ve seen her skin, and you’ve touched her body. But you still know as much about her as a book you once found, but never got around to opening.

No matter how beautiful a lie is, in the end it hurts even more than the truth would have done.

Boys lie so damn much. They can say “good morning” to me & I have to check to see if the sun is out.

“ http://makeupbag.tumblr.com

Sisterly Bond by Tom Buck

Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Image may contain: 1 person

Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, bird and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people and flower

Nie potrafi tak naprawdę nikogo kochać. Tacy ludzie jak on w końcu zostają sami, bez względu na to, jak bardzo byli kochani przez innych.
- Elizabeth Kostova "Łabędź i zł

Occasionally I think of death. I can easily believe in the disintegration of the body, but cannot believe that all I have learned, experienced, accumulated, can disappear and be wasted. Like a river, it must flow somewhere. There must be continuity

But I have a defect, I believe in true love.


It’s strange to be so physically close to someone who’s so distant.

more sunrises and less screen time.

more loving and less comparing love.

more happiness and less posting “happy” pictures on instagram.

more living in the now and less worrying about what hasn’t happened.

more tumblr and less instagram.

more and less hitting 'snooze' in the morning.

more real conversations and less talking about gossips

more peace and less judgement.

more simplicity and less impulse buying.

more water and less coffee.

more self-love and less looking for love.

more living with intent and less having the wrong intentions.

more being responsible and less not studying for important things.

more music/books and less television.

more deep breaths and less not being able to control my life.

more forgiveness and less anger.

more self-soul searching and less looking for another soul right now.

I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art. - Helena Bonham Carter (via bird-madgirl)

Stop chasing people. If they block you, cut off contact, ignore you… Let them go. Let those who naturally gravitate to you enjoy your energy. We spend so much time begging for those who wouldn’t blink twice at the thought of you. Cherish those who are there by choice, and not there because you chased them every time they decided to escape.

when people unfollow you and you’re left wondering which post was the final straw

*male writer voice* i don’t remember her name. it’s not important. i met her at a record store and she went home with me because i offered to buy her cigarettes. she had amazing perky breasts. we drank cheap whiskey and had sex three times that night and then she told me she wanted to be a dragonfly because they were free. i slept with her many times after that. but one day she stopped returning my calls and i don’t know why. that was seven years ago. on monday she got hit by a bus and died. i saw it in the newspaper so i went to her funeral and it made me sad. i don’t know why. i hate my mother even though she pays my rent while i write poetry about masturbating in the shower

and four years later you’re dancing around your kitchen with a pint of milk in your hand.
the windows are open wide, the neighbors are still awake, and they are watching you. they are watching you fall in love with being alive.

❝I can only connect deeply or not at all.❞
“You’re my kind of art.

Listen to me very carefully, 
stop asking yourself if they miss you.
Because even if they did, 
it’s not enough.
 Not enough to make amends. Not enough to fix things.
not enough to fight for you. 
Not enough to matter.
If they missed you they would be here.
 Proving it. But they’re not.
 Stop yourself when your mind wanders, 
and you start to think about what if’s. 
Sometimes all we want are answers, 
but honestly answers won’t stop the pain.
 Be strong and keep going. - David FontanezYOU DON’T NEED ANYONE TO MISS YOU 

Sometimes we miss people simply because they gave us attention, maybe not the right type of attention, and maybe they were toxic people…but we still miss them. Especially on the days when we’re alone. I want to encourage you not to go back to people simply because you miss them. Evaluate the entirety of the situation and realize that there are so many people you have yet to meet and any one of them could provide you with what you lost.

If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery. - Lykke Li

I miss you. I miss not touching each other, not seeing each other, not breathing in each other. I want you. All the time. No one else. I miss everything. - Blue Is The Warmest Colour

It might hurt to walk away but that will never compare to the pain of staying. Don’t let fear of being alone keep you in a relationship where you are alone. - Anonymous 
“TO DO LIST: Swing at the End of the World
(written by Lotta)
Since being a kid I’ve always loved swings. I don’t quite know why, but I think it’s the weightless sensation I get when I reach that certain point in the air: I feel free,...

You are the author of your story. If you’re stuck on the same page, remember that at any moment, you have the power to write a new chapter

I love you also means, I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved you, or will live you, and also, I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or will love you,and also, I love you in a way that I love no one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else. - Jonathan Safran Foer, from Everything Is Illuminated (via yetbutwoundedfleshweare)

Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you. -

private messaging friends:lmaO so anryrywya im fuckgng crygn
private messaging someone for the first time:Hello, nice to finally talk to you! It's wonderful that we have the chance to communicate through this messaging service - anyway, enough of me blathering on like a fool, how are you?

Concept: I live in a tiny cabin in the woods. I dry my laundry on a clothes line. I wake with the sun, stay up late reading and nap during the afternoon in a hammock. I have a garden full of flowers, herbs, vegetables and berries. I go on picnics regularly by a nearby river. I rarely need to leave my beautiful home tucked away in the forest.

I am full
of so many flowers.
I worry that no one
will water them. 

I was pretending you meant / nothing
in the way bodies don’t matter unless
you’ve decided they’re everything.
 - Emily O’Neill,

Man is the cruelest animal. - Friedrich Nietzsche

They call you heartless; but you have a heart and I love you for being ashamed to show it. - Friedrich Nietzsche 

“ Eileen Myles. Noted.

You taught me how to be alone.
And I learned my lesson, in your absence.

"You’ve got a lot to say for the one that walked away…”

"Some nights I wish I could go back in life. Not to change shit, just to feel a couple things twice.”
"Jakże szybko „nie teraz” staje się „nigdy”."

The most heartbreaking part is watching them become a stranger right in front of your very own eyes. You knew the sound of their laughter inside out, and now their laugh sounds unfamiliar. that someone you know so well is now someone you used to know. And that’s what hurts most.Anonymous 

Take all the love he never wanted and give it to yourself

Keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word.Anonymous 
zaklejone usta taśmą. biała kartka w ręce.

What men mean when they talk about their “crazy” ex-girlfriend is often that she was someone who cried a lot, or texted too often, or had an eating disorder, or wanted too much/too little sex, or generally felt anything beyond the realm of emotionally undemanding agreement. That does not make these women crazy. That makes those women human beings, who have flaws, and emotional weak spots. However, deciding that any behavior that he does not like must be insane– well, that does make a man a jerk.

And when men do this on a regular basis, remember that, if you are a woman, you are not the exception. You are not so cool and fabulous and levelheaded that they will totally get where you are coming from when you show emotions other than “pleasant agreement.”

When men say “most women are crazy, but not you, you’re so cool” the subtext is not, “I love you, be the mother to my children.” The subtext is “do not step out of line, here.” If you get close enough to the men who say things like this, eventually, you will do something that they do not find pleasant. They will decide you are crazy, because this is something they have already decided about women in general.
- Lady, You Really Aren’t “Crazy

People say ‘there are other fish in the sea,’ I say ‘[screw] you, she was my sea.’
smutna twarz, duża martwa ryba na rękach

surround yourself with happy scents; lemongrass, lavender, freshly baked bread, and bedsheets clean as cloud. let foreign fragrances steal your worries away with spiced breezes; cinnamon, pear, pepper, cloves, chamomile and mulberry wine. be enhanced by the sweet potency of popcorn, peach water, and soft winds churning cherry blossom into pointed noses. smell is an underrated sense. it can lift your mood more than you could ever imagine.

I don’t suppose you have many friends. Neither do I. I don’t trust people who say they have a lot of friends. It’s a sure sign that they don’t really know anyone. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón  (via dykenamics)

Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn’t have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you into another world. It doesn’t have to be a walk during which you’ll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don’t find meaning but ‘steal’ some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn’t make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be. - Albert Camus, Notebooks (1951-1959)

Me, actually replying to a message, instead of leaving it so long it’s weird to reply because I don’t know how to answer

Don’t be ashamed to care so much. It is better to be a lover than a hater.

I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones. Basically it is nothing other than this fear we have so often talked about, but fear spread to everything, fear of the greatest as of the smallest, fear, paralysing fear of pronouncing a word, although this fear may not only be fear but also a longing for something greater than all that is fearful. - Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena (via kitseys)

somehow that night we were lightning bugs in the mid-summer air, gleaming, glistening and going about. you were never fond of the heat but I suppose I didn’t mind the stickiness. you were holding my hand and I swear that my body had never tingled and my tummy never turned until that night. we were young, at least younger than we are right now. we were falling in love and we were not afraid of the lightning bugs. you gave me the light and I gave you hope.
on the really hard days I try to think of that night. not only were we starting our journey into adulthood but we were going to do it together. maybe things didn’t work out exaclty like we planned but you still are my light and I still am your hope. after my really hard days I can slip my hand into yours knowing that this road will not be one traveled alone. we are just lighting bugs shining our lights together and what a lucky world we get to live in. 

all boys are demons but i want one to love me

I don’t give a shit what the world thinks. I was born a bitch, I was born a painter, I was born fucked. But I was happy in my way. You did not understand what I am. I am love. I am pleasure, I am essence, I am an idiot, I am an alcoholic, I am tenacious. I am; simply I am…You are a shit. - Frida Kahlo, from an unsent letter to Diego Rivera (viarabbitinthemoon)

She said,
When you see these horrible images why do you stay with them?
Why keep watching? Why notgo away? I was amazed.
Go away where? I said

The older I get the more picky I become about people, that I allow to come close to me, and I get more greedy with my own time.

At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before. - Warsan Shire (via abcdvnlee)

 Believe in your vision.

It’s a beautiful thing when you get so comfortable with someone and you realize you’re telling them things you’ve never said out loud before 

I think the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change when everybody else does 

i really don’t fuck with “boys” who bash on girls because of how much makeup they are wearing…suck a rock you little bitch they don’t do it for u anyways

why do all women want a 6'0"+ tall guy with a 6 pack and a 6"+ dick?
because satan. 666. y'all are demons. i just proved it. satan worshippers. illuminati.

Relationships aren’t permanent and they should never be all-consuming. All-consuming relationships are a recipe for losing oneself. Relationships are fragile after all. How quickly you can go from being someone’s everything to their nothing. It’s far better to remember no one person can ever be our everything, which means losing someone doesn’t mean we return to nothing.The romance myth tells us we should hold onto love because there is nobody else in the world who will love us again. This isn’t true. Remember what it was like to love and be loved, even if it was only for a few minutes. Remember that just because something is over doesn’t mean it was any less real. And remember that even a ring doesn’t make anything less broken.People aren’t homes. You can’t buy them or own them. You can’t renovate them to be whatever you want or need according to your changing desire or expectations. You can’t dump your shit all over their interior. You can’t expect them to wait around to comfort your each and every insecurity. People aren’t backup plans or getaways…they exist in the present. They exist and serve many roles and purposes besides being a supporting character in our stories. And we exist outside of playing a supportive character in theirs. - SUEY PARK DROPPING TRUTHS IN THE ARTICLE “YOU CANT MAKE HOMES OUT OF HUMAN BEINGS” REFERRING TO THE POEM “FOR WOMEN WHO ARE DIFFICULT TO LOVE” BY WARSAN SHIRE (via 4a0000)

I still look back on those evenings we spent together as the happiest part of my life, and I wanted it to go on forever.

Don’t get starry-eyed about somebody you can’t have, especially if it blinds you to somebody who’s really important. - Rick RiordanThe Throne of Fire

If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?Sheryl Crow, “If It Makes You Happy” (via wnq-music)

Sometimes you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who never cared about losing you. Know when to let go. - Anonymous 

Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment. -Arab proverb (via mjuk)

I have always, essentially, been waiting. Waiting to become something else, waiting to be that person I always thought I was on the verge of becoming, waiting for that life I thought I would have. In my head, I was always one step away. - Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life  (via onlinebabe)

Image may contain: one or more people and close-up

Each little 
gift of love 
is a source 
of healing 
for everyone

I look at you. You’re looking at the place. The heat. The flat waters of the river. The summer. And then you look past all that. With your hands, your beautiful white hands, clasped under your chin, you look without seeing. Without moving, you ask me what’s the matter. I answer as usual. Nothing’s the matter. I’m just looking at you. -Marguerite Duras, from Emily L. transl. by Barbara Bray (Pantheon Books, 1987)

It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on. - Nicholas Spark  (via undomyleather)



Andjela Bursac fashion editoria "home story"l for C-heads magazine by Markus Henttonen

Screen Shot 2016-12-18 at 22.02.44.png

glitter-in-wonderland: upabove-downbelow: Léa Seydoux - Prada Candy Florale Perfume - 2014 ))(( xx:

who wears the pants in the relationship? well preferably no one will be wearing pants

wish I had a lover! but yeah, instead I have depression 

Human relationships are strange. I mean, you are with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stops
— Charles Bukowski

I gave the wrong people,
the right pieces of me.
(dziewczyna czekająca przed drzwiami z 2 duzymi puzlami z napisem 'miłość' 'zaufanie'

Science has proven that: 
  • Humans have auras
  • Humans have organs that sense energy
  • We inherit memories from our anscestors
  • Meditation repairs telomeres in DNA, which slows the process of aging. 
  • Compassion extends life
  • Love is more than just an emotion
  • Billions of other universes exist 
  • Meditation speeds healing

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Ksenia-Islamova

I like to listen. I have learnt a lot from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

“Brandon Gehres


just text them, they miss you too

delete the people that make you feel bad about yourself from your life, unfollow them, delete their numbers, erase their texts, find happier people, pet a dog, watch a silly movie, forget about them, you’re better off

poznałeś dwie z moich stu twarzy, a tylko jedną pocałowałeś.

Lovecat magazine editorial.  Love the pink hair and all the sparkles x:

Abbey Lee Kershaw in Alexander McQueen.  Photographed by Emma Summerton for Vogue Italia, June 2009.:

Pat McGrath Gold Pigment:

Double line under the eyes:

Purple glitter lip makeup // Photo by Ruo Bing Li:

Darley_Sony_DSC0876_RGB98 (2)w:

Emma Mclaren by Inaki / photo by Thierry le Gouès:

очень красивые губы:

Pac-Man Lip Art:

Ethereal pixies can fly from flower to flower, but what makes their charm irresistible is the impression they leave behind. Crossing paths with that kind of magic is shown artfully in the length exten:

A Private Obsession: Enly Tammela By Jamie Nelson For No Tofu September 2015:

Sophie Droogendijk By Honer Akrawi For Grazia France 7th Of March 2014:

Fashion Editorial | Field Of Dreams - dustjacket attic:

Summer on Behance:

Getting The Most Out Of Your Modifiers:

I wanna start eating healthier, wear loose sweaters, do more art, care less talk less and listen to music most of the time

I think the main reason why people don’t fall in love more often is because they have a checklist of traits they want their partner to have, hidden commitment issues and an inability to listen to their intuition.

and nothing says that you must say hello
as we pass in the street,
but we have known each other
too well in the dark
for this
and it hurts me when you do not speak. - Audre Lorde, from “The Dozens,” The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde (

I kiedy miniemy się kiedyś na ulicy tego wielkiego miasta
i przypadkiem spojrzysz roztargnionym wzrokiem w moje oczy
nie musisz się ze mną przywitać
ale nie udawaj, że mnie nie zauważyłeś
Znaliśmy przecież swój widok tak dobrze
że ropoznalibyśmy się nawet w całkowitej ciemności.
Twoja cisza zaboli bardziej, niż najokrótniejsze słowo.

I pray to God that none of you ever fall in love with words. I pray you fall in love with actions and kept promises. You deserve that much.

10 Simple Lighting Tips:

376346_401848489881182_853444684_n.jpg 956×477 Pixel:

Beauty Photographer I London | Claire Harrison Photography:

109* Mike Lingerie18722r copy
Outstanding. Wish I knew who the artist is.:

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Good Will Hunting (1997)2

“But no single map of the emotions is available here. Desire is not simple. In Greek the act of love is a mingling (mignumi) and desire melts the limbs (lusimeles, cf. Sappho fr. 130). Boundaries of body, categories of thought, are confounded. The god who melts limbs proceeds to break the lover as would a foe on the epic battlefield.”

Łatwo pokłócić się, trzasnąć drzwiami, wyjść, wybiec, powiedzieć 'jesteś zerem, nienawidzę Cię, wcale Cię nie kocham, żegnaj na zawsze'.

To tylko słowa. Łatwo odejść, ale co zrobić ze wspomnieniami? One odchodzą razem ze mną. Idą za mną, krok w krok, choćbym nawet błądzła najciemniejszymi uliczkami - one mają w ręce latarkę i nigdy ich nie zmylę i nie zgubię. 
Co zrobić z tymi obrazami, które wiszą w mojej głowie jak w olbrzymim, starym, zaniedbanym muzeum?
Są za dobrze przytwierdzone do ścian umysłu, nidy nie spadną.
Co zrobić ze wspomnieniami, w których mnie całujesz
w których trzymasz mnie za rękę
w których oglądamy razem zachód słońca

Peel your heart like a pomegranate.
Offer it to him, palms outwards.
Say “eat.”
Watch him come away
stained red by you.
You’re in his teeth.
He’ll kiss you with that mouth.
- Azra.T “Fruit” 
What I do to you is out of love. Out of want. It’s not what you think. I wish you didn’t have to be hurt. I don’t do it out of hatred. It is not out of rage. It is love. It is a quiet feeling. It’s a pleasure. It is quiet and it pierces my insides in the most internal way. It is my most private self. And this I give to you. – Don’t be afraid. – It is a desire to destroy and to see things destroyed and to see the inside of them. – It’s my nature. I must hide this from others. But I don’t feel remorse. I was born this way and I must have this. – I need love. I wish you did not feel hurt and recoil from me. - Maria Irene Fornes, from The Conduct Of Life (via neuseks)

There is a time in life when you expect the world to be always full of new things. And then comes a day when you realise that is not how it will be at all. You see that life will become a thing made of holes. Absences. Losses. Things that were there and no longer. And you realise, too, that you have to grow around and between the gaps …- Helen Macdonald, ‘H is for Hawk (via ecouri)

Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can’t always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.

a lot of men say they want women to embrace their natural beauty but they really just want women who are already “pretty enough” without makeup to not wear makeup… like, you don’t want someone to show their natural acne and scars and natural hyper pigmentation, you don’t let women have their natural mustaches, chin hair, beards, and unibrows without shitting on them, which is exactly how they grow for a lot of people, etc. you want women to wax and shape their natural brows, remove their natural facial hair and body hair, and do a strict skincare regimen to manipulate the chemistry and physiological processes of their skin to maintain clear unblemished skin and adhere to already existing beauty standards. you just don’t want them to wear the style of makeup you don’t like lol

It was a mistake to keep this single knife in my heartso long, but it is my knife, and my heart, too, Richard Jackson

To był błąd - powinnam wyjąc ten nóż z serca znacznie szybciej. Niepotrzebnie pozwoliłam mu tam tak długo zostać,
ale to już mój nóż,
i moje serce.

Nic nigdy nie wbiło mi w serce 
noża tak ostrego
jak nieobecność. 
Nie widać jej i nie można jej dotknąć
a mimo wszystko rani najdotkliwiej. 
Nie można jej kopnąć, ani znokautować.
Nie można się przed nią obronić. 

Czy to bolało?
Wyobraż sobie, że siadasz na dorodnym kaktusie
a następnie zauważasz, że znajduje się na środku hektarowego dzikiego pola kaktusów
i nie masz przed sobą nawet metra kwadratowego bez igieł
i musisz je wszystkie przeskoczyć
choć nie jesteś w stanie.

This is SO cool...there's a lot of other's too!:

ava-8.jpg 667×1,000 pixels:

You may compare yourself to roses and think of yourself as a dandelion. But a dandelion is not a bad thing to be; you are strong and persistent, and grow back even after being stepped on. The French call you “lion’s tooth” and honey bees depend on you to survive. You are sweet and you are strong, and you are the screaming answer to those that say that you have to choose one over the other.

Even after all this time 
The sun never says to the earth, you owe me.
Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. 

Everyone is harboring a tragic memory. Be soft with people. Be soft with yourself. 

People say I love you all the time - when they say, ‘take an umbrella, it’s raining,’ or ‘hurry back,’ or even ‘watch out, you’ll break your neck.’ There are hundreds of ways of wording it - you just have to listen for it, my dear. - John PatrickThe Curious Savage 

“ “Paris, Texas (1984)
” ”
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Czas jest najlepszym chirurgiem
zszywa blizny
rozpuszcza szwy
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Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

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Image may contain: text

'I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel


'we spent some time together crying
spent some time just trying
to let each other go'

Image may contain: 2 people, text

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and text

"A jednak lepiej być samotną niż niemile widzianą."
"Aby zapalać innych samemu trzeba płonąć."
No automatic alt text available.
być może istnieją piękniejsze chwile,
bardziej fotogeniczne wspomnienia,
ale te są moje.

"W naszym do­rosłym życiu, bar­dzo rzad­ko jes­teśmy "po pros­tu" szczerzy. Na co dzień mówienie praw­dy jest al­bo zbędne, al­bo szkod­li­we."

"Są uczucia, jakimi darzysz ludzi, często nie wiedząc, jakie emocje to u nich budzi. Bywają smutne i okropne wspomnienia, nie dające sumieniu ani chwili wytchnienia. Nie możesz zawrócić biegu zdarzeń, spełnić zapomnianych marzeń. Życie można przejść równym krokiem, jeśli z prostej nie zejdziesz na drogę idącą bokiem."

"Jeżeli bardzo chcemy żyć musimy zacząć od zaraz".

"Nie ma brzydkich słów są tylko nieodpowiednio użyte".

"Bo my nie rozmawiamy, nie wiemy, jak to się robi, my najwyżej coś sobie komunikujemy albo przekazujemy słowa-szyfry lub słowa całkowicie puste, ot, byle coś powiedzieć. Prawie już nie rozmawiamy tak, aby pod wpływem tej rozmowy ktoś, albo my, mógł zmienić zdanie, bo zmianę zdania uważamy za brak charakteru, choć jest to wielka sztuka, którą posiedli tylko mędrcy."

"Każda z nas szuka szczęścia i każda z nas wyobraża je sobie inaczej. Wiesz, czego trzeba się bać? Złudzenia... albo nie, zwykłego oszustwa. Bierzesz w ręce coś, co wydało ci się szczęściem, patrzysz, a to nagle czarnieje, gnije, staje się takim paskudztwem, aż dziwisz się, że kiedyś mogłaś się tym zachwycać. Na tym polega mądrość, żeby umieć odróżnić jedno od drugiego. Tego ciebie nikt nie nauczy, tego sama musisz doświadczyć na własnej skórze (...) ostrożności. To bardzo wiele ale i bardzo mało."

wszystko podpisane naklejką 'szczęście' - pieniądze, kompute,

When someone won’t let you in, eventually you stop knocking.

Shine on, you beautiful being, and if they cannot handle your light, 
let their eyes burn.

I’ve turned people into homes, and I ended up homeless.

 Consume your fear and let it nourish you. 
 You say so much by saying so little. It’s funny how loud silence can be. 

I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you’re everything that exists; the reality of everything.

"The female doesn’t want a rich man or a handsome man or even a poet, she wants a man who understands her eyes if she gets sad, and points to his chest and say: ‘Here is your home country.’"

Creativity begins with an affinity for something. It’s like falling in love.

Do you fall in love often?” Yes often. With a view, with a book, with a dog, a cat, with numbers, with friends, with complete strangers, with nothing at all.

“Grilled Tomato “Lollipop” Toasts | White on Rice Couple

and you walk across the room
heavy with everything
except my love.

I think it’s hard for you to fall in love because you like control, and you can’t control what another person does or feels, so you keep all your cards.

When the last tree is cut down,
The last fish eaten,
And the last stream poisoned,
You will realize that you cannot eat money.

Kiss him. 
Kiss him as if he were Troy 
and you were born for war.

So yes,
Life is a tragedy, an oncoming shipwreck
But it is so beautiful

“The Sharing

It’s no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn’t even speak to each other if they met at a party.

You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn’t change its nature.

You were unsure which pain is worse—the shock of what happened or the ache for what never will.

Sometimes, you just want to hand a bottle back and forth with someone, with the lights low, feet brushing against each other, as you sit on the floor. You want to read paragraphs aloud from philosophy books, and smile. You want to kiss their neck, just behind their ear. Their cheek just southwest of their eye. You want to whisper french terms of endearment. You want to tell them about the last time you cut yourself, or accidentally looked down to find blood from a scratch on your knuckle. 
You want to play the music a little too loud. You want to whisper the lyrics. You want to lose sleep. You want to cry a bit, from laughing so hard. You want to not touch at all except for fingertips. You want to dance, throwing your arms around, your hair a mess. Collapse with joy etched on your face. 
You want to lift the bottle up to your mouth and notice them watching your lips. You want them to want. You want to want. You want to mourn the 30 degree drop in temperature, and the week ahead. You want to tell them what you fear the most.
But most of all, you want to get drunk off the taste of them. Lips on lips. Drunk off the night, and the whiskey. The secrets, the laughter. Drunk off the idea that you didn’t have to be anything other than yourself. 

Inside her pulses something huge, something full of longing, something unafraid.

I fell in love with their soul before I got to touch their skin. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.

I hate the fact that I don’t hate you, not even a little.

Image may contain: 1 person, close-up and outdoor

"Miłością trzeba się opiekować - tak jak swoim dzieckiem, żeby się nie zaziębiło, nie zwariowało, nie zgubiło się, nie rozchorowało, nie zobojętniało."
Jan Twardowski

There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama, and the people who create it. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life. Getting back up is living. - Unknown (via undomyleather)

Far too often, you played with matches. 
Far too close, to my paper heart.
Do not wonder, why it is ash and dust

You are the ache in every word that I write. Loving you was, in a world of wrong, the only right.

Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. Everything is a diary. - Chuck Palahniuk (via undomyleather)

“ Alyson Provax

When you’re talking to someone about love, you’ve got to start at the end. That way they know what kind of story you’re telling.

"I miss the old you…
The one I used to talk to."

There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word.
Men fear witches because they take their power from the earth without poisoning the soil.

I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed.
Devilish in my innocence.

  • "Forget about prince charming. Go for the wolf. He can see you better, hear you better and eat you better."
  • "Things end. People leave. And you know what? Life goes on. Besides, if bad things didn’t happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?"

    even if no one sees your art or photos, don’t stop creating them.

    "Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new."

    "I’ve been fucked by the devil too many times to believe in angels."

    "If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery. 

    "Change the plan but never the goal."

  • "It shouldn’t be exhausting to keep a relationship going."

  • – Always remember that

    People often ask, “where will I go when I die,” but rarely ask, “where was I before I was born”?

    plz let 2017 bless me with joy and good people

    "I hope you find what you’re looking for in 2017"

    do small actions
    with great love.
    it makes a difference.

    "I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.

    The secret isn’t to find someone you love spending time with - I love spending time with a lot of people. The secret isn’t to find someone that you find attractive - I find a lot of people attractive for many different reasons. The secret isn’t to find someone who is nice - there are tons of nice people in the world. The secret is to find someone who wants exactly what you want. Someone who is ready to give you all they’ve got, and in turn be ready to accept all the love you have to give. The world is filled with people in relationship of “loves you more” & “I have to act mean so they will like me back” or “I am just not ready.” Please do not waste any more of your precious time. You are an amazing creature. You deserve to be loved until your insides melt. Don’t give up on all the things you want. When you meet the right person you will have zero doubt in your mind. Zero. -

    It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own

    Listen to the one who loves you rather than the one you love.

    Concept: me, spending time with my closest friends. We’re all in the kitchen while I’m cooking dinner, my apartment is cozy and it smells delicious. It’s raining outside and we’re all laughing, with no stress. 

    Posadziłeś w moim sercu kilka róż.
    Zakwitły, mimo że odszedłeś. 

    Posłuchaj mojej ciszy. Ona ma Ci dużo do powiedzenia. 

    Posłuchałam Twojej ciszy. Miała mi dużo do powiedzenia.
    Obejrzałam Twoją nieobecność.
    Miała mi dużo do pokazania. 

    Próbowałam zliczyć 
    przez ile miesięcy tęsknota za Twoim oddechem budziła mnie w środku nocy
    podsumować ile dni zostało wypełnionych Twoją nieobecnością
    ile godzin spędziłam czekając na Twoją odpowiedź
    skrupulatnie pododawać
    ile minut patrzyłam tępym wzrokiem na pusty, biały ekran
    przez ile trylionów sekund odtwarzałam w głowie każdą najkrótszą chwilę naszej historii 
    ile gorzkich łez przełknęłam
    ile kaw wylałam do zlewu 
    bo nic nie smakowało tak dobrze jak Twoje usta
    ile nabazgrałam słów pełnych żalu
    ile pełnych smutku
    ile słów do Ciebie
    i ile o Tobie

    okazało się, że to za duże liczby
    a miłość i tak nie sprowadza się tylko do matematyki
     liczby nigdy jej nie opiszą. 

    nie kończmy wszystkiego, co ropoczęliśmy. Niektóre rozmowy muszą zostać urwane w połowie zdania, pozostawione bez kropki, bez przecinka, bez średnika. Trzeba je tak zostawić i pozwolić, żeby to czas zadecydował co należy dopisać.

    czasami wolałam udawać samotną, żeby zdobyć czyjeś zainteresowanie
    niż przyznać się ile osób do mnie pisze
    że nie mam prawa narzekać na brak towarzystwa
    że zawsze mam miliony potencjalnych planów B.
    Ale żeby zaintrygować osobę, którą jestem zainteresowana
    udaję samotną
    - po co się ze mną spotykałeś, starałeś się zebym Cię polubiła i się do mnie zblizyles, skoro później napisałeś, że boisz się, że Cię za bardzo polubiłam? jeśli czegos nie rozumiem, to tego najbardziej..
    - dlaczego mnie przeprosileś za drugą noc w Pradze i napisałeś, że tego nie chciałam? dlaczego tak myślałeś? kurde, chciałam, bardzo chciałam i gdybym mogła, to każdego dnia naszej znajomości trzymałabym go w ustach. Najsmaczniejsza rzecz, jaką kiedykolwiek w nich miałam.
    - dlaczego powiedziales, że boisz się, że mnie zranisz jeśli za bardzo się zbliżysz?

    Więcej bezwarunkowej, prawdziwej miłości, mniej toksycznych uczuć
    więcej szczerego szczęścia, a mniej zdjęć podpisanych wystukanym przez łzy hashtagiem 'happy'
    więcej brudnych myśli, mniej czystych kartek w notatnikach
    Więcej szczerej prawdy, mniej niewinnych kłamstw
     Więcej wiary w to, że próby mogą zakończyć się sukcesem i więcej wiary w nowe możliwości, zmiany i progres, a mniej poddawania się już na początku. 
    więcej wina, mniej wódki 
    Więcej uczestnictwa w życiu bliskich; mniej kiepskich wymówek.
    więcej obecności w chwili teraźniejszej, tu i teraz, mniej gdybania i rozgrzebywania przeszłości i zamartwiania się przyszłością
    więcej porannej jogi i wypadów na siłownię o świcie, a mniej nadużywania funkcji 'drzemka'
    więcej głębokich, poważnych i wartościowych rozmów; mniej plotkowania i dyskusji o pogodzie
    więcej zrozumienia, mniej pochopnego oceniania i szufladkowania
    więcej wycieczek rowerowych, mniej wieczorów w czterech ścianach
    więcej wody z cytryną, ale mniej skwaszonych min
    więcej śpiewania pod prysznicem, mniej przeklinania w autobusie
    więcej samoakceptacji i pewności siebie; mniej szukania na siłę uznania u innych
    więcej koncertów, mniej oglądania relacji z koncertów na snapchacie i youtubie
    więcej książek, mniej patrzenia w sufit
    więcej filmów, mniej powątpiewania w istnienie happy endów!
    więcej wypadów do kina i do teatru, mniej
    więcej dalekich podróży i bliskich wycieczek, mniej
    więcej lasów, mniej ruchliwych ulic
    więcej głębokich oddechów, mniej płytkich westchnięć
    więcej sztuki, mniej kwestionowania sensu jej istnienia
    więcej uśmiechów, mniej
    więcej dotyku, więcej przytuleń, więcej pocałunków, więcej czułości, mniej nienawiści, obojętności i zazdrości
    więcej pizzy, więcej szczęścia, więcej niespodzianek. 
    Niech rzadziej oświetla Nas światło ekranu komputera, a częściej wschód słońca

    koszulka z napisem ' I have a crush on you'

    "I hope you find what you’re looking for in 2017"



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