You piss me off, and you make me happy and I can’t decide which holds more precedence
It’ll get better but it’ll get worse too. You have to be prepared for both.
call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can’t sleep without me
i often thought about whose fault it was. was it mine? was it yours? but then i realized that it does not matter. it is was it is. life happens, people grow apart, and sometimes it’s just not meant to be, no matter how much in love you are. for my part, i forgive you, and i wish you all the happiness in the world.
Never judge a situation that you’ve never been in.
Funny how losing someone ruins your ability to love anyone else just as deeply.
You know you are doing well when you lose the interest of looking back.
Not everyone will understand your journey and that’s ok, it’s not for them.
the saddest thing in life is seeing the person you love, happy with someone else
the saddest thing in life is seeing the person you love, happy with someone else
„There will always be better. There will always be smarter. There will always be cooler. There will never be another you.“I have a big heart and it’s always hurting
What keeps you motivated to keep going in this industry?
Hunger. I’m never settled and I always want more; not only in my work life, but personal life too. There is so much for me to do and this is only the beginning.
Christmas should be about creating happy memories with those you love.
“Girls Gone Barcelona”
When you are no longer afraid to lose, you know that you have won.
“What fascinates me about the human body is the unbelievable beauty of it. I want us all to celebrate the human body. Instead of covering up, let’s all stop being prudes and embrace our inner hedonists.”
If anyone is going through what I’m going through – I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It’s hard. People will tell you it gets easier, and it’s true – but that doesn’t mean that it’s not ridiculously hard.
I’m two years on and I have days where she slips through my memory quietly, bringing happiness instead of sadness, and other days where my heart catches in my throat.
In death, a hole is created inside you – and I feel as if this becomes a permanent part of who you are.
And that’s okay.
You have no control over when or how you remember them – or when you feel sad. But those moments will pass – like all moments.
Try to acknowledge your pain but not dwell. It’s very easy to fall into bad habits. I would sleep and sleep and feel as if my body couldn’t force itself to move.
I would cry into my dishes and make awkward jokes at my pain that I knew made people uncomfortable.
You deal with grief in your own way and it’s normal. You are normal – you are not insane, no matter how much you think you are.
I remember vividly standing in a store and looking at mints she used to buy and crying, staring at mints and feeling as if I was going crazy.
I remember thinking about a stupid text I sent her that was mean and spending a long while wondering if that hurt her – my heart aching.
It will pass. Take every day as it comes.
As my mum would say when I struggled with a dark sadness before her death,
We spread her ashes that day. I watched the grey powder pour out and I thought of how everything she was, the smiles, the words, the laughter, were all dust and memory.
I miss you.
everything about nature is perfect
“Caro, the camera and me.”
“Her crystal clear eyes are breathtaking, and once she starts talking you realise how amazing she is inside and out.”
“Adventure is in all of us and it’s up to each of us individually to define what that word means.” A talk with photographer Christopher Kerksieck
Those images feel like balm for our distracted, restless souls.
A sun-kissed place
Summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to people.
“The most important thing in life? Most people would answer love, however I think a really under rated need in society is the need to belong. We all need to feel a sense of belongingness to our community no matter how our communities have developed and changed through social media.”
say hello to Mio
All good things come to an end, right?
“Should I kill myself or buy a t-shirt?”
I może sama czasami b y w a m snobką - jadam w restauracjach, w których cena sałatki jest wielokrotnością średniej dziennej krajowej wypłaty, wiedziona impulsem kupuję sukienkę, którą w najlepszym wypadku założę raz w życiu, inwestuję w kawiorową maskę do włosów, która z ledwością pokryje moje długie pasma po pojedynczym myciu. Pozwalam sobie na kaprysy, które są irracjonalne i trudno wytłumaczyć jakie alibi na nimi stoi. Ale równocześnie jednym z największych i najbliższych mojemu sercu marzeń jest leniwa drzemka pod kocem, z brutalnym kryminałem w lewej dłoni i zimną wodą (naprawdę nieistotne czy ze źródełka Vischy, czy ze studni sąsiadów)z dojrzałą cytryną w prawej. Stop, wystarczy mi nawet woda bez cytryny - tak naprawdę nie chodzi tutaj wcale o to.
Sztuką jest po prostu dostrzeganie przyjemności w prostych aktywnościach - czytanie w domowym zaciszu wydaje się takie... banalne. Nudne.
- Co robisz w piątkowy wieczór?
- Czytam. Wiesz, zostało mi 50 stron niesamowitej książki, chyba przeleżymy razem wieczór na kanapie...
- Nudziara. ( słowa wypowiadane najczęściej w otchłani głowy, ale okazjonalnie również całkiem głośno, bez jakichkolwiek ogródek)
Boli. Boli, as hell. Jak przygniecenie palca framugą od drzwi wejściowych. A może nawet jeszcze dotkliwiej.
Ludzie umierają emocjonalnie, bo marzą o rzeczach, które są chwilowo poza zasięgiem ich wzroku, zamiast cieszyć się, chociaż podczas krótkich chwil, tym, co mają.
Wszyscy mamy koc, szklankę, wodę (chociażby i z kranu) i
Sztuką jest po prostu dostrzeganie przyjemności w prostych aktywnościach - czytanie w domowym zaciszu wydaje się takie... banalne. Nudne.
- Co robisz w piątkowy wieczór?
- Czytam. Wiesz, zostało mi 50 stron niesamowitej książki, chyba przeleżymy razem wieczór na kanapie...
- Nudziara. ( słowa wypowiadane najczęściej w otchłani głowy, ale okazjonalnie również całkiem głośno, bez jakichkolwiek ogródek)
Boli. Boli, as hell. Jak przygniecenie palca framugą od drzwi wejściowych. A może nawet jeszcze dotkliwiej.
Ludzie umierają emocjonalnie, bo marzą o rzeczach, które są chwilowo poza zasięgiem ich wzroku, zamiast cieszyć się, chociaż podczas krótkich chwil, tym, co mają.
Wszyscy mamy koc, szklankę, wodę (chociażby i z kranu) i
You can try and replace me but baby you’ll never find another me, and I’m the best you were ever going to get.
she’s the kind of girl you meet when you’re too young, and you fuck up because there’s too much living to do. only to find she’s the one.
Maybe we’ll meet again, when we’re slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me. But right now I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart.
Make damn sure what you’re waiting for, is worth the fucking wait.
You piss me off, and you make me happy and I can’t decide which holds more precedence
i often thought about whose fault it was. was it mine? was it yours? but then i realized that it does not matter. it is was it is. life happens, people grow apart, and sometimes it’s just not meant to be, no matter how much in love you are. for my part, i forgive you, and i wish you all the happiness in the world.
If you hesitate between me and another person, don’t choose me.
Never judge a situation that you’ve never been in.
This year I learnt what it felt like to want something so bad it hurts.
I hope you look for me in everyone you meet.
I thought I was tougher than a word…But I just discovered that having to say goodbye to you is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.
As the days get shorter, coffee gets bigger
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