"Become the person you would ideally fall in love with. Let cars merge into your lane when driving. Stick your tongue out at babies. Compliment strangers. Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for an entire day, then two, then a week. Walk with straight posture. Look people in the eye. Ask people about their story. Talk to acquaintances so you become friends. Take time to marvel at the world’s little treasures."
Leave her alone if you ain’t good for her
Do it or don’t. It’s amazing how many things in life are that easy.
"I love the 3AM version of people. Vulnerable. Honest. Real."
Było mi smutno, kiedy postanowiłeś odejść.
Dzisiaj chcę Ci za to podziękować.
Niedługo po Tobie odeszedł ode mnie też smutek,
niepewność, wątpliwości i poczucie rozczarowania i ciągłego niedosytu.
Wydawałoby się, że stanę się samotna,
a tak naprawdę stałam się szczęśliwa.
Dziękuję, że odszedłeś, bo odchodząc zrobiłeś w moim życiu miejsce
na nowe, lepsze emocje.
Dzisiaj wiem, że byłeś historią pisaną ołówkiem,
a przecież nie mam aż tyle czasu,
chcę w końcu zacząć pisać długopisem.
Czarnym atramentem.
(bo to mój szczęśliwy kolor)
Przy każdej możliwej okazji nazywam samą siebie leniem, choć wiem, że to nie do końca prawda. Jestem leniwa głównie wtedy, kiedy nie widzę dużego sensu wykonywania danej czynności, bo wiem, że ktoś zrobi ją znacznie lepiej, lub wiem, że jej skutki będą krótkotrwałe i niekoniecznie mocno widoczne i popłacające.
Oszczędzam energię, choć może nie powinnam - no bo gdybym więcej jej zużywała, to może mogłabym więcej jeść? Muszę to przemyśleć.
Niemniej jednak lenistwo często dopada jednej części mojego ciała - włosów. Uwielbiam moją kabinę prysznicową i często w niej goszczę, bo przy okazji każdego mycia organizuję sobie jednoosobowe karaoke i wyobrażam sobie, że słuchawka to namydlony mikrofon.
Życie jest zbyt krótkie, by budzić się z żalem.
KOCHAJ LUDZI, którzy dobrze cię traktują i współczuj tym, którzy nie potrafią.
If you’re overdressed people will just assume you’re coming from somewhere better or going somewhere better.
my interests include putting blankets on sleeping animals just in case they’re cold
If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.
I think you need an adventure, one with a wild laugh.
No matter how cruel the world becomes
You must never let go of your kindness.
You deserve a lover who wants you disheveled, with everything and all the reasons that wake you up in a haste and the demons that won’t let you sleep.
You deserve a lover who makes you feel safe, who can consume this world whole if he walks hand in hand with you; someone who believes that his embraces are a perfect match with your skin.
You deserve a lover who wants to dance with you, who goes to paradise every time he looks into your eyes and never gets tired of studying your expressions.
You deserve a lover who listens when you sing, who supports you when you feel shame and respects your freedom; who flies with you and isn’t afraid to fall.
You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee, and poetry.”
― Frida Kahlo
SIŁA MĘŻCZYZNY nie tkwi w ilości kobiet które uwiódł, ale w tym, ilu był w stanie odmówić dla tej jednej.
Many strong girls have similar stories: They were socially isolated and lonely in adolescence. Smart girls are often the girls most rejected by peers. Their strength is a threat and they are punished for being different. Girls who are unattractive or who don’t worry about their appearance are scorned. This isolation is often a blessing because it allows girls to develop a strong sense of self. Girls who are isolated emerge from adolescence more independent and self-sufficient than girls who have been accepted by others. Strong girls may protect themselves by being quiet and guarded so that their rebellion is known by only a few trusted others. They may be cranky and irascible and keep critics at a distance so that only people who love them know what they are up to. They may have the knack of shrugging off the opinions of others or they may use humor to deflect the hostility that comes their way.

I can’t think of a better way to revenge someone who tried to break you, than to live and love life more without them.
You come home, make some tea, sit down in your armchair and all around there’s silence. Everyone decides for themselves whether that’s loneliness or freedom.
do you ever just smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple minutes
And,“ she said, “if you have someone who stays up with you in the middle of the night to make sure you’re okay - somebody who answers your calls at 2 or 3 or 4am - someone who listens to your sobs, or your silence, or your words with patience, you have somebody who loves you. And you’re lucky for it. And no matter how dark things get, you shouldn’t forget that.
Self care isn’t always pretty , it’s not always candles and a bathtub full of roses , sometimes it’s forcing yourself to get out of bed and dragging yourself , sometimes it’s the pep talk you give to yourself or the quick cry in the corner . sometimes it is convincing yourself to do all these things you should be doing but you have no will whatsoever , sometimes it’s cutting some ties no matter how precious they were , sometimes it’s the bitter medicine you need to give yourself .
Self care isn’t always pretty but it’s so worth it .
Give me whole.
I don’t want
half-heart anything.
Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. There is more extraordinary love, more love that you have never seen, out here in this wide and wild universe. And there is the love that will be ready.
Education comes in many forms; in mistakes, experiences, and in people
i am terrified that if you love me i will owe you
something i do not want to give.
I wanna travel and fuck you in every city we go to.

18 Emotions people feel, but can’t explain
- Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
- Opia: The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
- Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
- Énouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
- Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
- Rubatosis: The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
- Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
- Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.
- Jouska: A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
- Chrysalism: The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
- Anecdoche: A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening
- Exulansis: The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.
- Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
- Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.
- Nodus Tollens: The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
- Onism: The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.
- Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
- Occhiolism: The awareness of the smallness of your perspective.
Marylin Monroe said, “If they love you that much without knowing you, they can also hate you the same way.” All idealisation is punishing and sadistic.
But, look, it’s not healthy to have an idea in your head of who your mate should be. Who your mate is should be revealed to you through interaction, the quality of the person’s character, the behavior they exhibit. But I certainly know that early on in my life, I had ideas that I could fix someone. But then the thing you realize, if you’re remotely sane, is that I can’t fix anything about anybody else, and I need to look at that part of myself that thinks this is who I need to see myself with, and also, what length did I go to, how much did I betray who I really am in order to seduce that person and lead them to believe that I was a suitable mate for them. Forget how much I was lying to you, how much was I lying to me? There are all kinds of narcissism that a modern cultural intersection needs to address, but this book was on a frequency or a channel that I hadn’t seen before.
When you’re thinking about how much you miss me, and I’m completely fine, remember how I felt, and remind yourself this is what you wanted. Because with every day coming and going, I’m learning how to be okay without you. And I can’t wait for the day when I get to look at you and feel absolutely nothing.
Kindness is a form of intelligence.
That’s when I understand that I have been stained. Whether I’m still in love with him, whether he was ever in love with me, and no matter who he’s in love with now, he changed my life. He showed me how to get lost, and then I showed myself how to get found.
No one truly knows the real me. I spread my life in bits & pieces across the board between people I’ve met throughout my life. Some know my secrets, some know about my past, some know about my heartbreaks, some know about my successes… but no one knows everything.
My ideal husband takes like 5 selfies a year n has no social media except an updated LinkedIn and a lively carrier pigeon
being kind to others is so important, but remember to be kind to yourself too
bianca malti

Nasze wspomnienia są piękne,
ale w tym samym czasie
( gdyby dało się go cofnąć )
w tych samych miejscach
i przy tym samym wakacyjnym zachodzącym słońcu
z kimś innym
stworzyłabym coś jeszcze piękniejszego.
gabriella wilde
ludzie tak bardzo koncentrują się na wyrabianiu tricepsów, że zapominają, że serce to też mięsien
Drogi przyjacielu
Dojrzeliśmy. A może zdzieciennialiśmy? W każdym razie wyrośliśmy na całkowicie innych ludzi i nie rozpoznajemy w sobie tych szczęśliwych ludzi, którymi byliśmy 4 lata temu.
Staliśmy się kimś zupełnie innym
i chyba powoli przestajemy do siebie pasować
przestajemy być sobie bliscy.
Przeżyliśmy razem tyle ciężkich chwil, że
Wciąż Cię za nie kocham, ale już Cię nie lubię.
Tym razem zasługuję na to, żebyś rzucił we mnie całym kilogramem pomidorów. A powracając do tematu małych słodziaków - damn, dzisiaj znowu zabłądziłam w sieci i natknęłam się na inspirującego vloga. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWgJ-oM9I0o Porwij jakiegoś szkraba znajomych
I spent my life learning to feel less.
I feel bad for people who can’t be alone. Who jumps from one relationship to another.Who don’t know how to be single, and see it as a negative quality. Being with yourself teaches, and changes you. You learn to survive on your own, and be satisfied with yourself. Most importantly you realize that you don’t need anyone to be purely happy.
You ruin your life by desensitizing yourself. We are all afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to let people know what they mean to us. Caring is not synonymous with crazy. Expressing to someone how special they are to you will make you vulnerable. There is no denying that. However, that is nothing to be ashamed of. There is something breathtakingly beautiful in the moments of smaller magic that occur when you strip down and are honest with those who are important to you. Let that girl know that she inspires you. Tell your mother you love her in front of your friends. Express, express, express. Open yourself up, do not harden yourself to the world, and be bold in who, and how you love. There is courage in that.
"Let me wake up next to you, have coffee in the morning and wander through the city with your hand in mine, and I’ll be happy for the rest of my…little life.
"L'art est mon ami le plus proche. Sans lui, il y a longtemps que je serais morte, la tête éclatée.
"Once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
"Love is an idea about beauty,
Imagined or seen within the heart,
A friend of virtue and nobility."
"I’ve always loved dark minds and deep thinkers and things not meant for me"
But I would never kiss anyone who doesn’t burn me like the sun."
"Two types of people who can’t look at you in the eyes:
Someone trying to hide a lie,
And someone trying to hide a love."
Maybe I do love you
And maybe I do miss you
But maybes are dangerous
And I would rather stay quiet"
I hope that life treats you well, and when it doesn’t, I hope that you treat yourself well."
Be with someone who you can giggle with in the shower with absolutely no sexual interaction necessary.
Be with someone you can talk to about absolutely anything.
Be with someone who will hold you and talk you down and fight your demons with you when it becomes too hard to do on your own.
Be with someone who comes home from a long day at work and still wraps you up in their arms as if it’s what they’ve been waiting for all day long.
Be with someone who kisses you on the forehead and the cheek even if you’re sick.
Be with someone who thinks that you are beautiful even when you have no makeup on and your hair is a mess.
Be with someone who offers to help you.
Be with someone who gives you sex eyes even when you’re doing something as simple as cooking because they can’t get enough of you.
If you find someone who can give you all of that and more… my God do not let them go.
"I wait for the day where someone asks me if I’m happy, and I say yes with no hesitation"
"The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it."
I want to sit on a rooftop with you at 2 in the morning and listen to your favorite songs and talk about how pretty the stars are
Date a girl who can go from having a meaningful conversation to discussing cereal within a minute
my hands? ready to be held
"Some people are colorblind to all the colors inside of me"
"And at times, I really do hate myself. I hate myself for feeling so deeply and for loving so hard and for standing out in the thunder and lightning for those who are deaf and blind to it all."
She wasn’t my first kiss but she’s the kiss that mattered, the kiss that made me realize I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. So now my lips belong to her. Just look at them… Her name’s written all over them."
"I don’t want to fall in love anymore, I feel like I’m constantly repeating myself; telling people my favourite songs, showing them my favourite movies and TV shows, my favourite colour, places I like to visit, just everything. And I’m tired of repeating myself, I don’t have the energy anymore. I want someone who already knows that a particular song is my favourite because it makes me cry happy tears, I want someone who knows that this movie is my favourite, because one of my earliest memories was watching it as a kid, when we were still a family. I don’t want to give people parts of me only for them to become a stranger again, It’s not fair. I’m tired"
"I love you the most at night
But then, I hate you the rest of the time."
one of the most toxic things i’ve ever done is ignore the bad in someone because i love them
I love when making out with someone, it starts off with soft, slow kissing and maybe even a little pause every now and then just to smile. Then in 0.5 seconds, the intensity increases and next thing you know is you’re trying to pull them closer, but you physically can’t because you’re already body to body, your fingers are digging into their back and you’re breathing heavily while they kissing down your neck.
"I want to talk about what happened without mentioning how much it hurt. There has to be a way. To care for the wounds without reopening them. To name the pain without inviting it back into me."
Nights with you, mornings with you, everything with you.
"Even if we did stop talking, I feel as if we would somehow eventually find our way back to each other, even though we never really found each other in the first place."
the first step to robbing a bank is picking out a cute outfit
"Everyone thinks you write about them, except that one person you write about."
"I do not want to be beautiful. I want to be contagious and radiant. I want to leave a mark on not only on the world but on souls. I want to have something to offer; something more than the superficial idea that my beauty is all that I have to give."
The pieces you hate are what drew me into you; I love what you hide."
"you might not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all the other loves
"falling in love sounds dangerous. i’d much rather grow in love. go upwards, water each other as we go, and build a love that uplifts us both. we don’t have to build a love that is idolized in romantic novels and movie screens. we can build a love that speaks a language only we understand. a unique kind of love. a love with no pressure. a love where we enjoy each other. a love where we overdose on each other’s smiles and get drunk off our love."
replacing my heart with another liver so i can drink more and care less
I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.
"I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity."
'Co by tutaj dzisiaj ugotować?!' pomyślałam mocno zaspanym jeszcze mózgiem, kilka sekund po przebudzeniu. Niedziela powinna być leniwa. Może kasza jaglana z kurczakiem w warzywach? A może spaghetti? Niechętnie opuściłam łóżko, przeciągnęłam się, sennym okiem rzuciłam na kalendarz i... Wtedy dotarło do mnie, że mamy 30. maja. Rozszyfrowałam nabazgrany obok tej daty wpis 'restaurant week, 16:00' i prawie krzyknęłam ze szczęścia. A więc nie muszę gotować!
Kiedyś mieszkałam na Jeżycach, więc restauracja Dąbrowskiego 42 zawsze była mi bliska - niestety tylko sentymentalnie, bo w jej środku nigdy nie byłam. Aż do dzisiaj.
Zasadniczy błąd - no, ale lepiej późno niż wcale! Przywitało mnie jasne, przyjemne dla oka wnętrze. Bez przepychu, elegancko urządzone. Duża przestrzeń. W powietrzu unosił się intrygujący zapach, więc zajęłam wyznaczone miejsce i szybko podjęłam decyzję - roladka z kurczaka, panna cota o smaku mango i krem pomidorowy z bazylią - zestaw idealny. Dietetycznie, ale jednak z małym grzesznym akcentem. O tak!
Na pierwszy ogień poszedł krem - dobrze przyprawiony, z mocno wyczuwalną, ale nie nachalnie dominującą bazyliową oliwą. We włoskim stylu. Mała porcja, pozostawiająca myśl 'zjadłabym jeszcze jedną!', ale to zaostrza apetyt na danie główne.
Nie musiałam długo czekać - organizacja lokalu na piątkę (nawet z plusem, dopisanym czerwonym długopisem!) Szybko i z uśmiechem.
Danie główne, czyli roladka z kurczaka nadziewana fetą, ze szpinakiem była niewielka, ale.. Jaka apetyczna! Małe jest piękne. Zazwyczaj mówię tak z myślą o moich kształtach - a jednak ta sama teoria dotyczy jedzenia.
Mięso miękkie, niesłone, ale ciekawie przyrządzone. Szpinak - bardzo delikatny. W takiej wersji pewnie nawet niejadkom warzyw by zasmakował. Feta pozostała jedyie w cieniu, bo prawie jej nie wyczułam - ale była za to widoczna i podnosiła walory wizualne roladki.
A panna cotta... Tak to mogę grzeszyć, bo warto. Chociaż obyło się bez wyrzutów sumienia, bo nie była wcale słodka. Wyważony, subtelny smak i egzotyczna nutka mango, wszystko ozdobione lekką bitą śmietaną. Mniam.
Często po jedzeniu w mieście boli mnie brzuch - jest za wrażliwy, tak jak ja. Ale też docenia świeże i dobrze przygotowane potrawy - i dlatego polubił Dąbrowskiego 42! Na pewno tam wrócę, bo dawno nie wyszłam z żadnej restauracji tak zadowolona. Kobieta intuicja dobrze mi podpowiedziała jakie miejsce wybrać. Czekam z niecierpliwością na kolejny Restaurant Week!
Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back
She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even, and perhaps most especially, when that person couldn’t see it in themselves
Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes.
Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more.
You’re doing just fine.
Someone wanna go with me on a long train ride through France and Italy and stop at little cafés and eat at corner restaurants and spend our nights drinking on the balcony of our hotel room?
Don’t EVER settle. When you meet the right partner who takes the time to learn everything about you, supports you in every wild dream, learns your favorite candy and your favorite candle scent and makes inside jokes with you…hold out for THAT kind of love.
I have like 277262 kisses saved up for you
I am way too soft to casually date lmao like I wanna cook you dinner and snuggle and go on trips and hikes and surprise you with your favorite things and be your best friend and hold your hand all the time not wait 1.75 hours for a text back
Bo nie ma NIC piękniejszego od aromatycznej filiżanki świeżej kawy. No dobra, kłamię - przecież jest! Pół litra kawy w gigantycznym kubku. O tak. Mój pęcherz cieszy się razem ze mną :)
I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.
A lover doesn’t
discourage your
growth. a lover
‘I see who you are today,
I cannot wait to see who
you become tomorrow’
Wyobrażam sobie jak musisz sobie mnie czasami wyobrażać. Jak przywołujesz wspomnienia moich pocałunków. Mruże oczy i zagryzam wargi. Zapominam, że istnieje też przecież możliwość, że nie wyobrażasz sobie mnie tak często, jak przypuszczam. A może wcale mnie sobie nie wyobrażasz.
Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things.
1. Fresh air
2. Sunshine
3. Exercise
4. Rest, and getting a good night’s sleep
5. Loving and affirming relationships
6. Taking control of your thought life
7. Investing in self care
Learn French, sleep in silk, drink rosé.
Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
"The way you speak to yourself matters."
as it’s exam season once again i want to remind you to drink water, sleep, eat, exercise, socialize and practice self care. exams are very important but please don’t forget to enjoy your life too
if you are reading this, something good will happen to you very soon, don’t give up
I want to road trip and watch sunsets and get drunk on the beach
Beds are so warm and soft when the rest of the world is not
You have so much more time. There are so many moments ahead of you, moments that will change everything; incredible moments that will make you forget all the bad seconds, hours, days, years.
Don’t invite me anywhere last minute I enjoy doing nothing so I need to know ahead of time if my plan to do nothing needs to be changed
I hope I never get tired of the night sky, of thunderstorms, of watching cream make galaxies in my coffee. This world is ugly. I hope I never grow to be someone who can no longer see the small beautiful things.
want to talk about what happened without mentioning how much it hurt. There has to be a way. To care for the wounds without reopening them. To name the pain without inviting it back into me.
by Lora Mathis, If There’s A Way Out I’ll Take It
honestly, i just want a hug and croissant…
and a new job.
I like people from afar. The closer they get, the more it reminds me the reason why I like to be alone
Boredom is different nowadays. It’s about super-saturation, distraction, restlessness. I am often bored but it’s not for lack of options: a thousand TV channels, the bounty of Netflix, countless net radio stations, innumerable unlistened-to albums, unwatched DVDs and unread books, the maze-like archive of YouTube. Today’s boredom is not hungry, a response to deprivation; it is a loss of cultural appetite, in response to the surfeit of claims on your attention and time
When you love someone, you are sure. You don’t need time to decide. You don’t say stop and start over and over, like you’re playing some kind of sport. You know the immensity of what you have and you protect it
Some people from my past are never going to know me at this age. They won’t get to see my life unfold, my wedding, my children, or my adventures. They may have known who I was, but they will never again know who I’ll be.
Wisdom is
sweeter than honey,
brings more joy
than wine,
more than the sun,
is more precious
than jewels.
i want history museums i want art galleries i want forests i want waterfalls i want oceans i want long car drive i want concerts i want book stores i want rooftops i want star gazing i want to travel i want to feel
All these soft, warm nights going to waste when I ought to be lying in your arms under the moon.
All the good girls are at home with broken hearts.
Sometimes I feel like a caretaker of a museum — a huge, empty museum where no one ever comes, and I’m watching over it for no one but myself.
Getting By Without Friends
1. See it as something that is temporary. Even though it hurts now, it doesn’t mean it’s permanent. You’ll find other people who will treat you well – so be gentle on yourself and recognise that it will pass.
2. Learn to enjoy your own company. See it as a time to reflect on your life, and really think through what you want for yourself. Also, find different interests you can do on your own – and maybe try something different you’ve never tried before.
3. Spend time looking after animal. Pets are accepting, reliable and loyal. They’ll never hurt your feelings – and are good company.
4. Treat other people you meet really well (talk to people at the checkout, or smile at those you meet). That will likely result in a warm, friendly response – and will remind you that others still appreciate you.
5. Hang out with those who like the same things as you. If you’ve taken up a hobby or you like watching sport, speak to people you meet at these events. Even though you don’t know them, they are still good company.
6. Don’t let this bad experience hold you back. Keep reaching out to others, have the courage to take risks and eventually you’ll find someone who will be a loyal friend – someone that you like and who will treat you well.
Do not allow him to consume you. If he does not call, go to sleep. If he does not message, put your phone away and have a fantastic day anyway. If he acts distant when you are with him and refuses to tell you what is wrong, don’t wait for him, go home and do something you love. If he tries to insinuate you do not need your friends now that you have him, spend more time with your friends. If he tries to teach you a lesson through the silent treatment, ignore him completely.
If he plays with your feelings constantly, walk away from him. If he acts like your body is his entitlement when you are not ready, walk away from him. If he says terrible, unforgivable things and threatens to leave you after every argument, walk away from him. If he forbids you from doing anything you love, walk away from him. If he claims ownership of your accomplishments, walk away from him. If he demeans you or disrespects your being a girl and refuses to stop when you tell him it hurts, walk away from him.
I cannot stress this enough, you live for yourself first. He is a secondary character in the story of your life. Do not allow him to turn you into a secondary character in your own book.
Nikita Gill, Advice to Teenage Girls Finding Their Way Through Love. (via
Falling out of love with someone who was once your world is the most heartbreaking, painful thing you will experience. You reach out blindly in the dark for lifelines that are never there. You realise how much you deserve and how much you are taken for granted. But here is where you finally find your resilience, when you decide never again.
I have been both Aphrodite and Hera. It just depends on who you ask amongst those I have loved, and those who betrayed me
Hera was darkness but it was love that made her that way. That is what loving the wrong person can do. It will take the brightness and make the darkest thing out of you.
People keep looking up to the sky and asking
“Why do you not help us
when we need help the most?”
They are lost, and alone,
and feel their faith was blind.
They do not realise yet,
That if heaven exists,
it is empty.
All the goddesses and angels are all here,
They see our earth is bleeding,
hemorrhaging innocent lives
and have been born again as human
to help keep us alive.
This is how you will hurt.
It will be a sunny day and you are still in your room, your curtains drawn to keep the light out, your body shaking under a blanket that just won’t warm you up, but then again, you haven’t felt warm since the day it happened. It is like he took every bit of warmth from your soul, and the only way you will ever feel warm again is if the entire sun grew inside of you.
Your mother is knocking on the door. You pretend you don’t hear her. Your greatest deception since it happened is trying so hard to be normal, and today you do not have the energy for it.
Today, you are going to stare into the darkest corner of your room and wonder why the darkness doesn’t do you a favour and swallow you whole.
This is how you will bleed.
You will only leave your house when the sky is filled with clouds and it is raining. You do not feel the need for warmth anymore. The only thing you feel is numb, your mind doing its bare minimum to hold itself together and your body doing its bare minimum to keep your bones from falling apart.
You have become robotic in gestures, fluent in nothing words and social cues.
“I’m fine, thank you. How are you?”
It is only when you walk by his house, that your heart suddenly feels like it’s trying to claw its way outside you, you feel hot and cold at once, your breath quickens and your stomach churns like you are being force fed the universe and you can’t say no — even though you are full. So you throw up, right there on the pavement, so close to his door.
Almost where it happened. But not quite.
This is how you will try.
Your parents will take you to a therapist because they are so tired of asking you what’s wrong and you’ve run out of nothings to tell them. You’ve tried and they’ve tried, but the words just turn to ashes every time they try to leave your mouth. They start as fire in the pit of your stomach, but come out in a puff of smoke.
So here you are sitting in front of a person you have never met before, a stranger you need to tell all your secrets to. And for an hour, you just sit there trying to find the words to speak, but when you can’t even talk to your best friend, how do you speak to someone who doesn’t even know how to pronounce your name properly?
You are not you anymore. And you don’t know how to fix this. The worst part is…you don’t even know how to try.
This is how it will end.
Your parents are tired of trying to get you to speak. So the doctors recommend a place for you to go to. A place where they treat special cases like you.
It will be good. They promise. And when you come back, you will be better than ever – a new person almost. Recovery is a wonderful thing, you will see, when they open your mind up to understand what is wrong with you.
Recovery is a wonderful thing, they reassure you as you are led away to a car that doesn’t belong to your parents, bile rising in your throat, but your body doing what it’s told. You want to say no, you don’t want to go.
But your mouth no longer knows how to speak for your heart, nor your soul. Because to you, recovery is not a wonderful thing.
Recovery is just an eight letter word.
And so is insanity.
“I am fine.” is just three words.
It’s okay to let go, it’s all right to say goodbye. It’s a cruel truth within our lives that like the leaves of a tree, love disappears into the wind easily. How do you survive experiencing the most beautiful love and then suddenly finding it diminished or gone? You learn that love is, like sadness, like joy, seasonal. You learn that the only love that truly lasts in the love you hold in your heart for your family, for the chosen few and you forgive others for forgetting you.
I want you to remember not to assess your worth by how temporary others have been in your life. Even if someone was wonderful, you need to realise that wonderful people have the right to walk out of your life too. In the same way, you have the right to walk away from a wonderful person because you have outgrown them.
Recognising this fact will not just allow you to grow, it will help you breathe freer every single day. Stop assessing your worth by how many people have walked away from you. You have not walked away from yourself yet. And that is what counts most of all.
Look for what they do when you need comfort most of all. It will tell you everything about how well they love you.
Behind every successful woman is a long line of people who didn’t believe she could do it. A long line of people she had to prove wrong.
Want impossible things. It’s the only way inventions, ideas, adventures and truly authentic experiences can come true.
Why do you always chase after half loves, darling? Is it because you do not understand that you deserve someone who loved you in full? Or because you do not believe it?
I have tasted deadlier poisons and survived, what makes you think I do not possess an antidote to your brand of poison too?
If they cannot understand the wildness inside you, they will try to tame it and cage it. Find someone who appreciates the beauty of wild things like you.
If they cannot understand the wildness inside you, they will try to tame it and cage it. Find someone who appreciates the beauty of wild things like you.
“What is a queen without her king?”
I don’t know, but let’s ask Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut, Sammuramat, Victoria, Elizabeth, Amina, Tzu-hsi and the countless other kingless queens who turned mere kingdoms into the greatest of Empires.
Let them go, there are better stories to be a part of and they cannot begin until you let them go.
How do you know you’ve lost someone?
Well, I guess you just know. I mean it starts with them forgetting to text you back, or not saying goodnight. It starts when you feel more alone in their arms than anywhere else in the world. It starts with arguments about stupid things and disagreeing more than you knew possible. It starts with them asking you what movie you want to watch,then choosing something completely different and it ends with them not bothering to ask you anything at all.
It ends when they start kissing you with their eyes open and nodding distractedly at everything you say. It ends when there is nothing left but ash because it’s true: the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. It ends when silence isn’t comfortable any more and the person sat in front of you is a stranger in strange clothes.
You want to know how you know you’ve lost someone? In the end? Just in the same the way you know most things: you just do.
I remember riding a taxi one afternoon between very tall buildings under a mauve and rose sky; I began to bawl because I had everything I wanted and knew I would never be so happy again.
I adore my everyday luxuries: sleeping naked, fresh cheese and jam for breakfast, lying on my back and stretching all my limbs, using honey as a face mask, rubbing coconut oil on my booty, choosing a new recipe, the wind giving my cheeks a glow, reading next to him, subtle signs of affection

Gina Vaia
Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.
Do what makes you happy, be with those who make you smile, and laugh as much as you breath.
I can’t think of anything but nights with you.
tell them I was the warmest place you knew and that you turned me cold
but it really is so important to find people who don’t lose patience with you or get angry if you’re being irrational or insecure or downright ridiculous, it is so so necessary to be treated with gentleness from loved ones and not to be made to feel like you’re irritating or a burden
"..because the only kind of love I have to offer is stupid and blind and so deep and powerful that I feel like I’m cracking just to hold it in."
"If the grass looks greener on the other side, stop staring, comparing, and complaining, and start watering the grass you’re standing on."
You were my cup of tea but i drink champagne now.
Loving someone is never the issue, but expecting that same kind of love in return is.
stay soft. it looks beautiful on you
I can’t think of a better way to revenge someone who tried to break you, than to live and love life more without them
“ He knew why he wanted to kiss her. Because she was beautiful. And before that, because she was kind. And before that, because she was smart and funny. Because she was exactly the right kind of smart and funny. Because he could imagine taking a long trip with her without ever getting bored. Because whenever he saw something new and interesting, or new and ridiculous, he always wondered what she’d have to say about it–how many stars she’d give it and why. ”
It is May and I am dreaming of summer nights with you.
I collect the smiles of strangers, like coins tossed in wishing wells.
It is easy to love people traveling in the same direction as us.
“ It’s tough but possible to accept that we’re just never going to mean anything to some people but what’s tragic is how we can mean nothing to the same people we once meant the world to. ”
As I watch the rain fall, I can’t help but wonder if the sky is sad wherever you are tonight.
He said I had too much fire in me and he was looking for warmth, not destruction
it saddens me that people choose hate when love is so easy.
I loved many after you but none had your fire and when I kissed them, my mouth didn’t burn with desire. it’s a strange thing- we were too in love to ever have a chance.
This is why people touch. Sometimes words are just not enough. ”
“ I spent most nights at home falling in love with the idea of you.
picture this: me in the south of france on a balcony, in a slip dress, long beautiful hair blowing in the soft breeze, sipping a glass of fine wine. i’m accomplished and have documented my life in journals. the love of my life inspires me and we vacation here occasionally.
And I get jealous of a stranger, who may see your eyes by chance and fall in love with them.
I believe I was a little in love with you. ”
“ I think of you here because I thought of you here before. ”
I want to go everywhere. I want to see everything.
It is better to be alone, she figures, than to be with someone who can’t see who you are. ”
little self care tips
- apply Vaseline to your eyes, lashes, brows, and lips before bed
- never brush curly hair while it’s dry
- on that note, applying products/oil to curly hair while dry is useless
- use a t shirt to dry hair to avoid frizz
- sleep without pants. trust me.
- avoid watery body lotions like Vaseline’s lotion. only dries you out
- avoid crystalline, jagged scrubs (sugar, coffee. St. Ives, etc.). Use round/gentle ones like oatmeal
- avoid coconut oil on face. if you apply it to your hair wash your face afterwards
- don’t put lemon on your face. it might seem like it’s helping but it weakens its protective layer in the long run. if you do use it, dilute it and avoid sun for a while.
- no toothpaste on pimples either it’s a myth
- why do u have a bra on at home. take that shit off and live a little.
- apply deodorant before getting dressed so it doesn’t rub off on your clothes defeating the purpose
- reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours
- don’t text the fuckboy he don’t care about you
- wake up 30 minutes earlier to have a more relaxed morning and avoid rushing
- wash panties by themselves so you don’t get the gross dirt and germs from your other clothes mixed in. dry them in the sun to kill bacteria if possible.
- hand wash all hijabs they’ll last longer
- don’t use rose water with added fragrance. always check label
- eat at least one fruit or vegetable a day
- leave menial tasks for the end of the day. don’t drain yourself before getting to the important stuff
- before saying something mean or a nasty joke, take 5 seconds to think about it.
- apologizing first doesn’t make you weak
- being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak
- exfoliate after using foundation or powder
- clean phone screen with rubbing alcohol/sanitizer
might add more later or y'all can reblog with your own tips

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- Jenny: jennybornpretty@gmail.com
- Allison: bornprettyreview@hotmail.com
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