i've been hoping he'd come home with me since i was a little child and now I   know the reason why.i missed him a lot as a small child, but he does more good for society than he would for just me. 

"many things happened i chose to not remember. all drowned in that deep haze in my thoughts. sometimes as a writer you want to keep moments alive eternally, whether good or bad because they are created some part of your persona. but some moments are better forgotten."

"i've walked almost my entire life with my eyes open. i saw where i was going and knew who i was. but this period of my life i feel like i'm wandering blind. i'm lost in every sense."


i don't know why i'm lost. i can't even remember when i lost me. love brings on so much feeling."

"yesterday love made me feel the same intense happiness i had as a child. relationships are hard. especially between passionate, strong-minded artists. but deep down that's what i need, something to experience, feel, write about. maybe i've been losing myself in the bad us. i love you m, i know things will become okay again because they always are. "


i'm so lost i'm not even sure where i am going with this. but please be patient while i slowly return to myself. i have so many pictures i want you to see."

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