Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
I want someone provocative and talkative,
but it’s so hard when you’re shallow as a shower,
and from what I’ve heard with skin you’ll win.
I never knew how lonely loneliness could be until you left .
You won’t find sad people crying in public , blurting their story out over alcohol ,
sometimes you will find them laughing around people ,
sometimes you will find them protecting you from their own sadness and it’s a sad fact how sometimes we have to be both brave and sad at the same time .
Kriti.G / Find and save them
I don’t know if people realise how much they mean to someone ,
how much their presence matters ,
how much their presence matters ,
how the absence of a star can leave the vast sky a little lonely,
how the absence of the flower which was there yesterday can leave the garden a little less complete
how the absence of the flower which was there yesterday can leave the garden a little less complete
and how without you the world wouldn’t be the same ,
well not for me and I wouldn’t view it the same ever again .
well not for me and I wouldn’t view it the same ever again .
let the words heal you , the music , nature , sleep , laughter let it all come together as you break and let it heal you because life seems long when you are at war with everything and it’s not , its fleeting .so open your heart and let everything in and heal you because you were born to chase the stars not the things that tire you endlessly.
let the words heal you , the music , nature , sleep , laughter let it all come together as you break and let it heal you because life seems long when you are at war with everything and it’s not , its fleeting .so open your heart and let everything in and heal you because you were born to chase the stars not the things that tire you endlessly.
People always remember how you forgot them .
It’s a terrible and lonely world and we don’t know how many wounds people hide behind their smiles and though we have always been taught to walk away but sometimes it’s a good idea to stay a little longer through it all for someone,
saving someone never goes to waste .
saving someone never goes to waste .
This city of millions feels so empty without you .
all writers do is write letters to an old love, to themselves, to the lost places within themselves, to the people they stopped calling, to the places they stopped going to and to the people they wish to be with, to the places they wish to go to and to a person they hope to become .
a quote that tells their story , a song that captures their emotions, a story that tells them they aren’t alone , a place where it doesn’t always feel like the world is falling apart, a person that restores their faith , reminds of some lost home like feeling and stirs up a little magic and we stay anywhere , where it feels like home .
You will always be alive on the tip of my pen ,
and I will find you again on the paper .
and I will find you again on the paper .
you were never made unbreakable, you are a fragile
heart in a harsh world .
so break down , break apart , lose yourself , fall down.
heart in a harsh world .
so break down , break apart , lose yourself , fall down.
remember the universe continuously breaks apart to create something new .
remember you will lose yourself to find a better version of yourself.
remember you will break to create an unbeatable you .
remember you will fall only to rise up higher .
remember you will lose yourself to find a better version of yourself.
remember you will break to create an unbeatable you .
remember you will fall only to rise up higher .
and you will inspire the universe with your journey .
You will find your place in this lost world and you will give meaning to the stars .
I am the one who got so good at burning the bridges before they could burn me and I am also the one who learnt to stay even long after they are gone . I am messier than your room and as clean as the mountains .
Palę mosty, ale zapominam opuścić miejsce pożaru i płonę razem z nimi. Zostaję blisko płomieni, a kiedy czuję żar ognia, wyobrażam sobie, że to ciepło ust ludzi, którzy występują w palących się wspomnieniach. Razem spadamy do wody, by popłynąć z prądem i po długiej podróży dosięgnąć dna.
Nie chcę o Tobie zapominać. Chcę po prostu, aby Twoja nieobecność była nieco cichsza. Żeby nie dzwoniła mi w uszach i żeby nie wprawiała w drżenie okien. Żeby nie napełniała mojego serca głuchym krzykiem. Żeby zajmowała mniej miejsca i żeby szeptała, zamiast ciągle się wydzierać. Żeby stała się małomówna i nie zagadywała mnie na każdym kroku. Żeby rzadziej wypowiadała Twoje imię i żeby nie podsuwała mi pod oczy cebuli. Żeby nauczyła się milczeć. Żeby zrozumiała, że zajmuje więcej miejsca niż obecność innych ludzi - żeby się posunęła, skurczyła i zapadła w długi sen. Żeby przestała pytać czy wciąż Cię kocham i żeby nie wzdychała cicho kiedy mijam kogoś o niebieskich oczach. Żeby schudła, bo jest strasznie ciężka i nieustannie ciąży mojej pamięci. Żeby spadła ze schodów i straciła swoją moc doprowadzania mnie do łez, zanim ja poskradam zmysły. Żeby jej było mniej i żeby poszła na spacer na koniec świata. Mogę nawet rozbić skarbonkę i kupić jej bilet w jedną stronę. Niech nie wraca, bo życie bez niej byłoby łatwiejsze. A jednak istnieje i nie chce się stąd ruszyć - wzdycha mi do ucha, że jest duchem tego, co było kiedyś obecne. Może jest uparta i niezmienna , bo to Twoja nieobecność. Wróć po nią i weź ją ze sobą tam, dokąd odszedłeś.
This world seems a little too loud without you here.
I never want to forget you ,
I just want your absence to not be so loud .
I just want your absence to not be so loud .
Maybe it comes from a place that never stopped hurting , something we still hold onto ,
it also comes from all the things we let go of,
anything that was and no longer is
and everything that will be .
And sometimes it happens , maybe not right away but you look back and realise how certain goodbyes led you to a better place and how sometimes you have to let go of certain people to become who you were always meant to be .
One of the boldest decisions you will ever take is to follow your wild heart and I hope you never have to look back .
I know my life seems messy , I may not fullfil the standards for which they call a perfect person . I know it may seem like I am drowning but just know its my story that I am writing and this is not the end .
tęsknię za Twoją brodą i Twoimi bokserkami Calvina :<
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