"You’re either the artist or the art."
"He became my sanity in a world full of the insane, and losing him would mean losing my mind."
“there’s always something different, because each time the sun sets, it’s at a different angle, making different sets of stars appear.”
“Is there a reason why you find that so fascinating?”
“It reminds me of someone,” I say, “Someone who wakes up differently everyday, and there’s always something new I get to learn about them.”
“Who?” He asks, actually confused.
“It’s you, silly, it’s always been you.
"When I first fell for your eyes, I figured it was because they reminded me of the way sunlight reflects of the ocean,
but months pass us by while I find myself walking on the shore, trying to figure out why the ocean is my favorite view, and I see the sunlight reflecting off the water, as if your eyes were my favorite view, like maybe the ocean means nothing to me, and you’re the only reason I ever visit the sandy sea-side."
but months pass us by while I find myself walking on the shore, trying to figure out why the ocean is my favorite view, and I see the sunlight reflecting off the water, as if your eyes were my favorite view, like maybe the ocean means nothing to me, and you’re the only reason I ever visit the sandy sea-side."
"She never liked the idea of the sun and moon being lovers, as if she was too afraid to admit they were very similar to him and her; fully aware of each other's existence, and one cannot exist without the other,
but she wished it didn’t have to work like that."
but she wished it didn’t have to work like that."
"We never said goodbye, it never appeared to us like that, because in a sickening way, we always knew our goodbyes meant nothing. We always found a way back to one another, and I guess saying goodnight suited us, because maybe we wouldn’t say good morning the next day, but we’d say it one day."
Zakończenia nie zawsze są tak piękne jak filmowe happy endy. Nikt nie podchodzi do Twojego ucha z dużym głośnikiem i nie włącza idealnie dopasowanej do nastroju piosenki; brakuje też końcowych napisów, które przypomniałyby Ci kto odgrywał ważne role w znaczących scenach sztuki zwanej życiem. Zakończenia są zazwyczaj brzydkie, smutne i beznadziejnie raniące. Towarzyszy im takie uczucie jakby pisarz piszący scenariusz Twoich przygód nagłe postanowił przejść na emeryturę, lub zamienić karierę pisarską na karierę wokalną i spuścił książkę o Twoich perypetiach na dno basenu. Atrament się rozlewa, ginie w otchłani wody, a ciężka namoczona celuloza powoli tonie. Ale razem z nią nie toną uczucia - one rosną i mnożą się, wprost proporcjonalnie do odległości, którą pokonuje papier. A kiedy sięga dna, coś w Twoim sercu nagle pęka - i to nie tusz się w nim rozlewa, a krew napompowana milionami nanocząsteczek miłości. A bezwarunkowa miłość nie umiera nigdy, więc te cząsteczki zawsze już tam będą, choćby zakryły je nowe i choćby żadne badania lekarskie nie potwierdzały ich obecności.
Będą tam cierpliwie czekały, aż za kilka miesięcy, lub kilkanaście lat przypomnisz sobie o ich bycie i pomimo ich lekkości, poczujesz jakby ważyły ponad tonę. Znowu ściągną Cię na dno. Znowu oczy wypełnią się łzami, kieliszek whisky, a okienka konwersacji z przyjaciółmi pustymi słowami o tym, że szczęście nie istnieje, a nadzieja nie jest wcale matką, a morderczynią i to nie tylko głupich.
Ale szczęście istnieje. Szczęście to te maleńkie momenty, kiedy nie chcesz nic zmienić, kiedy nie myślisz o końcu, ani o początku, tylko delektujesz się teraźniejszością. Teraźniejszość to szczęście, o ile potrafisz w niej trwać. Budda mówi o tym, że to myślenie o przeszłości i przyszłości powoduje lęk, strach i napady smutku. Damn, to prawda. Co czyni zakończenia takimi smutnymi? To, że na dnie pamięci wciąż spoczywają wspomnienia o początku. Początki są piękne, bo chociaż towarzyszy im niepewność, to nuta świeżości i zaskoczenia powoduje, że zatracamy się w myśli, że może to będzie tak trwać. Początki są cudowne, bo prowadzą do nieznanego. Początki są niezwykłe, bo następują po poprzednim zakończeniu i są dowodem na to, że to, co nieprzewidywalne bywa magiczne. Po każdym końcu zawsze następuje nowy początek. A czy po każdym początku następuje koniec? Czy to musi działać na zasadzie błędnego koła?
Nienawidzę kół, stwórzmy kwadrat i pozostańmy bezpieczni w jakimś jego kącie. Jeśli każdy piękny początek niesie za sobą perspektywę krzywdzącego końca, może świat byłby jednak bez nich piękniejszy?
Początki są wyjątkowe, ale zakończenia wbijają w serce piłę mechaniczną, która z czasem zostaje odłączona od prądu, ale cięcia wciąż zalewają się ropą i krwią. A każdy plasterek okazuje się za mały i szybko odczepia się od rany, wystawiając babrzącą się bliznę na światło dzienne.
Nie chcę już więcej zakończeń. Nie chcę nowych kropek, chcę tylko nowe przecinki, nowe średniki, nowe nawiasy. Chcę stworzyć coś, co będzie trwało - i nie chcę być jedyną osobą, która założy rękawice bokserskie i będzie o to walczyła. Chcę wejść na ring z zawodnikiem, który pozostanie ze mną aż do końca gry. Aż sędzia zagwiżdże, a ja upadnę znokautowana ciosem innego przeciwnika - śmierci.
Chcę czegoś, co będzie nieśmiertelne. Czegoś, co nie zgaśnie tak szybko jak najtańsza świeczka z Tesco. Co z tego, że zapachowa, co z tego, że piękna, co z tego, że roztaczająca wokół siebie kolorowe światło, skoro i tak po kilkunastu godzinach zniknie i pozostanie po niej kilka parzących początkowo kropel wosku.
Zakończenia są straszne. Jak po milionach nabazgranych markerem uśmiechów można nagle postawić grubą, czarną linię, a owy pisak wyrzucić przez okno? Jak można zrezygnować z czegoś, co kiedyś dawało szczęście?
Szczęście jest najwyższą wartością, najcenniejszą walutą, najdroższą jednostką. Nie można go wymienić na nic innego, trzeba je po prostu znaleźć i ściskać mocno, tak, żeby nie wypadło z dłoni.
Zaczynając coś, choć raz chciałabym nie myśleć o końcu - chciałabym wierzyć w to, że istnieje początek, który jest jak półprosta - można nakreślić jego start, ale kresu można szukać nadaremnie, bo trwa, trwa i trwa. I wiecznie jest tylko początkiem, początkiem, który zawstydza inne początki, bo jest wyjątkowy. Łączy się w parę ze szczęściem, a nie z zakończeniem.
I boję się tylko tego, że nie rozpoznam tego początku, bo nie będzie oznaczony żadną specjalną plakietką, ani naklejką. Będzie taki jak pozostałe, a jednak inny. Zawsze ceniłam sobie inność, więc początku, nie bój się - nadejdź!
Świecimy jasno, ale na pewno nie przykładem.
Zmarnujesz życie, tęskniąc za nim, a prawdziwa miłość przejdzie ci koło nosa i nawet jej nie zauważysz, bo będziesz patrzeć nie w tym kierunku.
Dziwne, że nocami myślimy o tym jak zmienić siebie i świat, a nad ranem budzimy się jakby nigdy nic i zapominamy, że chcieliśmy być lepsi.
Miraculous things happen when you decide to do hard things. In spite of all the reasons not to. In spite of all the obstacles. In spite of all the things to blame. Follow, follow, follow your heart to the life you want. In the end, it is all yours to create.
You were every single star, in my never-ending universe.
The past is behind us, now we are just strangers
It was a tragedy, the universe cried when you disappeared.
She never seemed shattered; to me, she was a breathtaking mosaic of all the battles she’s won.
Just like the leaves, our love died in the winter
Samotność nie jest naturalnym stanem; wszystko wokół występuje w parach – poduszki w sypialni, palniki w kuchence, a nawet baterie w latarce. Samemu może i dobrze się mieszka, ale zasypia fatalnie.
Wiedziałam, że to nie koniec. Bo nigdy nie stawiam kropek. Dla mnie kropki nie istnieją, tylko przecinki. Przecinek oznacza: idę dalej.
Miałem zamiar podejść do Ciebie i zapytać, czy masz wolny wieczór, ale uświadomiłem sobie, że wieczór to za mało, więc chciałbym zapytać, czy masz dla mnie wolne całe swoje życie?
Jestem zazdrosny o deszcz, który pada na twoją skórę. Jest bliżej niż moje ręce były kiedykolwiek.
Kiedy byłem małym chłopcem, marzyłem o takiej dziewczynie jak ty. I później, latami. Próbowałem zmusić parę kobiet, by były tobą
Pragnę, żeby mój przyszły mąż patrzył na mnie jak ja na kawałek pizzy z poprzedniego dnia. Wiem, że nie wygląda już najlepiej, ale nadal uszczęśliwia mnie jej widok.
Gdy zostawiamy coś u kogoś w mieszkaniu, to nie jest tylko roztargnienie - to nasz podświadomy sygnał, który mówi o powrocie.
Znajdź mnie szybko, zanim znajdzie mnie kto inny.
Chciałbym kiedyś wracać z Tobą do jednego domu.
Nigdy nie jestem tak daleko, jak może się wydawać. Spotkamy się w tym samym miejscu, w którym się rozstaliśmy
Kiedy ktoś od Ciebie odchodzi, pamiętaj, że on też traci.
Nie, nie oszukał mnie. Oszukać mogą nas w sklepie. On mnie zawiódł. Zwyczajnie zawiódł.
Czasami wystarczy, że ktoś powie Ci, że jesteś nikim, a Ty chcąc mu udowodnić, że się myli staniesz się Kimś.
Czasami krytyka to najlepszy doping.
Czasami krytyka to najlepszy doping.
Podobno ludzie, którzy wciąż gadają, nie mają o czym milczeć.
His voice
is my favorite song
and his eyes
are my favorite
is my favorite song
and his eyes
are my favorite
"… And maybe love isn’t anything but the feeling you get when you look up at the stars."
— E. Grin
"She was never bad at love, she was just stuck on the thought that maybe if she loved hard enough, they’d have to love her back."
"Some ask when I knew I was in love, but there’s a billion ‘when’s’.
Like maybe it was when I woke up and didn’t mind the fact that I had a long day ahead of me.
Or maybe it was when the sky appeared to be a little more blue than usual.
And then, there was also the time when I stopped worrying about who was looking at me.
But maybe,
just maybe,
it was when I stopped wishing for him to be around when I was sad.
Maybe it was when I started wishing he was with me at my happiest times."
Like maybe it was when I woke up and didn’t mind the fact that I had a long day ahead of me.
Or maybe it was when the sky appeared to be a little more blue than usual.
And then, there was also the time when I stopped worrying about who was looking at me.
But maybe,
just maybe,
it was when I stopped wishing for him to be around when I was sad.
Maybe it was when I started wishing he was with me at my happiest times."
"I drank until the memory of your laugh wasn’t a memory and rather it was a feeling of distant satisfactory and now I’m curled up under three blankets hoping I can convince myself that my own bed is more comfortable than your arms."
Why does it hurt so bad, falling in love?“
“Because people fall for their dreams rather than their reality.
You’ll say my name
and I’ll say yours,
and things will seem
quite okay,
and I’ll say yours,
and things will seem
quite okay,
but my eyes will open
with my head on my pillow,
and the darkness of my room
will tell me
it’s all a dream.
with my head on my pillow,
and the darkness of my room
will tell me
it’s all a dream.
Some don’t bother, but others ask why I love you.
It’s in this case that I realize maybe the answer isn’t as obvious as I had thought.
So, I look at them, and as they expect me to list everything about your appearance, I smile.
‘He makes me feel alive.’
They always say I’ll forget the color of your eyes, the way your voice sounds, and how your hair falls.
They always say I’ll forget the way you say my name, how you always tell me your views on the world, and the creases that’ve been left where you smile with your eyes.
But then I laugh slightly to myself, I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear, and I look up at them.
‘You don’t forget those things about a person, not when you love them to the point where it aches.’
He makes me
feel the way
concerts do."
feel the way
concerts do."
Love,“ I begin, vodka dripping from my breath, "almost never works out.”
“It ruins people. It tears them to shreds and kicks them while they’re down.”
I try to take another swig from the bottle, and as I realize it’s empty, I throw it behind me into the grass.
“But when it does work out,” I hiccup, “when love does work out, the sky is bluer.”
“You wake up and the stars are aligned and you start to realize why artists are artists.”
“It’s a wonderful feeling,” I say, “but what a terrifying path to go down to get to the happy ending.
"I’m not
who I was
a year ago,
and maybe
just this once,
change is good."
who I was
a year ago,
and maybe
just this once,
change is good."
"My heart is
and my eyes
start to
pool and
I miss you
like the waves
miss the shore."
and my eyes
start to
pool and
I miss you
like the waves
miss the shore."
"… And I found it so odd, because the closer I got to him, the more distant he appeared."
She sees him walk through the door and without hesitation, she turns to the bartender.
‘Pour me another.’
I’ve met
a thousand other
a thousand other
and yet,
you’re still
the ink
you’re still
the ink
inside my
"I prepared myself for a goodbye, but he left without a word."
They say that the most magical of things cannot be predicted, and they’re right,
because I never saw you coming.
there's always a story.
"My mind was dark, but you were a star."
"Love may be temporary but your happiness doesn’t have to be."
"But one day, your eyes weren’t blue. They were oceans."
"He surrounded himself with daisies in order to bury the rose."
"In fear of losing what we don’t have, we never go after what we love."
"I find beauty in what others find pointless. I find beauty in the way we try to find answers, even if we know there aren’t any. I find beauty in the way we look up into the stars, creating shapes out of them and giving those shapes names for the sake of something to do. We create myths and mysteries to keep ourselves busy even if in the end those theories are proven wrong. Human beings let their minds wander past dead ends, and I find beauty in that."
"You’re too busy being scared to realize you’re already in love."
"… And maybe you lost the one you love, but that doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself, too."
"I think someone can make you want a future, even if a week ago you didn’t see yourself having one. And I think that’s beautiful. Not in a ‘gorgeous’ way, but more of a ‘thank you for everything’ kind of way, which is much more meaningful, anyhow."
"He continues to flood my thoughts, and maybe I know how to swim, but I’m not so sure I want to."
"Love is when someone admires your quirks rather than tolerates them."
What is love for you?
love to me is anything but peaceful. love is complicated, difficult, confusing, and everything between. love makes your heart ache, and it sometimes makes you question your existence. your brain will overthink everything about it, and your body may physically hurt. love has tendencies of being destructive, and love likes messing with minds, but all pain aside, if you love someone, and you’re lucky enough to have them love you back, the pieces that love destroyed will all come back together in the end, and that love will be worth it.
"We’re always ignoring the ones who see us as the stars for the ones who don’t even see us at all."
"Just remember that if someone is temporary, so is the pain they caused."
"… And while loving you was like drinking poison, I still found myself liking the taste."
I feel like loving you is a cross between the best thing and the worst thing. I feel like loving you is so painful, but the pain is all worth it in the end because your beauty takes over. I feel like loving you is like living in paradise when a powerful storm hits. I feel like you're the rain and I'm the sunshine and together our hearts are constantly at war. I feel like I wanna love you, and I feel like I'm gonna be left in pain in the end.
you’ve left a writer speechless
"He was the stars, and every time he left, my sky was left in darkness."
"Love turns people into something nobody can recognize."
"He appeared like art; barely anyone understood him, but everyone wished they did."
Why don't you write about cheating and cheaters?
because those who have cheated on me don’t deserve to have my attention
How do you watch the only person you've ever loved love someone else?
you let the sight crush you, and you let yourself go numb. you’ll go through phases of wishing you never loved them, and wishing pain upon the one they love. but soon enough, you’ll realize that if they are happy, then that’s what’s important. you’ll learn to accept what’s happened, and you’ll let yourself let go of them, even if you don’t want to. in the end, it’ll all turn out okay and they’ll be just another nostalgic memory that you’ve learned to leave behind.
"In another world, I think I could have loved you always, and maybe in another universe, you could have let me."
"Loving her was like breathing but he was willing to hold his breath."
"He was taught to love, he was taught to be good, but he never learned to stay."
"Your eyes are the sea and tonight I’m drowning."
What inspires you to write?
true experiences
"You’re not the girl of my dreams,“ He said, and I was ready to become saddened, but he continued, “You’re more real."
I’ve fallen
in love with
in love with
so I begin to wonder,
if that’s why
I’ve fallen for you.
I’ve fallen for you.
"Staring at the old pictures of you I’ve been too scared to delete, I begin to wonder if I’d see them at 1am, drunk off the leftovers of our love, and I wonder if I’d call you, and I wonder if you’d be high off the broken pieces of my heart, and I wonder if you’d answer."
"When a writer is at loss for words, their world falls apart, so suppose you are my words, and I have lost you."
"I don’t play with fire but I’d burn for you."
"Tragedy isn’t loving the wrong person thinking they are the right, but it is loving the right person and thinking they are the wrong."
Wasted opportunities are worse than mistakes.
Smiles never look bad on anyone.
For you, I’d steal the stars.
"He was a galaxy while I was only a star, but hey, stars burn bright, too."
"Rainbows are illusions of refracted light, making you see something that isn’t there, and I think that’s just what our love was; an illusion."
"I sat there, looking for a hint of love for me left in those eyes, but then I laughed to myself, because, well, you can’t find something that was never there in the first place."
Sometimes I pray to remember, other times I pray to forget. It makes no difference.
Love isn’t always the reason to stay. Sometimes love is the reason to leave.
The past can only take us places we have already been. The future allows our imagination to takes us places we have only dreamed of.
The words I didn’t say, are the words I really mean.
A good nights sleep for me, is an eight hour dream of you.
The only thing between your dream and disappointment, is the chance you didn’t take.
You did something for me I couldn’t do for myself. You loved me for who I am.
A mirror will never expose the beauty that lies inside us all.
For so long I watched you from a distance. I could never find the courage to tell you how I felt inside. My heart raced each time we would say “hi” in passing. You will always be the greatest love I never knew.
We all have something in common, we spend our lives in search of who we are.
Each morning light offers a new beginning, a fresh start, a clean slate. No matter how bad yesterday may have been, tomorrow brings us hope for a better day. That is why we should live in the present or future, and avoid living in the past. We can never change the things we have done, but we can always change the things we do. Always remember, we can’t take anything with us when we go, all we’ll leave behind are the good deeds we have done, and the promises we have kept. For give and take is the secret to a life fulfilled. Remember that good times and bad times are a part of life in general. For if we are always happy, or always sad, how can we have balance or know the difference? So never dread, or fear the darkness. It’s only a chance to rejuvenate yesterday’s gloom, and bring hope for a better tomorrow.
If I could be anything I wanted; I would be the one that you love.
How you start anything, will effect how it ends. So approach each day as an opportunity instead of a challenge.
A fantasy doesn’t have to be sexual. My fantasy is to have someone to love, that simply loves me back. Sex will just be a bonus.
Never run away, if you still have the strength to fight.
As I was writing the letter to tell you good-bye; I wanted you to know how sad I was that we were going our separate ways. By the time I had finished, the tears on my letter had smeared all the words I had written. As I was about to throw the letter away and start another, I realized that there was nothing I could write that would explain how I felt any better, than the tears on my letter had said.
I admire people who have the ability to touch you and still be thousands of miles from your presence.
Perfection will destroy all those who attempt to achieve it.
Friends don’t let friends cry alone.
I will never give up as long as I possess the curiosity to wonder what may happen next.
I never cared about what I lost, until I lost what I cared about.
I believe the reason that so many relationships fall apart, is because more us are in love with the thought of not being alone; than we are in love with each other.
You never find a love that is meant to be when you’re seeking it; a love that is meant to be always finds you.
Our love was a candle you had to blow out.
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