"Niektórzy mężczyźni sprawiają że kobiety płaczą, inni że nie śpią po nocach. Są też tacy, którzy sprawiają, że kobiety nie mogą przestać się uśmiechać - to są Ci właściwi."
“Nie mylić miłości z zakochaniem. Zakochanie to jest reakcja fizjologiczna, jak erekcja. To się po prostu zdarza, czasem samo z siebie. Jak ktoś nie chce, żeby się zdarzyło, to ucieknie na czas, jasne. A miłość to nie jest uczucie, to postawa względem drugiego człowieka i seria decyzji, jakie się podejmuje. Miłości się nie czuje, tylko się nią żyje. Kocham swoją żonę, bo kiedyś tak zdecydowałem: 'Będę kochał właśnie ciebie'."
Szczepan Twardoch
'sometimes I get a strong urge to abandon everything and buy a big yellow raincoat and live in an obscure fishing village on the coast of somewhere foreign where it’s always cloudy and eat a lot of stew and ride my bike everywhere and forget everything'
Miłość to jest wtedy, kiedy wychodzicie ze spotkania, ukochany przegląda Twój telefon i stwierdza: 'Wiedziałem, że zrobisz zdjęcie w tej łazience'.
"Sierpień - pomyślałem - nie ma w sobie nic z agresywności czerwca i lipca. Jest miesiącem ukojenia, miesiącem zbiorów.
Ma w sobie przeczucie jesieni, a więc i trochę melancholii."
Stanisław Kowalewski "Czary i oczarowania"
"Kochać i tracić, pragnąć i żałować,
Padać boleśnie i znów się podnosić,
Krzyczeć tęsknocie 'precz!' i błagać 'prowadź!'
Oto jest życie: nic, a jakże dosyć...
Leopold Staff
There was nothing that girl wouldn’t do for you.
I know. That’s why I left her.
If you can’t handle her fire, let someone else enjoy the flames.
I just want to dream,
dream of you,
dream with you.
Not every bridge is an easy walk, but each one is worth crossing.
duży nóż z napisem "wspomnienia"
goodnight to all the ones who never receive a goodnight
"I think you need to just close the fucking chapter on him even if it was long enough to be a fucking novel itself. You’ve cried over this boy so many times before, when are you going to put yourself first? When are you going to realize this is not what you deserve? When you were little would you have ever wished this for yourself? Why are you putting yourself through this? You are so goddamn important and he is a fucking idiot who didn’t deserve to know you the way he did. Let him go, let him go, let him go. There is nothing more you can do."
So you delete all the conversations.
In a moment of weakness or in a moment of empowerment you don’t really know but it feels good and it fills you with dread but your friends call you strong and you wake up the next day and you tell yourself that it’s gonna be okay. Things are gonna be okay.
But then it’s two weeks later and your fingers are trembling so much you can’t even type you can’t even look through your pictures but you’re desperate for any proof that he loved you.
And the only thing you find is a conversation from a few months ago. One of those times where it was 3 in the morning and you had rolled over and blinked at your phone with sleepy eyes just to text him I love you and by some magic, some love connection, he had woken up too. And you ended up sending I love you’s back and forth till your eyes were blinking away tears cause you were so fucking tired but it was worth it because your smile was so big it was biting at the edges of your cheeks.
And you’re reading it but all you can do is cry so hard the bed’s shaking and you don’t know how to stop your teeth from chattering and everything just fucking burns through you, every I love you and forever you promised each other because that forever seems so far away now. So it burns, it’s acid in your stomach because you only ever wanted a forever with him and you’re not sure why that ended up being too much to ask for. And you realize that you’re so fucking scared, because every part of you really believed that the love wouldn’t leave. You thought the love was never gonna change.
"I write about you because I need you to exist in my world somewhere, and every time I write about you, you exist everywhere."
How much of human life is lost in waiting.'
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’m constantly torn between “if it’s meant to be, it will be” and “if you want it, go and get it.”
I often imagine myself topless in a tiny apartment with my hair up with someone I love
I don’t regret you. I don’t care how it ended. I don’t care about your worst. I remember how it began and how happy it made me. I won’t ever regret you."
Do not allow him to consume you. If he does not call, go to sleep. If he does not message, put your phone away and have a fantastic day anyway. If he acts distant when you are with him and refuses to tell you what is wrong, don’t wait for him, go home and do something you love. If he tries to insinuate you do not need your friends now that you have him, spend more time with your friends. If he tries to teach you a lesson through the silent treatment, ignore him completely.
If he plays with your feelings constantly, walk away from him. If he acts like your body is his entitlement when you are not ready, walk away from him. If he says terrible, unforgivable things and threatens to leave you after every argument, walk away from him. If he forbids you from doing anything you love, walk away from him. If he claims ownership of your accomplishments, walk away from him. If he demeans you or disrespects your being a girl and refuses to stop when you tell him it hurts, walk away from him.
I cannot stress this enough, you live for yourself first. He is a secondary character in the story of your life. Do not allow him to turn you into a secondary character in your own book.
Most of all though, it was you who I wanted to tell that I was hurting. You were the one I wanted to explain to that if I had my heart in my hands instead of my chest, I’d be able to watch it beat in pain to the beat of, “I’m hurting I’m hurting I’m hurting and you’re just watching”.
But no one wants to hear about the pain they’ve inflicted. One moment you’re telling me you love me and the next you can’t even look me in the eyes anymore and the next we haven’t talked in 3 months and oh god oh god how is this happening oh-
But it was still you I wanted to turn to, even though I knew that you weren’t part of the team anymore. I wanted to beg my heart to let it go, God please, there’s no point in beating for you anymore. But my heart’s never listening and my head’s awful at communication, so if you’re looking for a heart, another one to add to your collection, you know my house is the one on the corner of our favorite intersection.
concept: falling asleep to netflix on low volume, with your fingers alternating between stroking my hair and my shoulders. i’m warm and feel at home with my head on your chest, and my heart in your hands
nostalgia is a liar. nothing was ever as good as you remember it to be. there’s a reason you don’t talk to that person anymore, there’s a reason you’re not part of each other’s lives. don’t trust nostalgia. grieve. reflect. move on.
It’s like, I don’t know,
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
You can’t quite place your finger on it,
That feeling that you have about him.
“He’s no good,” you hear it everywhere,
“Stay away from him,
He’s only going to break your heart again.”
And you know that, it’s the only thing you know,
But the smell of his clothes still lingers in your nose, even after months of being away from him,
And the way he always looked at you right before he kissed you is engraved into your brain.
You can’t stop reliving it,
Those memories bathed in 5 o’clock in the afternoon summer sunlight
When he stroked your hair while he told you how much he loved you;
You never felt more whole than you did in those moments.
But it’s over, you remind yourself every time those memories that you’ve tried to keep behind a dam
Somehow break through and wash ashore in your brain,
It’s been over for three months now,
And you should’ve stopped crying about it two and a half months ago;
He surely stopped caring about you long before that.
But sometimes tears still well up in the back of your eyes whenever he crosses your mind
And you can’t help wondering,
How could he move on from a love like that?
Does he still think about it, too?
Could we ever go back to the way we were?
And you know that.
But the small possibility of a love like that happening with him again
Is enough to make you want him close to you for another year
And to make you shiver whenever he talks to another girl.
It’s enough to give you that feeling about him,
The one you can’t describe,
That feeling that convinces you that maybe, if you try hard enough,
He’ll come back to you someday."
dogs > boys
in love and in hell
"Isn’t blood a
woman’s ink?"
Missing them is never going to stop hurting. It might be in the back of your mind, you might even forget about it for a while, but it will always be there. It’ll hit you when you’re least expecting it. That’s the worst part of it, you know? The pain comes out of the blue. You’ll be sitting drinking a cup of tea at 3 in the afternoon and you’ll remember how they took their tea with milk, no sugar. You’ll remember how their hair used to stick up all over the place because they would forget to brush it. You’ll remember how they used to laugh so hard that tears would run races down their flushed cheeks. But these are good memories, right? This is how you want to remember them.
Next minute you’re doubled over, clutching your stomach and silently screaming to release the pain that’s tearing into your heart. Muffled tears and crescent-shaped scars on your palm where you clench your fingers so hard to stop yourself from feeling the knives in your stomach, in your back, in your heart.
This is pain. And this pain never stops.
i wonder if this will reach you.
i wonder if you’ll know it’s about you.
i hope that if you read this, you read it with crooked glasses and curly hair and that you smell of something fresh,
like lavender or heather.
because back when i knew you, i never got to tell you how much i liked your smile.
and it’s brilliant, truly.
you were the first person i’d ever met to hold a candle to sunlight.
before you, i didn’t know people could mimic summer days.
i hope one day i know you again,
and i can ask if this reached you,
and if you knew it was about you."
"I was like a patient who cannot tell the doctor where it hurts, only that it does."
wrong place wrong time
prefer a “baby Im busy right now but I’ll call you as soon as I get a chance” rather than 8 hours with no text back and a sorry ass excuse
Chcę utonąć w morzu miłości. Twojej miłości.
Ale czuję, że prędzej utonę w jeziorze.
to nie była miłość. I to też nie jest miłóść. Prawie już zapomniałam jak ona tak właściwie wygląda.
i dużo się w tym okresie od lipca do wrześsnia dzialo w mojej rodzinie, duzo smutnych rzeczy, a Ty codziennie pytales mnie jak moj dzien, byles, spotykalismy się. Mega się do Ciebie przywiązałam. Bo byłeś. I byłeś taki kochany! I powiedziałeś, że nie masz nikogo takiego jak ja.
I nie byłam w stanie zrozumieć tego dlaczego po tym wszystkim, po tych zbliżeniach fizycznych, które sam inicjowałeś, po takim czasie zrobiłeś się taki oschły i zdystansowany i nagle całkowicie się zmieniłeś.
Watching him love someone else was being on the outside of a one-way mirror. I could see it all. Hear it all. But he couldn’t see me. He couldn’t hear me as I cried his name and watched him love someone else. I was alone with my pain."
Date a boy who wants to be a cat parent with you
me: I don’t like sharing anything about my personal life with strangers.
someone on the bus bumping into me: oh, sorry.
me: it’s okay, I’ve been hurt before. it all started at the onset of 2015 and
I recommend heavy crying at least once a week
something about women crying in bathrooms,
always in a hurry, always the violent swiping
under the eyes, pressing at the puffy red blotches, rushing, getting it out, looking in the mirror and then, like a warrior, going back outside to wherever like nothing ever happened and doing it all again. tell me we’re not brave even when we’re hiding.
Love teaches you how to kiss
How to hold him and wrap your legs around him and kiss him until your cheeks are as pink as your old bedroom bed sheets
love taught me to fight, to yell and scream and bleed and hate and love and love and love and love again.
And love taught me how to mend, how to stitch things back together with a sharp needle and messy stitches that are bound to unravel in my needle-pricked fingers.
When I fell in love I learned to sleep with the lights on, on the left side of the bed and his arms across my chest and somethings, you can’t unlearn.
Loving you was learning to ride a bike, once you learn, you can never forget, and I wish I could forget, I’d rather have bleeding knees and scraped up hands and elbows that ache from falling off and hitting the pavement when your mom promises not to let go and then let’s go anyway, but I know how to ride a bike the way I know how you take your coffee and what to say to make you stop crying even if I don’t really mean it.
love taught me terror. I’ve always hated scary movies, I never realized I was living in one, constantly haunted by your silence on the other side of the phone and how pretty your ex-girlfriend’s mouth looks when she says your name. I’m accustomed to shaking, and I’ve memorized that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and the burning lump in my throat, I can feel it, while I’m driving down the street, in the middle of the supermarket, in my fucking sleep.
Love is permanent and only lasts 5 minutes."

You can find someone so much better than them. Good luck to them finding someone better than you.
Shouldn’t you be over this by now?
I’m sitting on the couch, feet tucked underneath the cushions. My scalp still tingles with the pomegranate shampoo that made you turn and smile when I sat down. I look at the clock ticking in the living room and wonder what’s so special about her cheap perfume.
What did you see in him?
Do, not did. If you look closely enough, you can see her legs clenching whenever you walk by. She likes the way you walk, you know, the way you dig your hand in your pocket, half slumping, half straight, the way you lift your head in the air a fraction of a degree. Degrees. If she dropped her calculator, would you pick it up? Probably not. Not because you’re rude, but because you don’t notice anything. Never have, never will. She likes that about you, too.
He’s not worth it.
Of course not. I’ve never been good with faces, but when I close my eyes, I can see your array of solid colored T-shirts projected like film against my eyelids, your sun-drenched skin, your Adam’s apple bobbing in a hiccup of a guttural laugh. I can taste your fizzy adolescence from here, carbonation caught in my throat and gone in a second with a less than temporary sting. I want to hold you forever. But he’s not worth it. Didn’t I just say it was a real shocker he had a girlfriend in the first place? Poor girl, she could do so much better than him. I bite down on the straw of my soda and blow a few bubbles as if for emphasis. They look at me and smile in approval. Priceless is different than worthless, the ice is melting at the bottom of my cup, and I know I could never do better than you.
Are you okay?
I nod. I wonder if when she ends the call and mumbles, “I love you,” the words laced with sincerity and sleep, you lay awake at night, body clenched stiff with delight, your thumb hovering over the end call button but not quite touching it, as giddy as I am when you so much as glance my direction. You two look good together. I swear I’m happy. Scrawl that in the yearbook and sign it with a flourish, hand it back with a grin and feel your heart bust open like an exploded pen. We both have our reasons.
You’re responsible for your own sadness.
Who’s to blame? I trace my finger over the kitchen countertop, but I really want to trace it on the planes of your face. Feel your skin like Braille, the boyish raise of your cheekbones signals your pleasure, the downward slope your emptiness. My mom will ask me if I’m okay when she opens the door and sees me sopping wet from the hurt that cascades like swollen raindrops down my shoulders, the smell of teenage infatuation both overwhelmingly pungent and devastatingly foreign. A perfume tucked back long ago that I’ve just spilled all over myself. I tell her not to worry, my teeth are chattering. I break, I buy.
You need to get over it.
It’s easy to say, easy to think, easy to lather up the tangles when you know he’s going to stroke and inhale your hair in the morning. Tear free. But human will is a much more fragile concept."- it’s (not) my fault you didn’t like the answers
1473 : ↻ R
i want to be good. and do good. and be nice to people. and make people happy. and have good and healthy relationships with people. i want to learn to forgive and i want to understand other people. i want to be loved and adored and i want to love and adore
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i love this message so much and i love u
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and it’s like this: i didn’t want temporary with you. when i looked into your eyes i saw the future; i saw 25 years from now. i saw my best friend, my confidant, the love of my life, my soulmate. i didn’t want temporary with you.
and it’s like this: i felt beautiful. i looked into the mirror and smiled. i walked out of my house bare faced and didn’t care. i ate two meals a day instead of none. i felt beautiful.
and it’s like this: you were my world. i saw a thousand sunrises and sunsets in your eyes. there was more beauty in your smile than there was in the entire universe. you were my world.
and it’s like this: you knew me. i shared my secrets with you. i let you touch my scars. i didn’t pull away when you wrapped your arms around my waist. you knew me."- and it’s like this: you really had me fooled. (via compljcated)
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I’ve loved and lost many times. It happens- and we move on.
But you…
You’re irreversibly under my skin"- Nicole Torres (via wnq-writers)
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when u find out ur on ur period it’s like Everything tht has happened recently suddenly makes sense like Oh.that’s why. that’s why everything is ugly and i am suffering
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"Isn’t blood a
woman’s ink?"- Brenda Shaughnessy, from So Much Synth; “Is There Something I Should Know?” (via eveninglesbian)
5282 : ↻ R
what is wrong with us…all of us…what are we doing
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*removes one earbud* fuck you want
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tfw ur feelings start getting out of control LOL hold it there buddy ur not gonna do that to urself again k
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i’m a shower at night kind of girl
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i want to be the girl of my own dreams
78539 : ↻ R
why is everything so hard but not actually that hard just i cant do it
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idk:( honestly anything could work rly as long as u like it
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my look ? going through a hard time
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me when i overshare: shut me up (shut me up inside)
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ya i think it’s abt the experience and if u wanna go solo then i rly think u should, especially since ur only in high school once. also going w friends can be just as fun (if not more fun) than going w a date so i think it’s worth it!!
7 : ↻ R
It was so peculiar
That i had so much to say
So much to confess
But as she came infront of me
Everything stood still for a moment
For a moment every breath that i took was a blessing in disguise
For a moment an extraordinary smile convened the broken pieces of my feeble heart
For a moment my feeble heart was infatuated with invincibility
For a moment the obstreperous beats of my heart vibrated throughout my bones
For a moment her potent eyes were the only thing that were visible as the surroundings dissappeared into oblivion
I was taķen aback by the moment
She turned back and walked
A part of me cursed myself for not expressing my feelings while the other part wanted to relive that moment evermore
30 : ↻ R : #
aw don’t be afraid to tell him how u feel like what’s the worst that could happen? i rly think u should tell him at some point or else you’ll never know for sure if something could’ve worked out or not and if it doesn’t work out then at least u gave it a shot u know
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if at first you don’t succeed
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does anyone else ever have a meltdown in one chat window and a totally normal conversation in another
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is ugly an emotion bc im feeling it
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I wouldn’t mind napping for like a year or 7
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I look this mean for protection
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"Do you remember how I hate bananas? Because I remember how you can’t stand slow drivers and you hate how your roommate always leaves the water running in the shower.
And I remember how my heart sank to my feet when you said you thought she was beautiful
It’s always the person they tell you not to worry about and I’m reminding myself that I’m beautiful even if you’re not here to tell me that I am.
And I’m sorry I’m still in love with you
Even if you’ve fallen in love with her."- I remember your voice & I remember how I felt.
Inspired by @downurs (via spookiey)
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i’m so fucking sensitive it’s kinda ridiculous
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i waste my own time
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Missing them is never going to stop hurting. It might be in the back of your mind, you might even forget about it for a while, but it will always be there. It’ll hit you when you’re least expecting it. That’s the worst part of it, you know? The pain comes out of the blue. You’ll be sitting drinking a cup of tea at 3 in the afternoon and you’ll remember how they took their tea with milk, no sugar. You’ll remember how their hair used to stick up all over the place because they would forget to brush it. You’ll remember how they used to laugh so hard that tears would run races down their flushed cheeks. But these are good memories, right? This is how you want to remember them.
Next minute you’re doubled over, clutching your stomach and silently screaming to release the pain that’s tearing into your heart. Muffled tears and crescent-shaped scars on your palm where you clench your fingers so hard to stop yourself from feeling the knives in your stomach, in your back, in your heart.
This is pain. And this pain never stops."-
They’re gone and this is the kind of pain you have to learn to live with, 02/01/2016 (via afadingdancer)
It’s scary how I wrote this at the start of the year and never realised just how fucking relevant this could become to me in literally the space of 10 months
(via afadingdancer)
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I’d get dressed an hour early just to sit in the room n watch my girlfriend get ready n listen to her tell me how she does her eyebrows
38782 : ↻ R : #
"This is dedicated to my new love. Not you because no I did not love you. I loved how you made me feel with my clothes off and I loved how you could turn a bedroom into a home. Even if home was miles away and we were staying in a hotel room and the air conditioner didn’t even work and you had brought so many other girls here that I could grab perfume from the air and place it on myself and compare myself to them without ever taking my eyes off of you. You never knew my favorite color and it’s blue. You never knew that I hate chocolate or that my grandma was in the hospital for 2 weeks while you ignored my calls. So I dedicate this to my love, my new love, because they’ll never forget my birthday and I’ll drown in them like the ocean. I hang you out to dry, I leave you on the side of the road, old love, because for many months I wasn’t even a destination for you I was a one night motel."- I hope she likes ignored calls and other girls. (via loviely)
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concept: someone wanting me as much as i want them
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"i wonder if this will reach you.
i wonder if you’ll know it’s about you.
i hope that if you read this, you read it with crooked glasses and curly hair and that you smell of something fresh,
like lavender or heather.
because back when i knew you, i never got to tell you how much i liked your smile.
and it’s brilliant, truly.
you were the first person i’d ever met to hold a candle to sunlight.
before you, i didn’t know people could mimic summer days.
i hope one day i know you again,
and i can ask if this reached you,
and if you knew it was about you."- here’s a hint: if you think this is about you, it probably is (via @hell-tastic)
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*puts myself out there*
*brings myself back*
77285 : ↻ R
honestly if she doesnt value ur feelings or ur friendship enough to not date someone that she KNOWS ur in love with then if i were u i wouldn’t be friends w her and i would avoid seeing them nd rly try to get over him
10 : ↻ R : #
Song : Heartbeat
Artist : Childish Gambino
Album : Camp
Are we dating? Are we fucking? Are we best friends? are we something….?
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Me, in tears: whatever tho I guess it doesn’t matter haha
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i love to daydream and be called baby
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there’s so much I wanna say but nah
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ur always gonna be someone special to me
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U ever wish ur mind would just shut the fuck up
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854 : ↻ R
7707 : ↻ R
4719 : ↻ R
31820 : ↻ R : #
46275 : ↻ R
990 : ↻ R : #
45857 : ↻ R
suicide be callin me n I ain’t gon lie sometine I wan pick up!
29001 : ↻ R
280 : ↻ R
21136 : ↻ R
27313 : ↻ R
2898 : ↻ R : #
81562 : ↻ R : #
"I was like a patient who cannot tell the doctor where it hurts, only that it does."- Khaled Hosseini (via pillsandprayers)
31979 : ↻ R
8869 : ↻ R
"I shiver as your fingers touch my skin
hoping to god that this will last
but the idea of you and me was only ever a dream
I felt you like a hurricane
vicious rain, inside my brain
counting the days before you’ll leave
you’ll always leave
I hope I never think of you again
toss out all your love poems
(you were never good at poetry)
delete all your messages
what more can I do?
out of sight, out of mind
isn’t always a guarantee
because somehow you’re always there
you’re everything I don’t want to be reminded of
I can feel you in dreams
I see you when I breathe"- trying to forget you is like trying to forget something that has been carved inside you (via sparklygrl)
237 : ↻ R
7315 : ↻ R
"Watching him love someone else was being on the outside of a one-way mirror. I could see it all. Hear it all. But he couldn’t see me. He couldn’t hear me as I cried his name and watched him love someone else. I was alone with my pain."- (via unsends)
654 : ↻ R
6568 : ↻ R
5405 : ↻ R
21355 : ↻ R
51755 : ↻ R
15727 : ↻ R : #
17855 : ↻ R
31326 : ↻ R
55451 : ↻ R
63464 : ↻ R : #
61938 : ↻ R
3389 : ↻ R
8 : ↻ R
this made me smile im glad someone was sweet enough to do that for u :’)
101 : ↻ R
40139 : ↻ R
37824 : ↻ R
Suffering within myself by myself at the hands of myself
3967 : ↻ R
679 : ↻ R
34061 : ↻ R
I’m just a sensitive girl with sensitive skin
21559 : ↻ R
80301 : ↻ R
3135 : ↻ R
cry myself to death
2842 : ↻ R
230649 : ↻ R
31332 : ↻ R : #
I want to be known as someone who’s full of love and radiates light
163367 : ↻ R
*accidentaly vents to friend* great now i can never speak to them again
87424 : ↻ R
me 2 im honestly like.. very paranoid rn. why is America like this get me outta here
11 : ↻ R : #
10338 : ↻ R
106856 : ↻ R
1429 : ↻ R
27307 : ↻ R
wrong place wrong time (earth, 2016)
43735 : ↻ R : #
1600 : ↻ R
26752 : ↻ R : #
6036 : ↻ R
46711 : ↻ R
29870 : ↻ R
take another pregnancy test asap and if it comes up as negative again u should talk to ur doctor abt this anyway bc it could be a problem? and if it comes up as positive talk to the person u had sex w so u guys can work something out. love u, things will be ok babe
10 : ↻ R : #
9806 : ↻ R
232531 : ↻ R
"Tell me, Atlas. What is heavier: The world or its people’s hearts?"- Darshana S, Atlas still stands but does anyone else? (viahiddlestonss)
84923 : ↻ R
25603 : ↻ R
2834 : ↻ R
885 : ↻ R : #
17748 : ↻ R
19030 : ↻ R
3193 : ↻ R
1762 : ↻ R
2526 : ↻ R
9488 : ↻ R : #
20844 : ↻ R
im so sry babe :( honesty i think it might b time for u to move on u know? u guys gave it shot and yeah it was great but it didn’t work out in the end and that’s ok, but u gotta let go of the past and try to stop loving them which is way easier said than done but these things rly do take time. be patient w urself but rly try to move on bc there r other ppl out there for u and this person is only holding u back. love u, u r enough and it’s their loss if they can’t see that
12 : ↻ R : #
tell him pls
17 : ↻ R : #
11107 : ↻ R
19718 : ↻ R
someone: can u….chill…..
me: chill….hm………never experienced…that emotion…..
50086 : ↻ R : #
and so i waited for him to text back and he didnt😞 when we were hiking i was getting “i don’t wanna be here rn” vibes from him, so i’m pretty sure he doesn’t want anything to do with me now:/ i’m super sad and idk if i should text him again and tell him i’m sorry for being quiet and awkward on the hike ?? we also had a looot of fun the night before the hike, i don’t get why it was the total opposite while we were hiking
if i were u would be straight up w him and apologize for being awk during the hike and ask if he wants 2 hang out again sometime soon and see if it goes better next time. don’t beat urself up over this hopefully he’ll text u back soon
2 : ↻ R : #
aww this broke my heart:( maybe u could tell her just to get it off ur chest and see how she feels abt u?? love u babe i hope things work out for u
5 : ↻ R : #
being called annoying is literally the worst thing ever because then you’re scared to ever say or do anything again and you end up isolating yourself because you think everyone hates you and you feel insecure about everything. long story short pls dont call people annoying
547337 : ↻ R : #
then make a change. hang out w new people and find new places 2 eat and change ur daily routine somehow. jst do something, anything different, bc even the smallest things can make a huge difference in ur life
19 : ↻ R : #
omg talk to him and get 2 know him!! maybe u guys can even become friends :0 i think u could get him something small and casual on his last day just to let him know u appreciate him and stuff and ya u should also get a pic w him if u want altho u should try to be friends w him before u ask him for a pic or else that might come off as a lil creepy. good luck babe
3 : ↻ R : #
10333 : ↻ R : #
1138 : ↻ R
12646 : ↻ R
20167 : ↻ R
13942 : ↻ R
3837 : ↻ R : #
115936 : ↻ R
4487 : ↻ R
10475 : ↻ R
220590 : ↻ R
I prefer a “baby Im busy right now but I’ll call you as soon as I get a chance” rather than 8 hours with no text back and a sorry ass excuse
48963 : ↻ R : #
i hope u guys do too:/
5 : ↻ R : #
tell them, this is a serious problem and u gotta look out for yourself any way that u can!! or tell ur doctor next time u see them, just tell someone who can help u ok ilysm
11 : ↻ R : #
7072 : ↻ R
^^^^^^ thank u for this!
30 : ↻ R : #
tell her!!! there’s rly nothing to lose and i feel like having it out in the open is usually better and can increase ur chances of being w them so i say go 4 it, u never know what could happen :-)
3 : ↻ R : #
honestly im probably not the right person to ask abt this but maybe ahead of time u could warn him that ur a squirter but im sure he wouldn’t mind. also make sure ur comfortable before having sex and any time u feel like ur not ready, jst tell him ok!! those r all the tips i have sry ;/ but good luck i hope things go well for u two
4 : ↻ R : #
12533 : ↻ R
be patient w urself babe! these things come w time and the right ppl, just be sure to talk to lots of new ppl and make new friends and you’ll find someone for u soon
7 : ↻ R : #
if ur saying u smoked weed and it was very emotional for u then maybe u should stay away from weed u know
2 : ↻ R : #
3906 : ↻ R
I just tried to write a poem n almost died. Never trying to get in touch w my emotions again !!!
110269 : ↻ R : #
865003 : ↻ R : #
35562 : ↻ R
i dont see why he would lie abt it!! i think there is a very high chance that he likes u tbh
2 : ↻ R : #
cry it out and then sleep it off. it’s gonna hurt for a while but i promise it’ll get easier with time!! you’ll find other things or people that will fill the empty space soon, just focus on healing urself for now ily
15 : ↻ R : #
need a gentle boy to love the SHIT out of me already
21700 : ↻ R : #
6213 : ↻ R
3934 : ↻ R
i love being called baby more than my actual name
12630 : ↻ R
42205 : ↻ R
can you hear how loudly im thinking of you
135824 : ↻ R
6652 : ↻ R
723 : ↻ R
35052 : ↻ R : #
109558 : ↻ R
9777 : ↻ R
5126 : ↻ R
Ain’t nothing wrong with NOT having a flat stomach
18345 : ↻ R
212 : ↻ R : #
29253 : ↻ R
i think u just gotta find the right ppl 2 talk to, some ppl will just disregard it and move on but others will talk it thru with u and remind u that they care. try to find someone like that, i promise it’s possible!! u r never alone bby and im always here if u need to talk abt somethin
9 : ↻ R : #
2413 : ↻ R
We dream of each other and keep it a secret
65663 : ↻ R : #
3459 : ↻ R : #
no I will not make the first move I will not move at all carry me
333935 : ↻ R
131916 : ↻ R : #
7237 : ↻ R : #
3362 : ↻ R
34454 : ↻ R
10324 : ↻ R
5339 : ↻ R
10191 : ↻ R
Petition to have Tumblr actually do something about porn blog bots following users.
• It’s annoying.
• It gives an imperfect metric for how many followers you have. (I would estimate about 25% of my “followers” are porn blogs run by bots).
• It makes pulling up your activity page iffy even if you use Tumblr strictly for SFW content.
• It’s problematic for individuals who have struggled with sex and/or pornography addictions, especially since many of the blog names are not obviously porn names, causing you to preview the blog.
• It exposes minors to illegal and harmful content.
And to many of us:
• It’s disgusting.
• it’s degrading to human beings, especially women.
• It makes Tumblr a less classy, less reputable place.
Please share this if you agree this is a serious problem.
161969 : ↻ R : #
20638 : ↻ R : #
2678 : ↻ R
remind urself that it’s their loss bc u r so amazing and it’s a shame that they couldn’t see it. do things that make u appreciate urself and show urself that u don’t need someone else 2 make u happy. try to see ur good qualities and always remind urself that ur beautiful and ethereal every day
61 : ↻ R : #
85168 : ↻ R
if he can cheat on his gf.. then he’s no good. i think u should stay away from him tbh
14 : ↻ R : #
tell ur parents pls!!!! let them know u’ve been feeling rly sad and its becoming a problem and they will most likely try to help u. or at least have a friend that u can always vent to whenever u feel down !! and if it get rly bad, next time u see ur doctor tell them abt this so u can get diagnosed and stuff. love u babe hope things get better for u soon:(
10 : ↻ R : #
33237 : ↻ R : #
be with elise and enjoy ur time with her, love is love and u can take as much time as necessary figuring out ur sexual orientation. as long as ur sure of ur feelings for her i dont rly see a problem
5 : ↻ R : #
I love getting called baby like Yes it’s true I am a baby but most importantly I am Your baby so please say it again
132336 : ↻ R
8853 : ↻ R
honestly i do not read very often anymore but the time traveler’s wife is good and i liked looking for alaska, eleanor and park, thirteen reasons why, and the kite runner
8 : ↻ R : #
im sry babe :( tell him how u feel, maybe u could get some closure or work somethin out w him
5 : ↻ R : #
23973 : ↻ R
someone: speaks louder than normal with a slightly aggressive tone
me: here come the tears
358540 : ↻ R : #
864 : ↻ R
2328 : ↻ R
2165 : ↻ R : #
33625 : ↻ R
27030 : ↻ R : #
i want 2 be a she really did that!! kind of girl but i dont Do anything
86067 : ↻ R : #
5966 : ↻ R
Today my mom told me.. “a person who values you, wouldn’t ever put themselves in a position to lose you.” and that really hit deep.
87001 : ↻ R : #
29163 : ↻ R
Every one should go to bed. Let’s all go to bed and figure this out in the morning
235992 : ↻ R
2967 : ↻ R : #
8547 : ↻ R
loving people does not end well for me
9478 : ↻ R
1688 : ↻ R : #
10422 : ↻ R
7442 : ↻ R
26953 : ↻ R : #
I’ve never belonged anywhere I’m always just in between
52543 : ↻ R
8585 : ↻ R
12663 : ↻ R : #
11486 : ↻ R
@renaudcr7 ^^^^ tru!!
3 : ↻ R : #
"She is not just a gust of wind that touched my soul. She is not just a scorching sun on the dark night. She is a tornado reeking into the depths of my emotions. She is a tornado with me at its centre.
She is not just a cute girl with her specs. She is not just an eye candy. She is beautiful inside out, from head to toe, from the eyes to the cheeks, to the lips, to her every curve, she is perfect.
She is the blue of the water, the white of the sky, the red of the heart. She is every color of my life. She is the rainbow of several colors intermingling amongst themselves. She makes every stroke of the paintbrush on the canvas of my life. She is an artist.
She is the quietness of the night, the mildness of the morning, the chatter of the day. She is the voice of a philanthropist, the words of a mother, the expression of a friend, the oration of a lover. She is my voice.
She is the light of the day, the moon in the night. She is the small light in a deep trench which leads the way out, she is the light bulb which flashes into your eyes. She is the girl with the halo around her head, walking in white with the light expressing her divinity. She is the light.
She is sometimes the girl next door, sometimes the girl of another nation. She is sometimes someone you know in and out. She is sometimes a mystery to you. She is sometimes the cultured backward girl, and sometimes a radical revolutionist. She is a mixture of characters.
She is the waves in the sea, rising and falling. When she rises she can bring a tsunami and when she drops she drowns me in her depth. She is the wave which wets me with its every rise and fall. She is the balance of my life.
I don’t know what she is but I know that she is love."- Renaud
125 : ↻ R : #
35021 : ↻ R : #
19233 : ↻ R
2179 : ↻ R
42757 : ↻ R
you don’t know how lucky you are - keaton henson
we don’t talk anymore - charlie puth, selena gomez
somebody else - the 1975
i hate u, i love u - gnash, olivia o’brien
FOOLS - troye sivan
do you remember - jarryd james
no lie - wet
marvins room - drake
someone else - LANY
121 : ↻ R : #
20982 : ↻ R
9122 : ↻ R
1895 : ↻ R
16399 : ↻ R
17053 : ↻ R
130768 : ↻ R
104534 : ↻ R
106 : ↻ R : #
2681 : ↻ R
24361 : ↻ R
8606 : ↻ R
i feel so bad for my guardian angel. she probably stressed out like a mf
100580 : ↻ R
4897 : ↻ R : #
4999 : ↻ R
5571 : ↻ R
15222 : ↻ R
:( @ every fucking thing in my life
875 : ↻ R
2359 : ↻ R
talents include: thinking myself into bad moods
25445 : ↻ R
1532 : ↻ R
2742 : ↻ R
1085 : ↻ R
1413 : ↻ R
love urself and smile often, remember that u r beautiful inside and out
26 : ↻ R : #
i don’t watch many youtube channels:((
2 : ↻ R : #
13481 : ↻ R
542 : ↻ R
3447 : ↻ R
4825 : ↻ R
i’m what the kids call
really exhausted. I’m so tired.
216348 : ↻ R
16198 : ↻ R
Date a boy who wants to be a cat parent with you
2137 : ↻ R
77172 : ↻ R
the year almost over and i ain’t do shit but suffer
111247 : ↻ R : #
me: I don’t like sharing anything about my personal life with strangers.
someone on the bus bumping into me: oh, sorry.
me: it’s okay, I’ve been hurt before. it all started at the onset of 2015 and
69929 : ↻ R : #
709 : ↻ R : #
6805 : ↻ R
39322 : ↻ R
410 : ↻ R : #
6562 : ↻ R
1102 : ↻ R
11792 : ↻ R
(not so) Breaking News: I’m sad again and everyone’s tired of hearing about it
158615 : ↻ R
32032 : ↻ R
173066 : ↻ R
7857 : ↻ R
just hit 58k :0 and i follow 109 ppl
8 : ↻ R
28318 : ↻ R
thank u for this i love u and hopefully things will get easier 4 both of us soon <3
8 : ↻ R : #
77 : ↻ R : #
2426 : ↻ R
I often hear people saying “Oh She looks Hot” “She is sexy” “Oh my God Her face” “Beautiful eyes”
But for me personally it is and will always be the “SMILE”
And that opening paragraph may have made you ‘give to the features or face a look expressive of pleasure or amusement’ – or, I will concede, one ‘of amused disdain, scorn, etc.’ In either instance, you have followed the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of the verb smile. But it is far from the only term relating to smiling…
The one thing i can go to war for everyday
The one thing that flabbergasts me and forces me to doubt myself that if I’ve seen any thing such priceless,unique,picturesque,beautiful before in my life. That one mysticall smile grabs me and pulls me out of the OBLIVION, the oblivion due to her absence her ignorance or her unacceptance.
The fact obfuscates me, how a smile on a female’s face is so powerful that it speeds the beating of my heart and my minds helplessly gravitates towards it.
Maybe thats why i was a joker of my class and maybe thats why she rejected me
Even after the following aftermath i was obsdurate
Her smile is the most asthetic moment of my life.
Its like a moon on her ASTRAL face.
Oh what a beauty she is.
So here is a big shout out to all the people who have most likely forgot the concept of smiling due to their past
Wake up people
Dont let your injuries succomb you
Stop customizing urself for others
Its a new day, new inspiration, new love, EVERY MORNING.
Remember a warrior never gives up what he love so keep on fighting with all you got.
29 : ↻ R : #
omg babe… u give me life and hope i love u
5 : ↻ R : #
125 : ↻ R : #
some songs are like old friends
10631 : ↻ R
4476 : ↻ R
me, going through the local animal shelter website: hOl y shit....they all need homes..and /I/ have a home......it all Fits
49039 : ↻ R
4417 : ↻ R
3618 : ↻ R
447906 : ↻ R
281515 : ↻ R
52828 : ↻ R
1542 : ↻ R
590577 : ↻ R
9871 : ↻ R
16323 : ↻ R
18510 : ↻ R
@ the mutuals I don’t interact with a lot I love u and hope ur doing well
26587 : ↻ R
someone: hey how are you
me: moderate to severe
19459 : ↻ R
10711 : ↻ R
103 : ↻ R : #
26075 : ↻ R
Boy: *talks about himself*
Me : anyway
1576 : ↻ R
16240 : ↻ R : #
22027 : ↻ R
I recommend heavy crying at least once a week
33308 : ↻ R : #
26658 : ↻ R
15 : ↻ R : #
love u babe hope u had a nice day too <3
2 : ↻ R : #
something about women crying in bathrooms,
always in a hurry, always the violent swiping
under the eyes, pressing at the puffy red blotches, rushing, getting it out, looking in the mirror and then, like a warrior, going back outside to wherever like nothing ever happened and doing it all again. tell me we’re not brave even when we’re hiding.
53837 : ↻ R : #
honestly my entire life is composed of getting my hopes up and then having them crush me to death in the most harsh way possible
1964 : ↻ R : #
2381 : ↻ R
19760 : ↻ R
5686 : ↻ R : #
27714 : ↻ R : #
i wanna DROWN in love
53359 : ↻ R : #
17132 : ↻ R : #
"It’s like, I don’t know,
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
You can’t quite place your finger on it,
That feeling that you have about him.
“He’s no good,” you hear it everywhere,
“Stay away from him,
He’s only going to break your heart again.”
And you know that, it’s the only thing you know,
But the smell of his clothes still lingers in your nose, even after months of being away from him,
And the way he always looked at you right before he kissed you is engraved into your brain.
You can’t stop reliving it,
Those memories bathed in 5 o’clock in the afternoon summer sunlight
When he stroked your hair while he told you how much he loved you;
You never felt more whole than you did in those moments.
But it’s over, you remind yourself every time those memories that you’ve tried to keep behind a dam
Somehow break through and wash ashore in your brain,
It’s been over for three months now,
And you should’ve stopped crying about it two and a half months ago;
He surely stopped caring about you long before that.
But sometimes tears still well up in the back of your eyes whenever he crosses your mind
And you can’t help wondering,
How could he move on from a love like that?
Does he still think about it, too?
Could we ever go back to the way we were?
And you know that.
But the small possibility of a love like that happening with him again
Is enough to make you want him close to you for another year
And to make you shiver whenever he talks to another girl.
It’s enough to give you that feeling about him,
The one you can’t describe,
That feeling that convinces you that maybe, if you try hard enough,
He’ll come back to you someday."- Delusional Love is the Worst Love (via weaksorry)
568 : ↻ R : #
47942 : ↻ R
24468 : ↻ R
12006 : ↻ R
"I saw a future with him. I saw childrens laughter and messy sheets near the ocean. A house with a big staircase in our entryway; a staircase that lead to nothing."- (via pillsandprayers)
462 : ↻ R
183 : ↻ R : #
10417 : ↻ R : #
44283 : ↻ R
10012 : ↻ R
61295 : ↻ R
17903 : ↻ R
531 : ↻ R : #
9332 : ↻ R : #
34988 : ↻ R
how do u really love someone without any of the insecurities or jealousies? sounds Fake to me!
124 : ↻ R : #
27901 : ↻ R : #
7144 : ↻ R
i loved u with my whole being and im sorry im sorry it was too much for both of us
334 : ↻ R : #
924 : ↻ R : #
3065 : ↻ R
1945 : ↻ R
3756 : ↻ R
3666 : ↻ R
18537 : ↻ R
2518 : ↻ R
732 : ↻ R
1171 : ↻ R
28473 : ↻ R
5595 : ↻ R : #
42658 : ↻ R : #
61183 : ↻ R
10406 : ↻ R
Question: is the rain good
Trump: well id really like to get into how my thirtieth business, a tremendously successful business im very proud of, was built in an area, where it rains, from time to time
12962 : ↻ R : #
94798 : ↻ R : #
94 : ↻ R : #
18073 : ↻ R
20762 : ↻ R
82069 : ↻ R
17919 : ↻ R
7311 : ↻ R
me: get over it, it’s in the past now
also me: how tf do u get over something like this
3546 : ↻ R : #
55075 : ↻ R
22078 : ↻ R
u cant trust people who step on flowers
302984 : ↻ R
me: 😍💖🌹❣
me 24 seconds later: 🔫🗿
115781 : ↻ R : #
2582 : ↻ R : #
date a boy who doesn’t mind literally just coming over to sleep next to you and doing nothing else
21282 : ↻ R
"Love teaches you how to kiss
How to hold him and wrap your legs around him and kiss him until your cheeks are as pink as your old bedroom bed sheets
love taught me to fight, to yell and scream and bleed and hate and love and love and love and love again.
And love taught me how to mend, how to stitch things back together with a sharp needle and messy stitches that are bound to unravel in my needle-pricked fingers.
When I fell in love I learned to sleep with the lights on, on the left side of the bed and his arms across my chest and somethings, you can’t unlearn.
Loving you was learning to ride a bike, once you learn, you can never forget, and I wish I could forget, I’d rather have bleeding knees and scraped up hands and elbows that ache from falling off and hitting the pavement when your mom promises not to let go and then let’s go anyway, but I know how to ride a bike the way I know how you take your coffee and what to say to make you stop crying even if I don’t really mean it.
love taught me terror. I’ve always hated scary movies, I never realized I was living in one, constantly haunted by your silence on the other side of the phone and how pretty your ex-girlfriend’s mouth looks when she says your name. I’m accustomed to shaking, and I’ve memorized that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and the burning lump in my throat, I can feel it, while I’m driving down the street, in the middle of the supermarket, in my fucking sleep.
Love is permanent and only lasts 5 minutes."- Love was a class on my high school schedule (via extrasad)
5235 : ↻ R : #
89287 : ↻ R
752 : ↻ R : #
21904 : ↻ R
111 : ↻ R
u know what is so weirdsad?? Relationships are like houses and u move into a house and ur so comfortable in it and u know where everything goes and everything about it like this specific ceiling tile always leaks and this part of the stove never lights and then one day u move out of ur house and some new person moves in and figures out about the leak and the stove and keeps the cups in a different cabinet and u never go inside that house again and if u do everything is rearranged and none of the furniture is urs
10151 : ↻ R : #
201634 : ↻ R
me every day: wow that was the worst day of my life glad that’s over
22436 : ↻ R
"darling, you’re in the aftermath of it all. and yes, the aftermath is what hurts the most, but without it we would never learn. keep growing."- realizations from 3 a.m. with you (via steadytrembling)
187 : ↻ R
honestly do u ever get to a point with a friend where u just realize “holy shit I don’t actually like you, like, at all”
353074 : ↻ R : #
14343 : ↻ R
21820 : ↻ R
"How do you get so empty?…
Who takes it out of you?"- Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
(via rotangel)
6949 : ↻ R
me: *is constantly worried im annoying*
me: hey guys
no one:
50856 : ↻ R
<33 ur so sweet i hope u know the same applies 2 u
9 : ↻ R : #
omg who r u i love u nd ur poems
7 : ↻ R : #
75358 : ↻ R
273607 : ↻ R : #
17666 : ↻ R
17285 : ↻ R
5564 : ↻ R
I’m so sick of people thinking that they know me better than I know myself
30517 : ↻ R
7170 : ↻ R
36521 : ↻ R
34462 : ↻ R
appreciation post for those people who r so beautiful inside nd out and that u know u will love forever and ever
53 : ↻ R : #
"I am figuring out which parts of my personality are mine and which ones I created to please you."- Lora Mathis, The Dust On This Poem Could Choke You (viawordsnquotes)
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thank u!!! ive been listening to jungle on repeat tbh it’s so good
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me: better check my phone for texts from friends
me: *checks phone*
me: better get some friends
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just want someone who can’t shut the fuck up about me
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"a.) my hands are still as cold as they used to be; my friends all tell me so. I can’t help but think of how you would warm them for me. even if you were across the room acknowledging the coldness of my hands all you’d have to do is give me a flash of that smile that always melted me so.
b.) sometimes I think about you
c.) you text me, and we talk, and sometimes it’s like you never left, but other times it’s like you’ve never felt so far away.
d.) sometimes you feel like a sun-kissed memory, golden, warm, shimmering; yet far away. sometimes you feel like a frozen late November, the kind that never fails to chill you to the core no matter how long it’s been. sometimes you feel like street lamps, with your steady constant hum illuminating dark streets, always there, always ready to guide my way home.
e.) I have a date, you know. she’s not you, but she is definitely something; I just don’t know what yet. I’m not her type, and it frustrates her because she wants me, and she reminds me of that in a teasing tone similar to the one you would use with me when we were tangled up in our sea foam colored corner of heaven.
f.) every day I find a new way to say goodbye to you. it’s almost the time of year when you broke my heart the very first time, and the chilled air reminds me of that, settling in my bones when I wake. it’s like watching you walk away another time, over and over like a scene from a movie.
g.) every day I find a new way to say hello to your ghost; because you’ll always be here, you will always stay. you’ll always be mine, and I yours, but really, it’s not truly you; it’s a memory. I belong to the you that existed here months ago, and you belong to the me that wrote you a ten page letter about our love.
h.) so no, I’d never break a promise to you; I won’t forget you. I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried, even in years when I have new skin cells that your pale hands have never touched, I will remember you."- a list of things I wish that I could tell you, but you are so very far away and I am so very cold (via steadytrembling)
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dont catch feelings you’ll die
no offense but why am i a dumb bitch who doesnt take her own advice
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give me emotional Drake songs to listen to pls
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Song : Constant Headache
Artist : Joyce Manor
Album : Joyce Manor
Joyce Manor- Constant Headache
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i! dont know who i am! who the fuck am i!!! what the fuck do i want to do in life!!! what are even my own interests besides the things i cling to!!! i dont know !!!!
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i feel like i’m on autopilot i genuinely don’t feel alive
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If you dont care about me please dont ever pretend you do
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im thirsty af for
a healthy relationship with a significant other in which we both love and support each other and genuinely enjoy being in each others company
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Question: do any of u fake it in bed?
yeah tbh 😔sometimes if someone comes in my room and I’m on my phone and supposed to be asleep, I have to close it very fast & pretend to be asleep
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*gets ignored by crush* Fuck It. fuck it. from now on I’m living for ME. I am going to stay hydrated, moisturize, take care of myself and my body, work on loving myself first. I am going to focus on me and stop spending energy on others and getting caught up in gratuitous ideas of romance *crush texts back* They are The One
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"It’s like, I don’t know,
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
You can’t quite place your finger on it,
That feeling that you have about him.
“He’s no good,” you hear it everywhere,
“Stay away from him,
He’s only going to break your heart again.”
And you know that, it’s the only thing you know,
But the smell of his clothes still lingers in your nose, even after months of being away from him,
And the way he always looked at you right before he kissed you is engraved into your brain.
You can’t stop reliving it,
Those memories bathed in 5 o’clock in the afternoon summer sunlight
When he stroked your hair while he told you how much he loved you;
You never felt more whole than you did in those moments.
But it’s over, you remind yourself every time those memories that you’ve tried to keep behind a dam
Somehow break through and wash ashore in your brain,
It’s been over for three months now,
And you should’ve stopped crying about it two and a half months ago;
He surely stopped caring about you long before that.
But sometimes tears still well up in the back of your eyes whenever he crosses your mind
And you can’t help wondering,
How could he move on from a love like that?
Does he still think about it, too?
Could we ever go back to the way we were?
And you know that.
But the small possibility of a love like that happening with him again
Is enough to make you want him close to you for another year
And to make you shiver whenever he talks to another girl.
It’s enough to give you that feeling about him,
The one you can’t describe,
That feeling that convinces you that maybe, if you try hard enough,
He’ll come back to you someday."- Delusional Love is the Worst Love
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*gets down on one knee* *gets down on other knee* *lays down on ground* *doesn’t get up ever*
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dogs > boys
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You can find someone so much better than them. Good luck to them finding someone better than you.
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Shouldn’t you be over this by now?
I’m sitting on the couch, feet tucked underneath the cushions. My scalp still tingles with the pomegranate shampoo that made you turn and smile when I sat down. I look at the clock ticking in the living room and wonder what’s so special about her cheap perfume.
What did you see in him?
Do, not did. If you look closely enough, you can see her legs clenching whenever you walk by. She likes the way you walk, you know, the way you dig your hand in your pocket, half slumping, half straight, the way you lift your head in the air a fraction of a degree. Degrees. If she dropped her calculator, would you pick it up? Probably not. Not because you’re rude, but because you don’t notice anything. Never have, never will. She likes that about you, too.
He’s not worth it.
Of course not. I’ve never been good with faces, but when I close my eyes, I can see your array of solid colored T-shirts projected like film against my eyelids, your sun-drenched skin, your Adam’s apple bobbing in a hiccup of a guttural laugh. I can taste your fizzy adolescence from here, carbonation caught in my throat and gone in a second with a less than temporary sting. I want to hold you forever. But he’s not worth it. Didn’t I just say it was a real shocker he had a girlfriend in the first place? Poor girl, she could do so much better than him. I bite down on the straw of my soda and blow a few bubbles as if for emphasis. They look at me and smile in approval. Priceless is different than worthless, the ice is melting at the bottom of my cup, and I know I could never do better than you.
Are you okay?
I nod. I wonder if when she ends the call and mumbles, “I love you,” the words laced with sincerity and sleep, you lay awake at night, body clenched stiff with delight, your thumb hovering over the end call button but not quite touching it, as giddy as I am when you so much as glance my direction. You two look good together. I swear I’m happy. Scrawl that in the yearbook and sign it with a flourish, hand it back with a grin and feel your heart bust open like an exploded pen. We both have our reasons.
You’re responsible for your own sadness.
Who’s to blame? I trace my finger over the kitchen countertop, but I really want to trace it on the planes of your face. Feel your skin like Braille, the boyish raise of your cheekbones signals your pleasure, the downward slope your emptiness. My mom will ask me if I’m okay when she opens the door and sees me sopping wet from the hurt that cascades like swollen raindrops down my shoulders, the smell of teenage infatuation both overwhelmingly pungent and devastatingly foreign. A perfume tucked back long ago that I’ve just spilled all over myself. I tell her not to worry, my teeth are chattering. I break, I buy.
You need to get over it.
It’s easy to say, easy to think, easy to lather up the tangles when you know he’s going to stroke and inhale your hair in the morning. Tear free. But human will is a much more fragile concept."- it’s (not) my fault you didn’t like the answers (via infatuatingly)
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I wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on
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really wanna fall in love but mostly with myself
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So you delete all the conversations.
In a moment of weakness or in a moment of empowerment you don’t really know but it feels good and it fills you with dread but your friends call you strong and you wake up the next day and you tell yourself that it’s gonna be okay. Things are gonna be okay.
But then it’s two weeks later and your fingers are trembling so much you can’t even type you can’t even look through your pictures but you’re desperate for any proof that he loved you.
And the only thing you find is a conversation from a few months ago. One of those times where it was 3 in the morning and you had rolled over and blinked at your phone with sleepy eyes just to text him I love you and by some magic, some love connection, he had woken up too. And you ended up sending I love you’s back and forth till your eyes were blinking away tears cause you were so fucking tired but it was worth it because your smile was so big it was biting at the edges of your cheeks.
And you’re reading it but all you can do is cry so hard the bed’s shaking and you don’t know how to stop your teeth from chattering and everything just fucking burns through you, every I love you and forever you promised each other because that forever seems so far away now. So it burns, it’s acid in your stomach because you only ever wanted a forever with him and you’re not sure why that ended up being too much to ask for. And you realize that you’re so fucking scared, because every part of you really believed that the love wouldn’t leave. You thought the love was never gonna change."- love lessons (via loveserum)
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Crush: *Talks to someone*
Me: I lost them. They’re clearly in love with that person. How did this happen?
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Consistency, tenderness, reciprocated love
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"Human relationships are strange. I mean, you are with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stops"
wycinki w termosie
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