"People inspire you or drain you. Pick them wisely.” // i want to be the girl of my own dreams // If you lose someone but find yourself, you won. // tumblr helped me learn english more than school did // You’ll end up real disappointed if you think people would do for you what you’d do for them // choose people who choose you. // Finding someone who thinks you’re interesting enough to talk to you every day, whether they’re a friend or a lover, is one of the best feelings ever. // You need someone who goes out of their way to make it obvious that they want you in their life. //I like clingy people. I’d rather have someone who blows up my phone and shows that they care than someone who texts back 10 hours later.// No tears, because I didn’t lose you. You lost me // Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.

Good days will come because you deserve them. You’ve worked so hard. Keep it up.

My life is nothing but room for you,’ I said. ‘It could never be filled by anyone but you.

any relationship that could be “ruined” by having a conversation about feelings, standards, or expectations wasn’t really firm enough anyway, so there isn’t much to ruin

I will not beg you for your time or try to convince you to choose me, the world is too big and I have too much to offer.

Look at how much progress you’ve made since they left you. You’re finally taking care of yourself. You’re feeling so much better without them, you know you are. So keep moving, and don’t you dare look back. You’re gonna nail this.

Blogger, photographer, foodlover, writer, stylist, reader, traveler ⭐️ I want to be the girl of my own dreams. 

If they don’t need you, it’s okay. You do not live for other people.

You know you’re attached to someone when you’ve gotten so used to talking to them on a daily basis and they’ve become a part of your happiness. But when you guys don’t talk, it’s like a part of you is gone and you just start to miss them uncontrollably.

7 Tips for Improving your Social Life
1. Ignore your feelings when they say to put walls … and actively decide to build a bridge instead.
2. Don’t compare yourself to others, or attack yourself. Appreciate your talents and the things that make you “you.”
3. Pay attention to your thoughts when you feel anxious or afraid. Imagine being successful, and relaxed, and popular.
4. Focus on what’s best in others; validate their gifts and strengths.
5. Avoid touchy topics; don’t be boring or offensive; and notice when it’s time to let another take the stage.
6. Try to focus more on others and the things that interest them. Avoid the trap of talking about me, me, me!
7. Be genuine and real – as that puts others at their ease … and others are more likely to be natural as well.

You deserve friends and someone who gives a shit. You deserve someone who doesn’t take pride in being an asshole. You deserve someone who doesn’t invalidate your feelings by calling you annoying or sensitive (nie mam sobie nic do zarzucenia). You deserve someone who’s all about you. You deserve someone who doesn’t play games with you. You deserve someone who makes you feel secure. You deserve someone who doesn’t purposely try to get you mad. You deserve someone who compromises. You deserve someone who’s there for you when you’re feeling down. Remember that.


I regret opening up to some people; they didn’t deserve to know me like that.

I’m not the type of person to give up on someone. Yes, sometimes I get really mad and upset so I need a minute to cool off but I’ll never abandon you. I don’t leave people. And I think that’s why it always hurts so bad when people leave me.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania you handed me the scissors

Podobny obraz

do you ever just smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple minutes

I remember when I was younger and I wanted to be beautiful; now I’m older and I want to be intelligent. I want to burn hearts with brilliance and engulf souls with compassion. I want to be loved for my thoughts and nothing else.

Yes it bothers me. But one day it won’t.

Tak, to wciąż mnie martwi i smuci, ale obiecuję Ci, że pewnego dnia - prawdopodobnie bardzo niedługo - już nie będzie.

at 17 or even 32, nobody is worth stressing over, like move on, leave people behind, go find yourself, the world is yours, life goes on.

if you want a nice body, go get it. if you want to become a lawyer, study your ass off. if you want nice hair, pick a style and get it done. stop being afraid and motivate yourself. find yourself. find your happiness, because it’s out there waiting for you.

 Sometimes you meet someone and even though you
never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are your new favourite colour.

Unsaid goodbyes forever torment you with the hopes of their return…

Sometimes life doesn’t give you something you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more.

do you ever notice when someone stops talking to you your gpa rises, your skin gets clearer, you stop getting headaches and start sleeping better because they cause 80% of your stress
 note to self
- stop checking who’s watching your story compulsively, or at all
- stop checking if theyve read your message
- stop deleting posts and pictures when they dont get enough attention 
- who cares if they can hear your music blasting through your earphones, turn it up
- stop comparing yourself to her. you are enough 
- stop apologizing for being sick
- stop refreshing your notifications, my fingers are so sore
- ignore the urge to conform to their expectations 
- stop talking, listen
- do not let people tell you to calm down
- stop trying to get them to want you , if they want you they will ask
- stop making the same mistakes
- stop feeling bad about thinking of his body against yours
- stop refraining from appreciating yourself
- stop explaining yourself 
- create. 
- you dont need people
- stop feeling everything so damn much

Silence is the best reply to a fool.

I was so small in your life while you were so big in mine. Thats why we had to say goodbye - no, we didnt even say goodbye. We just let go. And you really asked me why I was mad?  and dont't ever say it again that it was my fault and you did n o t h i n g  wrong.When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't. When I told you that you hurt me, you said that  you dont, and denied what you did, saying I was imperfect too. You know what? How pople react to your sadness tells you alot about how long they are gonna stay in your life. That's also why you couldn't stay in mine. 

People leave you out in the cold and get mad when you learn how to get warm by yourself.

People You Don’t Need in Life
  • Anyone who thinks you laugh too loud
  • or too often
  • Anyone who thinks your fashion choices are weird
  • or embarrassing
  • Anyone who hates the sound of your voice
  • or seeing you cry
  • Anyone who says they ‘just don’t get’ you
  • and never make an effort to understand
  • Anyone who sees you get excited about something
  • and decides you need to find your chill
1. No, people who hate seeing you cry did not mean that you should seek out people who ENJOY making you cry.  But it was to call out all the “friends” who seem to vanish the moment you need them most or tell you not to cry because you “look ugly” or tell you that they just can’t “be around you” when you’re feeling low.  You most certainly need people in your life who can stand to see you cry and not run away.
2. Fashion tastes vary person to person.  Of course your friends won’t like every single thing you do.  But look at the words I used: “weird” and “embarrassing”.  I used those words specifically because they make one feel like an outsider. An unwanted spot of freakishness.  Your friends should not make you feel this way.

when i’m married my partner and i will have:
  • morning sex
  • afternoon sex
  • dinner sex
  • after meal sex
  • i made pancakes sex
  • good morning sex
  • the kids are at school sex
  • shower sex
  • bored sex
  • make up sex
  • break up sex
  • monday sex
  • tuesday sex
  • wednesday sex
  • thursday sex
  • friday sex
  • saturday sex
  • sunday sex
  • there is nothing on tv sex
  • i love you sex

Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.

Sometimes, I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night.

Ever since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about.

7 billion ppl in the world & u think i need u? lol nah

Dear me,
one day I’ll make you proud.

a girlfriend is just a best friend that touches you inappropriately.

Repeat this until you understand it: I do not need people who do not need me.

Some talk to you in their free time, and some free their time to talk to you. know the difference

I crave the side of you that you don’t show to anyone else.

Look after your body. You were given this shell to look after. Eat healthily, go on long walks, speak to nature and smile. Do not waste your only opportunity to live life to the fullest by hating yourself.

I’ve been in love with someone that didn’t love me back, and I’ve been loved by someone that I didn’t love back. And I don’t know which is worse: to be broken or to break another soul.

It’s time to move on.
— Whatever you thought about while reading this, it’s going to be okay.

How someone reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life.

My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me, and think of me. I am what I am, and I do what I do. I expect nothing, and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier.

Nie, nie potrzebujesz przyjaciół, którzy nie są z Ciebie dumni. Każdy ma w sobie coś, co mogłoby sprawić, że 

Everything you are going through is preparing you for everything you asked for.

I dont want to be bitter, just because you broke my heart. Maybe the best friend hurt me and became completely fake, just so I wont make the same mistake with the love of my life - and I will choose wiser. 

I need that person ♡♡

I don’t regret you but sometimes I wish I had walked away at the start and left things at hello.

I hope you fall in love
 with someone who always texts back and never lets 
you fall asleep thinking you’re

Tonight I saw a shooting star and for the first time in awhile I wished for myself instead of you.

I want someone who’ll sit on a rooftop w/ me at 2am & tell me their favorite songs and their family problems, & how they think the earth was made.

Even on bad days, I’ll still be happy with you.

things that make me smile:
  • guys holding flowers in their hands because you know he’s about to make someone’s day 
  • couples who are obviously on a first date and are still in that shy yet eager getting to know you phase
  • anyone who gets up for old people on the bus or train 
  • the pleasantly shocked and surprised face of said old person because they realize that kindness isn’t dead
  • handwritten letters
  • people holding hands with their parents (especially if they aren’t children anymore) 
  • friends saying ‘i love you’ to each other because platonic love is so so underrated 
  • the face of a student who studied so hard for a test and actually did really well 
  • people who admit that they are wrong without resentment and are willing to learn from their mistakes
  • someone who makes you feel like there’s still something worth smiling about in this world when you think you might not make it

Someone who wants the best for you is what’s best for you.

Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you were the one who carried you through the heartache. You are the one who sits with the cold body on the shower floor, and picks it up. You are the one who feeds it, who clothes it, who tucks it into bed, and you should be proud of that. Having the strength to take care of yourself when the world is trying to bleed you dry, that is the strongest thing in the universe.

I was the one who carried you through SO MANY heartaches,
I was the one who was sitting with you so many times on the floor, in your car or on the bed, when you were crying, or broken because of your family's behaviour
I was the one who was listening to you,
and wanted to know how was your day. Everyday. 

But when things got better, I wasn't the one you stayed loyal and honest to.  I wasn't the one you had time for anymore, because you became 'busy' (even though it was a lie). 
So you know what? It's only your loss, not mine.

( and yes, it still makes me so sad and it bothers me - but you know what? someday soon it wont anymore. ) 

Cancel your pity party. Pull yourself together and take total ownership for everything in your life.

i hope u find someone that mindlessly plays with your hands and lightly strokes your legs and massages your back and plays with your hair and i hope that u feel like you’re home when u look at them

I don’t hate you, I hate what you did to me and how fake and unloyal you became. 

No one be listening to me that’s why I got a blog in the first place

 I don’t chase people anymore. I learned that I’m here, and I’m important. I’m not going to run after people to prove that I matter.

Never underestimate the power of good morning texts, apologies, and random compliments.

maybe one day I’ll be cool enough to hang out with someone who uses a film camera and they’ll take a photo of me sitting in the passenger seat of their car and I’ll be laughing candidly enough for my eyes to be closed and they’ll let me use that photo as my profile picture on facebook

do you ever miss someone but never let them know because you have this feeling that they are doing just fine without you anyways?

I don’t want to remind you of anyone. I want to be the first me you’ve ever met.

At first I cared, but then I was like ‘Nah, fuck you.’

If I cry in front of you, believe me, I reached my limit.

Once I stop caring you’re not getting it back. I’ll be cold as ice, I promise.

what i planned to do this summer
  1. paint and make art
  2. hang out with friends
  3. exercise 
what i actually did
  1. cried
  2. blogged
  3. ruined every friendship i have

I knew I matured when I realized every situation doesn’t need a reaction. Sometimes you just have to leave people to continue to do the lame shit that they do.

Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.

I appreciate effort. No matter how small, silly or irrelevant, I appreciate effort.

“sorry” vs “I’m sorry”
“bye” vs “goodbye”
“love you” vs “i love you”
all have two different meanings

'cb' vs 'Ciebie;
'kc' vs Kocham Cię.
'Tb' vs 'Tobie'
'sorry' vs 'przepraszam'
Kilka liter zmienia postać rzeczy i całkowicie zmienia ZNACZENIE.

when you leave don’t come back. don’t check in, don’t wonder how much damage or pain you have caused just leave it with the last thing you said.

All I want is for someone to look at me and think “Damn, I’m lucky.

When people treat you like they don’t care, believe them.

Imagine your girlfriend taking photographs of you, not selfies, not “outfit of the day”, no Instagram bullshit. Actual photos. When you wake up, when you look at her, when you’re making love, when you’re cooking, when you’re taking a shower. Imagine if your girlfriend did that. This is a person who loves creating a visual documentation of the person she loves. You would cry at every picture she took because you know it’ll be purer than any other visual representation of yourself.

Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.

When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.

I loved you on this day. I love this memory.

I loved you before I ever touched you.

I have to be honest with you. I think about you a lot. All the time, actually. In the morning, at night, in the middle of my day. It’s you. It’s just always you.

Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are.

The first kiss is the last to be forgotten.

it sucks when you’re friends with someone but you’re like a low ranked friend. like if there was an event and they could only bring a few friends you wouldn’t make the cut. that’s sad. it's even sadder when that someone was your BEST friend, you used to sacrafice everything in the past and A L W A Y S had time for that person. 

“It never stops hurting, does it?”
“Giving someone the best of you and watching them choose someone else.”

I want to take good photos. Drink dark coffee. And travel the world.

People always miss you when you look good or doing good.

In a relationship, you need somebody who’s going to call you out, not somebody who’s going to let everything slide. You need somebody who doesn’t want to live without you, but can. Not somebody that is dependent, but somebody who is stronger with you. A relationship is two people, not one.

Do not bring people into your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt.

My pride is stronger than my feelings. don’t try to play me.

I could think of you 24/7 and you still wouldn’t hear from me.

Aries - someday someone will love you so much that they won’t be able to stop themself from waking you up in the morning when you are still sound asleep; someday they’ll love you enough to let you sleep.

I actually like it when people vent to me, I don’t feel like it annoys me at all. In fact it makes me feel like i’m wanted and trusted by the people around me. I enjoy helping others and giving advice to those who need it. I can honestly say i’d push anything out of the way just to listen to you vent because I know how it feels like when you have so much bottled inside of you. You’re at that point where you can’t stand it and need to finally let things out.
After high school you realize you were only friends with some people because you saw them five times a week.

Introverts don’t get lonely if they don’t socialize with a lot of people, but we do get lonely if we don’t have intimate interactions on a regular basis.
— Sophia Dembling, The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World /

instead of taking birth control you can have sex at night bc the sperm are asleep + you won’t get pregnant

i really just want someone to lie in bed with me and watch avatar: the last airbender all day

I’ll never be busy enough to not miss you.

Being in love with someone means loving them when they haven’t eaten all day. Forcing them to eat in the middle of the night. When they are freezing holding them even though you’re burning up. Waking up to their morning side and loving the way they open their eyes to you even with the boogers. Loving them is waiting until they fall asleep to leave because you know it’ll make them happier and then leaving with a forehead kiss even though they won’t feel it, a peaceful claim to let yourself know how lucky you are to be kissing her. Loving them is being in the worst fight in the world, at the risk of losing them, having an emotional break down, but still worried about if they are okay. Loving them is an addiction. Its an ongoing curiosity about what they are doing, if they are alright, how their day has been. Wanting to be by their side 24/7 even if you don’t speak a word. Loving them is not giving up. The non-existence of impossible obstacles. But the existence of courage.

Stop worrying about what others think of you, embrace who you are as a person and if others judge you for who you are then don’t give them the time of day because you’re unique and put on this earth for something. Embrace who you are as a person and be proud because if you let others walk over you then you will never fully appreciate who you are.

Someone’s probably in love with you right now, even though you think you’re boring and stupid and smell bad most of the time, someone probably saw you last week and wiped their sweaty hands on the insides of their pockets and thought about your body under your clothing and about how you would look asleep in their bed

don’t ever talk to someone while you’re horny it is a bad idea and you’ll regret it

Every time I think of you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Do not lower your standards, you deserve good things.

“ (via Ren Pidgeon)

things that will happen to you:
  • you will find a new song that you can play on repeat when you can’t sleep
  • new people will come into your life unexpectedly and make everything better
  • you will get good grades, graduate and find a job that you like
  • your heart will heal and you’ll slowly learn to manage the pain 
  • good things that will make you v happy to be alive

Always keep a part of yourself to yourself.

no one belongs here more than you

So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

Marry a man who loves you more than you love him. A woman will always give more than what is necessary to her lover. It is ingrained into her, like maternity. But even when a man loves you more, he will still only be able to meet you halfway.

You never know what people have to go home to, always be kind.

"they’ll cheer you on and wish you don’t succeed even more at the same time.”

“the narcissist’s prayer:
that didn’t happen.
and if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
and if it was, that’s not a big deal.
and if it is, that’s not my fault.
and if it was, I didn’t mean it.
and if I did
you deserved it.”

 "Never trust a survivor,” my father used to warn me, “until you find out what he did to stay alive.”

"Millions of people have decided not to be sensitive. They have grown thick skins around themselves just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it is at great cost. Nobody can hurt them, but nobody can make them happy either.”

"I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”
— Helena Bonham Carter

"an aesthetic that will never go out of style: making others feel loved, needed, and important.”

"The secret isn’t to find someone you love spending time with - I love spending time with a lot of people. The secret isn’t to find someone that you find attractive - I find a lot of people attractive for many different reasons. The secret isn’t to find someone who is nice - there are tons of nice people in the world. The secret is to find someone who wants exactly what you want. Someone who is ready to give you all they’ve got, and in return be ready to accept all the love you have to give. The world is filled with people in relationship of “loves you more” & “I have to act mean so they will like me back” or “I am just not ready.” Please do not waste any more of your precious time. You are an amazing creature. You deserve to be loved until your insides melt. Don’t give up on all the things you want. When you meet the right person you will have zero doubt in your mind. Zero.”

"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”

Okay but silk dresses, roses, warm coffee on chilly autumn mornings, scented candles, the sound of rain and soft tunes

"I’m here to love you, not to hold your hand. I’ll tell you’re beautiful because you are, not because you need to hear it to feel it. I’ll hold you when the north wind blows because I like to my arms around you, not because I have to be afraid of the gust shattering your bones. I’ll kiss you because it feels like lightning, not because you need my lips to breathe. Don’t missunderstand, I will always stand with you and fight for you and remind you of the perfection I see in your every move. I just won’t let you rely on me, I would never be that cruel.”

"Someday, we’ll forget the hurt, the reason we cried and who caused us pain. We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge, but letting things unfold in their own way and own time. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our life which shows how well we ran the race. So smile, laugh, forgive, believe and love all over again.”
Nothing worth holding onto will ever destroy you.”— Remember this when you’re wondering if you should let go or not 

If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude

"we have all hurt someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. we have all loved someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. it is an intrinsic human trait, and a deep responsibility, i think, to be an organ and a blade. but, learning to forgive ourselves and others because we have not chosen wisely is what makes us most human. we make horrible mistakes. it’s how we learn. we breathe love. it’s how we learn. and it is inevitable.”

"Whatever you decide, don’t let it be because you don’t think you have a choice.”

"Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.”

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”

Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”

"Your tumblr speaks volumes about who you are as a person. It shows what kind of images you see in your head, who you love, who you hate, even what you think about other people. But most of all - it has all of the words you never said to people, all of the words you couldn’t have said but should have said.”

"There was a time in my life when I was afraid of speaking out my feelings and desires for fear of being abandoned. If I understand this fear and its roots than I am more likely to speak up my mind in the future and avoid frustration.”

Whatever happens, happens to you by you, through you; you are the creator, enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive.

He knew that I love you also means I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that I love no one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else.

…I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.

Nothing is permanent. Anger passes. Stupidity is usually temporary. And even the best things in life can’t last forever.

You know who’s gonna give you everything? Yourself.

I think of you so often you have no idea.

If someone is genuine, compassionate and kind, that is a turn-on. A sense of humor is a huge turn on, and that goes hand in hand with intelligence.

Don’t struggle so much, the best things happen when not expected.

One day you will be at the place you always wanted to be.

You must go on adventures to find out where you belong.

About me: I like the smell of earth, the touch of waves, the taste of berries, the sight of trees, the sound of laughter and the feeling of being fully alive.

But I want you to know that when I imagine myself happy, it is with you.

I like people who don’t need everyone to like them.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.

If her voice calms you, keep her

Go travel,
Go wander,
Be adventurous. 
That’s what makes you rich,
From the inside,
And from the outside

and sometimes, 
letting go is 
the only way 
we could love
them better.

“bad days come and bad days go. you’ll be okay, okay?

"Let go, or be dragged.”

you’re not too sensitive. you’re not overreacting. if it hurts you, it hurts you


it’s not selfish to do what’s best for you

 There is always a part of my mind that is preparing for the worst, and another part of my mind that believes if I prepare enough for it, the worst won’t happen.

Crazy how personal growth can make you let go of people you swore you couldn’t live without.

 i applaud people who have been through hell but are still kind & loving towards other humans. i hope the universe will soon reward you with happiness

Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.

Sitting on the floor in the kitchen waiting for our hashbrowns to finish cooking after tripping balls for a few hours and making mad love.

see honestly i am the easiest person to impress because literally no one has ever really bought me flowers or taken me dancing or on a picnic or any of that romantic junk and i would just melt at any of it

1. Get more sleep
2. Drink more water
3. Get more exercise
4. Read more
5. Get more organized
6. Clean more often
7. Explore more
8. Relax more
9. Have more patience
10. Be happy

You thought I stopped talking to you because I got bored. However, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m in love with you so much. I love you and it’s killing me because you won’t ever feel the same way. You look at me but you do not see me. Not with stars in your eyes or with a sense of awe. Not with love. So I’m sorry it seemed like I disappeared. For a while I was selfish and wanted to still keep you in my life. It didn’t work out like that. I realized that it didn’t matter if I left or if I stayed, because it would all hurt the same.

When I laugh, I look at you to see if you are too.

There were entire novels spoken in the silence.

You have the most
beautiful eyes,
but it breaks my heart
to look at them.

Sometimes I think of you.
In the middle of the day randomly. When that one song comes on. Every time I pass by the restaurant we used to go to. Hearing someone say your name. Seeing a couple pass by.
It has gotten better though.
I don’t have to skip that song anymore or avoid the places we visited. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about being reminded of you. I still feel a twinge in my heart every now and then, but that too will eventually disappear. Just like you did.

We grew apart.

Concept: a relationship where you’re both equally obsessed with one another but still respect eachothers space. There is no lack of communication or trust. Lots of sex.

Be with someones who would drive 5 hours just to see you for one.

If you ever hear me breathe deeply it’s not because I’m annoyed it’s because I forget to breathe sometimes

lately i’ve been replacing my “i’m sorry”s with “thank you”s, like instead of “sorry i’m late” i’ll say “thanks for waiting for me”, or instead of “sorry for being such a mess” i’ll say “thank you for loving me and caring about me unconditionally” and it’s not only shifted the way i think and feel about myself but also improved my relationships with others who now get to receive my gratitude instead of my negativity

Daily reminder: 
If they wanna talk to you, they will. If they wanna be with you, they will. If they wanna make things work, they will. Don’t let things be one sided. It’s not healthy, and it’s not fair to you.

I really love touching. It doesn’t always have to be in a sexual way, it could be like you sitting next to me and our knees touching a little or you putting your hand on my mine, little things like that mean so much to me and I crave it, all the fucking time, it drives me insane.

Things I am always down for no questions asked:
-Breakfast for dinner
-Hot coffee and good conversation
-Book shopping

10/10 would bang.

But also:

10/10 would care for you
10/10 would tuck you in
10/10 would cuddle
10/10 would make sure you get to sleep okay
10/10 would make you breakfast in the morning

I need to realize that it’s okay to drop people out of your life that do you no good

Just a reminder that tattoos don’t have to mean anything. They do not require some intricate and moving backstory. Some people just appreciate having art on their skin…it’s as simple as that.

Date someone who will

  • wake up at 4am just to listen to you talk about a bad dream you just had
  • tease you for little things just to apologize six million times when you act upset
  • be nervous to kiss you for the first time because they don’t want to fuck up 
  • touch your butt 
  • offer to buy you a book that you absolutely love, and insist when you tell them no
  • watch your favorite movies with you even if they don’t like them
  • let you give them too much information and just listen to you talk for hours 
  • stay up until you fall asleep just because they want to talk to you
  • share your love for dogs
  • talk about animals with you for hours 
  • make you laugh even if it’s 2:30am and you’re laying in bed crying because you sat there and over thought
  • reassure you that they care and will always be there for you
  • tell you that they think you’re cute when you get angry at a video game 
  • laugh with you 
  • claim to not know what you’re talking about just so they can watch as you struggle to explain it just to tell you they already know and just think you’re adorable 
Most importantly, date someone who makes you happy. 

podobno do sukcesu nie ma windy - tylko schody. Wcale nie. Nie ma, ale będzie. Postanowiłam ją zbudować. 

I hope you all find someone who never stops wanting to get to know you


Be a better you, for you.

Look at how much progress you’ve made since they left you. You’re finally taking care of yourself. You’re feeling so much better without them, you know you are. So keep moving, and don’t you dare look back. You’re gonna nail this.










he Coffee Collective Roastery and head office // Godthåbsvej 34b // Frederiksberg // Mon-Fri 7.30am-7pm, Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 10am-6pm /

Lidkoeb // Vesterbrogade 72B // Copenhagen // Mon-Sat 4pm-2am, Sun 8pm-2am //

Mirabelle // Guldbergsgade 29 // Copenhagen // open every day 7am-7pm //

Øl & Brød // Viktoriagade 6 // Copenhagen // Tue-Thu & Sun 11.30am-10pm, Fri/Sat 11.30am-11pm //

Den Plettede Gris // Trangravsvej 5 // Copenhagen // Mon-Sun 9am-6pm 


Revolver Coffee // 325 Cambie St. // Vancouver // Mon-Fri 7.30am-6pm, Sat 9am-6pm //


Mogg & Melzer Delicatessen // Auguststraße 11-13 // Berlin // Mon-Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 7am-8pm // websiteImages // Steve Herud (5), Ailine Liefeld (1)

Birdie // Rue des Bains 40 // Geneva // Tue-Fri 8am-3pm, Sat/Sun 10am-4pm /

Dry Milano // Via Solferino 33 // Mon-Sun 7pm-1.30am //

Mast Brothers London // 19-29 Redchurch Street // London // Mon-Sun 10am-7pm /

Blitz // Plaça d’Urquinaona 8 // Barcelona // Mon-Thu 8.30am-midnight, Fri 8.30am-1am, Sat 10am-1am 

The Springs // 608 Mateo St. // Los Angeles //
Mon-Wed 7am-10pm, Thu/Fri 7am-11pm, Sat 9am-11pm, Sun 9am-10pm 

Café Kitsuné // 51 Galerie de Montpensier // Paris // Mon-Sun 10am-5pm /

DF Mexico // Hanbury St. // London // Mon-Sat 11.30am-11pm, Sun 11.30am-10pm //

House of Small Wonder // Johannisstr. 20 // Berlin // Mo-Fr 9am-5pm, Sat/Sun 10am-4pm // websiteImages // Stefan Kühne (5)

Snaps & Rye // 93 Golborne Road // London // 
Tue-Sat 8am-5.30pm, Sun 10am-3.30pm //

Samovar Tea // 411 Valencia Street // San Francisco // open daily 7am-7pm // websiteImages // Cesar Rubio

Home Bakery // All Wasl Road // Galleria Mall // Dubai // Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Sat & Sun 12am-10pm 









Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Sazan Hendrix

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Sazan Hendrix

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Sazan Hendrix


NYC Rooftop

NYC Rooftop

New York Rooftop Session

New York Rooftop Session

New York Rooftop Session

NYC Rooftop

New York Rooftop Session

New York Rooftop Session


Los Angeles Portraits

Los Angeles Portraits

what if tattoos just randomly appeared on our skin at key points in our lives and we had to figure out what they meant for ourselves

"I’m definitely pro-selfie. I think that anybody who’s anti-selfie is really just a hater. Because, truthfully, why shouldn’t people take pictures of themselves? When I’m on Instagram and I see that somebody took a picture of themselves, I’m like, ‘Thank you.’ I don’t need to see a picture of the sky, the trees, plants. There’s only one you. I could Google image search ‘the sky’ and I would probably see beautiful images to knock my socks off. But I can’t Google, you know, ‘What does my friend look like today?’ For you to be able to take a picture of yourself that you feel good enough about to share with the world – I think that’s a great thing.”

"Don’t ever put your happiness in someone else’s hands. They’ll drop it. They’ll drop it every time.”

Sleepy eyes and a mind full of you.


If you lower your standards enough, there are literally thousands if not millions of people who are attracted to you and would marry you in a second.

nobody in the entire world has ever wronged 0 people in their entire life, that is just not reality. let yourself move on from having wronged someone and just try not to do it again

"make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.”

"It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.”

 "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

Bruna Marquezine

time + focus

I love people who are open-minded. People who just vibe with whatever you talk about. You can talk about anything and everything.

Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.

Neck kisses, coffee dates, and midnight car rides.

Everyday is leg day when you’re running from your problems

I had to get rid of everything unnecessary…in order to save myself.

The ability to sit down with another person and talk for hours, about anything and everything, is more attractive to me than anything else.

The best project you’ll ever work on is you.






From my experience, this form of payment is probably the most common one that's proposed in the food blogging world. So, what does this mean exactly? Well, brands will often contact you, offer to send you free chocolate, matcha tea, green apples, plastic cups or whatever it is they are flogging in exchange for a mention on your social media or blog. Again, this, for me is a tricky one. But, I have accepted this form of 'payment' in the past because...

- I not only liked the product, but I also really loved the ethos behind it. For example, I worked with farmdrop, who remove the middlemen and ensure more money goes to artisan producers and organic farmers and I've worked with barefoot/grown with love, who are very passionate about organic farming practices and deliver on trend vegetarian produce.
- the value of the material goods matched or exceeded what I would normally charge for a social media or blog post feature
- the material goods were things I needed, used anyway and really, really wanted
- the companies were small and true start-ups i.e. Thread and Whisk, who made stunning aprons which they gifted us for our France workshop in exchange for a mention and feature

There is 1 exception to this rule for me: cookbooks! I happily offer my services in exchange for a cookbook despite their value not matching my normal fee. Apart from the fact that I'm a cookbook addict, reviews are NOT normally paid for to ensure you are able to give an honest, objective opinion. In fact, it's frowned upon in the industry to accept payment for reviews ;). Make sense?


If you mention or tag a product or brand on your blog or social media in exchange for money here's what you need to consider:

a) Does this brand/product fit with the ethos of my blog and food philosophy? This is SO important - please only promote things you would eat/use yourself and can wholeheartedly stand behind.
b) Is this brand/product something my readers will enjoy? Don't forget, your readers are EVERYTHING!
c) Make your brand/social media/blog desireable to work with. You achieve this by creating a clear focus for your blog (for me that's plant-based, simple food with a nudge towards food photography), creating high quality content and engaging with your followers! Without this it's tricky to demand money ;).
d) Be clear and unapologetic from the outset in your communication with brands about expecting pay for your hard work! You wouldn't work for free in a 9-5 job, why would food blogging be any different?
e) Be honest with yourself: what is the minimum pay you'd be happy to work for? Remember to think about how many hours you'll spend putting a blog post together, buying the ingredients, cooking, styling, editing your shots and promoting the recipe on social media. And, just because blogging is fun, you shouldn't sell yourself short and work for less than minimum wage ;). I'm sorry I can't give you a specific figure.
f) Will you expect the same fee from big brands as you do from smaller start-ups? I don't, but that's cuz I like an underdog ;). Surprisingly though I've found smaller companies are much better to work with than larger companies; they tend to truely appreciate and understand the importance of food bloggers :).
g) Create a price list which you send out to brands when they get in touch and be clear in your mind as to whether this is negotiable or not! Outline your rates and specify what the fee they pay will cover i.e. a mention on social media, recipe development, a full blog post, a series of blog posts etc. If the brand turns you down, please don't worry. It just means they weren't right for you and other brands WILL come along who can recognise your value and that of your followers.
h) Review your price list every 3-6 months? Has your following, reach and engagement grown since you put your price list together? If so, consider upping your fee accordingly ;) cuz - don't forget - your social media is essentially invaluable ad space!!!

Ok, that's all folks. Soooooo sorry this has turned into an epically long blog post, but I've been meaning to write about this for AGES. I so hope it was helpful.
Please let me know if I forgot to highlight anything. Also, have you got something to add or an experience to share? I'd love to hear your point of view. The comment section below is waiting for you ;). Oh and I've loved your comments on instagram so far. Keep'em coming.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me here. See you in two weeks :)


Blazer 2
Blazer 2

Blazer 4

Batumi day4-1

Batumi day4-3


( https://www.instagram.com/janesher/)



https://www.instagram.com/airheads/ !!





Dla mamy:






1) antybakteryjny płyn do ciała / 49 zł / 200ml
https://www.google.pl/shopping/product/9048049240681501051?q=spray+ze+srebrem&biw=1366 &bih=638&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNgqKPicHVAhUkCsAKHW4IDNYQ8wII9wIwDQ


3) Ecocera, maska przeciwtrądzikowa srebro&miedź, 50g

4) Argentum200, Srebro koloidalne, mgiełka tonik 50 ppm, 150 ml





9) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-19457-Ecocera-Plyn-micelarny-z-miedzia-i-srebrem-koloidalnym-100ml.html


1) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-4667-SYLVECO-Oczyszczajacy-peeling-do-twarzy.html
2) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-10750-Zielone-Laboratorium-Krem-myjacy-do-higieny-intymnej-Origanol-ekstrakt-z-nagietka.html
3) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-14150-Orientana-Maseczka-z-glinki-NEEM-I-DRZEWO-HERBACIANE.html
4) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-10091-Avebio-Antyseptyczna-ambrozja-do-twarzy-Antiseptic-Shot.html !!!!!
5) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-14516-Orientana-Olejek-do-ciala-DRZEWO-SANDALOWE-I-KURKUMA.html?rec=101002101
6) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-10092-Avebio-Nawilzajaca-ambrozja-do-twarzy-Smart-Hydration.html?rec=101002101
7) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-10093-Avebio-Relaksujaca-ambrozja-do-twarzy-Just-Happy.html
8) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-9660-Avebio-Woda-z-Czystka-100ml.html
9) https://mintishop.pl/product-pol-9641-Avebio-Olej-Perilla-Przeciwstarzeniowa-bomba-z-Dalekiego-Wschodu-100-ml.html !!!!!!!!!!!!



toleruję ludzi, którzy rzucają co dwie sekundy mięsem , toleruję tych którzy nałogowo rzucają dziewczyny, toleruję nawet tych, którzy codziennie grupowo rzucają pomarańczową piłką do kosza, ale tych którzy nieustannie rzucają słowa na wiatr - NIE.


http://anastasiavolkova.com/blog/best-things-july -> mega inspirująca 


lubię ludzi, ktorzy nie próbują za wszelką cenę, aby lubili ich wszyscy dookoła.
jak nazwałbyś rozdział zycia, w którym się poznaliśmy? muszę odnieść w życiu duży sukces, bo lubię drogie serniki. ostatnio straciłam coś, co było dla mnie bardzo ważne. Coś, z czym sądziłam, że nigdy nie przyjdzie mi się pożegnać: ale
Is that all you want to be? Liked? Wouldn’t you rather be passionately and voraciously desired?

a więc jednak to prawda - czasami coś musi się w życiu mocno zepsuć, żeby coś innego mogło się naprawić! #nielogicznalogika

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